A lot of people who recently jailbroke their iPhones are having issues with Cydia crashing when launching it. There is a quick and dirty fix for that and it requires to either SSH into your iPhone or use iPhoneBrowser and delete a few files.
Apparently the problem is caused by some corrupted repositories that make Cydia crash within the first few seconds of loading it.
To fix this, simply navigate to /var/lib/apt/lists and delete all the files in this folder except for the folder called “partial”.
Then reboot your iPhone and launch Cydia. It should load without crashing.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
How to install apps through disc without dependency errors in Linux
This is a very common issue which Linux users face when they try to install any package from a CD or DVD they always have dependency errors as the package manger only tries to install the package you selected and if there are dependency issue it will not look for the required file either on CD (even if they are presnet in the disc) so to resolve this issue there is a Hack we can make the disc which contains package looks like a online repositry to the package manager. In this case we are doing it with YUM.
First you need to reate a dvd.repo text file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the following content:
name=DVD for RHEL5( if Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 is Your Operating system if you are using any other OS please change the name)
(*) The mediaid= value comes from the .discinfo file located in the root of the DVD.
For example, to install the dovecot package using the new dvd.repo file, run yum with the –noplugins option so yum will not try to communicate with the online repositry server for dependencyinfact will look in the drive for other files.
# yum install dovecot –noplugins
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
–> Running transaction check
—> Package dovecot.i386 0:1.0-1.2.rc15.el5 set to be updated
–> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
dovecot i386 1.0-1.2.rc15.el5 dvd&nb!
sp; 1.5 M
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package(s)
Update 0 Package(s)
Remove 0 Package(s)
Total download size: 1.5 M
Is this ok [y/N]:
If problems occur while trying this procedure, run yum clean all and try running yum install again.
name=DVD for RHEL5 - Cluster (type Fedora in place of RHEL5 if using Fedora same goes for if you are using any other flavour)
name=DVD for RHEL5 - ClusterStorage (type Fedora in place of RHEL5 if using Fedora same goes for if you are using any other flavour)
name=DVD for RHEL5 - VT (type Fedora in place of RHEL5 if using Fedora same goes for if you are using any other flavour)
First you need to reate a dvd.repo text file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the following content:
name=DVD for RHEL5( if Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 is Your Operating system if you are using any other OS please change the name)
(*) The mediaid= value comes from the .discinfo file located in the root of the DVD.
For example, to install the dovecot package using the new dvd.repo file, run yum with the –noplugins option so yum will not try to communicate with the online repositry server for dependencyinfact will look in the drive for other files.
# yum install dovecot –noplugins
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
–> Running transaction check
—> Package dovecot.i386 0:1.0-1.2.rc15.el5 set to be updated
–> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
dovecot i386 1.0-1.2.rc15.el5 dvd&nb!
sp; 1.5 M
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package(s)
Update 0 Package(s)
Remove 0 Package(s)
Total download size: 1.5 M
Is this ok [y/N]:
If problems occur while trying this procedure, run yum clean all and try running yum install again.
name=DVD for RHEL5 - Cluster (type Fedora in place of RHEL5 if using Fedora same goes for if you are using any other flavour)
name=DVD for RHEL5 - ClusterStorage (type Fedora in place of RHEL5 if using Fedora same goes for if you are using any other flavour)
name=DVD for RHEL5 - VT (type Fedora in place of RHEL5 if using Fedora same goes for if you are using any other flavour)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Add cracked apps to iphone
This tutorial will show you how to install cracked .app applications on your iPhone. Although very easy and convenient, this is not the best way to add cracked apps. Given that most cracked iPhone apps are .ipa files, I recommend you have a look at my guide on how to install .ipa files on your iPhone instead.
If you like this post, please feel free to digg it, or subscribe to our RSS feed, or follow me on Twitter, or all of the above
I assume that you’re on a jailbroken 2.X iPhone and that you have installed OpenSSH from Cydia.
1. Download cracked application.
2. Unzip the cracked application folder to your desktop.
3. SSH into iphone.
4. In WinSCP, navigate to /Applications.
5. Drag the cracked application folder over the /Applications folder and drop it in there.
6. Right click on the cracked application folder and change permissions to 0755 and select the box beside “set owner group and permissions recursively” (or go inside the folder, select everything, and set properties to 0755 as well), then hit ok.
7. In the /Applications folder, make a new folder called “Documents”, with a capital D. Change the permissions on the “Documents” folder you just created to 0777.
8. Navigate to /var/mobile/ and make a new folder called “Documents”, with a capital D. Change the permissions on the “Documents” folder you just created to 0777.
9. Reboot your device
Note: Some applications require you set permission to 0775. It seems to be kinda random so if 0755 doesn’t work, try 0775.
If you like this post, please feel free to digg it, or subscribe to our RSS feed, or follow me on Twitter, or all of the above
I assume that you’re on a jailbroken 2.X iPhone and that you have installed OpenSSH from Cydia.
1. Download cracked application.
2. Unzip the cracked application folder to your desktop.
3. SSH into iphone.
4. In WinSCP, navigate to /Applications.
5. Drag the cracked application folder over the /Applications folder and drop it in there.
6. Right click on the cracked application folder and change permissions to 0755 and select the box beside “set owner group and permissions recursively” (or go inside the folder, select everything, and set properties to 0755 as well), then hit ok.
7. In the /Applications folder, make a new folder called “Documents”, with a capital D. Change the permissions on the “Documents” folder you just created to 0777.
8. Navigate to /var/mobile/ and make a new folder called “Documents”, with a capital D. Change the permissions on the “Documents” folder you just created to 0777.
9. Reboot your device
Note: Some applications require you set permission to 0775. It seems to be kinda random so if 0755 doesn’t work, try 0775.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
How to Send MMS on the iPhone
Here is a guide showing you how to send an MMS on the iPhone. The stock iPhone SMS app doesn’t allow you to do so, so this is a way to do it through the email app.
Send the email to the following numbers.
You will need to enter the 10 digit number @ ?. Use like this 9205551212@einsteinmms.com
US Based Carriers:
Alltel = xxxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com Amp’d Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com AT&T = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.att.net Boost Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com Centennial Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@myblue.com (added by kcirrab-this is accurate for i have centennial) Cingular (AT&T) = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.mycingular.com Einstein PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@einsteinmms.com Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.com Sprint = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com or xxxxxxxxxx@pm.sprint.com T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@tmomail.net US Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.uscc.net Verizon Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@vzwpix.com Virgin Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vmobl.com
Foreign Carriers:
Aruba setar = xxxxxxxxxx@mas.aw Bell Canada: xxxxxxxxxx@1x.bell.ca Cellcom = xxxxxxxxxx@cellcom.quiktxt.com Digicel Aruba = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextaw.com Digicel Curacao= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextcu.com Digicel Barbados= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextbb.com Digicel Bonaire= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextbo.com Digicel Cayman= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextky.com Digicel Grenada= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextgd.com Digicel St. Lucia= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextlc.com Digicel St. Vincent= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextvc.com Fido = xxxxxxxxxx@fido.ca Rogers Wireless (Canada) = xxxxxxxxxx@pcs.rogers.com Suncom = xxxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com
Here are some more (may include some just txt #’s sorry I can’t test them all):
3 River Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@sms.3rivers.net Advantage Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@advantagepaging.com Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@alphapage.airtouch.com Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@airtouch.net Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@airtouchpaging.com AlphNow pin@alphanow.net Alltel = xxxxxxxxxx@alltelmessage.com Alltel PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com Ameritech Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@paging.acswireless.com Ameritech Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@pageapi.com Ameritech Clearpath = xxxxxxxxxx@clearpath.acswireless.com Amp’d Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com Arch Pagers (PageNet) = xxxxxxxxxx@archwireless.net Arch Pagers (PageNet) = xxxxxxxxxx@epage.arch.com Arch Pagers (PageNet) = xxxxxxxxxx@archwireless.net AT&T PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.att.net AT&T Pocketnet PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@dpcs.mobile.att.net Beepwear = xxxxxxxxxx@beepwear.net Bell Atlantic = xxxxxxxxxx@message.bam.com Bell South (Blackberry) = number@bellsouthtips.com Bell South = xxxxxxxxxx@sms.bellsouth.com Bell South = xxxxxxxxxx@wireless.bellsouth.com Bell South = xxxxxxxxxx@blsdcs.net Carolina Mobile Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@cmcpaging.com Cellular One East Coast = xxxxxxxxxx@phone.cellone.net Cellular One South West = xxxxxxxxxx@swmsg.com Cellular One PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@paging.cellone-sf.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.celloneusa.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@cellularone.txtmsg.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@cellularone.textmsg.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@cell1.textmsg.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@message.cellone-sf.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@sbcemail.com Cellular South = xxxxxxxxxx@csouth1.com Central Vermont Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@cvcpaging.com Cingular Wirelss = xxxxxxxxxx@mycingular.textmsg.com Cingular Wirelss = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.com Cingular Wirelss = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.net Clearnet = xxxxxxxxxx@msg.clearnet.com Comcast = xxxxxxxxxx@comcastpcs.textmsg.com Communication Specialists = xxxxxxxxxx@pageme.comspeco.net Communication Specialist Companies pin@pager.comspeco.com Cook Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@cookmail.com Digi-Page / Page Kansas = xxxxxxxxxx@page.hit.net GrayLink / Porta-Phone = xxxxxxxxxx@epage.porta-phone.com GTE = xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net GTE = xxxxxxxxxx@gte.pagegate.net GTE = xxxxxxxxxx@messagealert.com Houston Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@text.houstoncellular.net Infopage Systems pinnumber@page.infopagesystems.com The Indiana Paging Co last4digits@pager.tdspager.com JSM Tele-Page pinnumber@jsmtel.com Lauttamus Communication = xxxxxxxxxx@e-page.net MCI Phone = xxxxxxxxxx@mci.com MCI = xxxxxxxxxx@pagemci.com Metrocall = xxxxxxxxxx@page.metrocall.com Metrocall 2-way = xxxxxxxxxx@my2way.com Mobilecomm = xxxxxxxxxx@mobilecomm.net Morris Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@beepone.net Motient = xxxxxxxxxx@isp.com Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.com Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@page.nextel.com Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@nextel.com.br Ntelos = xxxxxxxxxx@pcs.ntelos.com Omnipoint = xxxxxxxxxx@omnipoint.com Omnipoint = xxxxxxxxxx@omnipointpcs.com OnlineBeep = xxxxxxxxxx@onlinebeep.net Pacific Bell = xxxxxxxxxx@pacbellpcs.net PageMart = xxxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net PageMart Advanced /2way = xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net PageMart Canada = xxxxxxxxxx@pmcl.net PageNet Canada = xxxxxxxxxx@pagegate.pagenet.ca PageOne NorthWest = xxxxxxxxxx@page1nw.com Primco = xxxxxxxxxx@primeco@textmsg.com ProPage = xxxxxxxxxx@page.propage.net Qwest = xxxxxxxxxx@qwestmp.com RAM Page = xxxxxxxxxx@ram-page.com Rogers Canada = xxxxxxxxxx@pcs.rogers.com Satellink = xxxxxxxxxx.pageme@satellink.net SBC Ameritech Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@paging.acswireless.com Skytel Pagers = 7digitpinnumber@skytel.com Skytel Pagers = xxxxxxxxxx@email.skytel.com Southern LINC = xxxxxxxxxx@page.southernlinc.com Southwestern Bell = xxxxxxxxxx@email.swbw.com Sprint = xxxxxxxxxx@sprintpaging.com or phonenumber@pm.sprint.com Sprint PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com or phonenumber@pm.sprint.com ST Paging pin@page.stpaging.com SunCom = xxxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com SunCom = xxxxxxxxxx@suncom1.com T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@tmomail.net T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@voicestream.net Teletouch = xxxxxxxxxx@pageme.teletouch.com TSR Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@alphame.com TSR Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@beep.com US Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@email.uscc.net US West = xxxxxxxxxx@uswestdatamail.com Verizon Pagers = xxxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com Verizon PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com Verizon PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@myvzw.com VoiceStream / T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@voicestream.net WebLink Wiereless = xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net WebLink Wiereless = xxxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net Wyndtell = xxxxxxxxxx@wyndtell.com
g3 Rivers Wireless number@sms.3rivers.net ACS Wireless number@paging.acswireless.com Advantage Communications number@advantagepaging.com Airtouch Pagers number@myairmail.com Airtouch Pagers number@alphapage.airtouch.com Airtouch Pagers number@airtouch.net Airtouch Pagers number@airtouchpaging.com AlphNow pin@alphanow.net Alltel number@alltelmessage.com Alltel PCS number@message.alltel.com Ameritech Paging number@paging.acswireless.com Ameritech Paging number@pageapi.com Ameritech Clearpath number@clearpath.acswireless.com Ameritech Clearpath number@clearpath.acswireless.com American Messaging (SBC/Ameritech) number@page.americanmessaging.net Andhra Pradesh Airtel number@airtelap.com Arch Pagers (PageNet) number@archwireless.net Arch Pagers (PageNet) number@epage.arch.com Arch Pagers (PageNet) number@archwireless.net AT&T Free2Go number@mmode.com AT&T PCS number@mobile.att.net AT&T Pocketnet PCS number@dpcs.mobile.att.net Beepwear number@beepwear.net BeeLine GSM number@sms.beemail.ru Bell Atlantic number@message.bam.com Bell Canada number@txt.bellmobility.ca Bell Canada number@bellmobility.ca Bell Mobility (Canada) number@txt.bell.ca Bell Mobility number@txt.bellmobility.ca Bell South (Blackberry) number@bellsouthtips.com Bell South number@sms.bellsouth.com Bell South number@wireless.bellsouth.com Bell South number@blsdcs.net Bell South number@bellsouth.cl Bell South Mobility number@blsdcs.net Blue Sky Frog number@blueskyfrog.com Bluegrass Cellular number@sms.bluecell.com Boost number@myboostmobile.com BPL mobile number@bplmobile.com Cable & wireless, Panama number@cwmovil.com Carolina West Wireless number@cwwsms.com Carolina Mobile Communications number@cmcpaging.com Cellular One East Coast number@phone.cellone.net Cellular One South West number@swmsg.com Cellular One PCS number@paging.cellone-sf.com Cellular One number@mobile.celloneusa.com Cellular One number@cellularone.txtmsg.com Cellular One number@cellularone.textmsg.com Cellular One number@cell1.textmsg.com Cellular One number@message.cellone-sf.com Cellular One number@sbcemail.com Cellular One West number@mycellone.com Cellular South number@csouth1.com Centennial Wireless number@cwemail.com Central Vermont Communications number@cvcpaging.com CenturyTel number@messaging.centurytel.net Chennai RPG Cellular number@rpgmail.net Chennai Skycell / Airtel number@airtelchennai.com Cincinnati Bell number@mobile.att.net Cingular number@cingularme.com Cingular number@mycingular.com Cingular number@mycingular.net Cingular number@mms.cingularme.com Cingular number@page.cingular.com Cingular Wireless number@mycingular.textmsg.com Cingular Wireless number@mobile.mycingular.com Cingular Wireless number@mobile.mycingular.net Cingular Wireless number@mycingular.textmsg.com Cingular Wireless number@mobile.mycingular.com Cingular Wireless number@mobile.mycingular.net Clearnet number@msg.clearnet.com Comcast number@comcastpcs.textmsg.com Communication Specialists pin@pageme.comspeco.net Communication Specialist Companies pin@pager.comspeco.com Comviq number@sms.comviq.se Cook Paging number@cookmail.com Corr Wireless Communications number@corrwireless.net Delhi Aritel number@airtelmail.com Delhi Hutch number@delhi.hutch.co.in Digi-Page / Page Kansas number@page.hit.net Dobson Cellular Systems number@mobile.dobson.net Dobson-Alex Wireless number@mobile.cellularone.com Dobson-Cellular One number@mobile.cellularone.com DT T-Mobile number@t-mobile-sms.de Dutchtone / Orange-NL number@sms.orange.nl Edge Wireless number@sms.edgewireless.com EMT number@sms.emt.ee Escotel number@escotelmobile.com Fido number@fido.ca Galaxy Corporation number.epage@sendabeep.net GCS Paging number@webpager.us Goa BPLMobil number@bplmobile.com Golden Telecom number@sms.goldentele.com GrayLink / Porta-Phone number@epage.porta-phone.com GTE number@airmessage.net GTE number@gte.pagegate.net GTE number@messagealert.com Gujarat Celforce number@celforce.com Houston Cellular number@text.houstoncellular.net Idea Cellular number@ideacellular.net Infopage Systems pin@page.infopagesystems.com Inland Cellular Telephone number@inlandlink.com The Indiana Paging Co pin@pager.tdspager.com IPIPI.COM number@opensms.ipipi.com JSM Tele-Page pinnumber@jsmtel.com Kerala Escotel number@escotelmobile.com Kolkata Airtel number@airtelkol.com Kyivstar number@smsmail.lmt.lv Lauttamus Communication number@e-page.net LMT number@smsmail.lmt.lv Maharashtra BPL Mobile number@bplmobile.com Maharashtra Idea Cellular number@ideacellular.net Manitoba Telecom Systems number@text.mtsmobility.com MCI Phone number@mci.com MCI number@pagemci.com Meteor number@mymeteor.ie Meteor number@sms.mymeteor.ie Metrocall number@page.metrocall.com Metrocall 2-way number@my2way.com Metro PCS number@mymetropcs.com Metro PCS number@metropcs.sms.us Microcell number@fido.ca Midwest Wireless number@clearlydigital.com MiWorld number@m1.com.sg Mobilecom PA number@page.mobilcom.net Mobilecomm number@mobilecomm.net Mobileone number@m1.com.sg Mobilfone number@page.mobilfone.com Mobility Bermuda number@ml.bm Mobistar Belgium number@mobistar.be Mobitel Tanzania number@sms.co.tz Mobtel Srbija number@mobtel.co.yu Morris Wireless number@beepone.net Motient number@isp.com Movistar number@correo.movistar.net Mumbai BPL Mobile number@bplmobile.com Mumbai Orange number@orangemail.co.in NBTel number@wirefree.informe.ca Netcom number@sms.netcom.no Nextel number@messaging.nextel.com Nextel number@page.nextel.com Nextel number@nextel.com.br NPI Wireless number@npiwireless.com Ntelos number@pcs.ntelos.com O2 name@o2.co.uk O2 number@o2imail.co.uk O2 (M-mail) number@mmail.co.uk Omnipoint number@omnipoint.com Omnipoint number@omnipointpcs.com One Connect Austria number@onemail.at OnlineBeep number@onlinebeep.net Optus Mobile number@optusmobile.com.au Orange number@orange.net Orange Mumbai number@orangemail.co.in Orange – NL / Dutchtone number@sms.orange.nl Oskar number@mujoskar.cz P&T Luxembourg number@sms.luxgsm.lu Pacific Bell number@pacbellpcs.net PageMart pin@pagemart.net PageMart Advanced /2way number@airmessage.net PageMart Canada number@pmcl.net PageNet Canada number@pagegate.pagenet.ca PageOne NorthWest number@page1nw.com PCS One number@pcsone.net Pelephone Israel number@pelephone.net.il Personal Communication sms@pcom.ru (number in subject line) Pioneer / Enid Cellular number@msg.pioneerenidcellular.com PlusGSM number@text.plusgsm.pl Pondicherry BPL Mobile number@bplmobile.com Powertel number@voicestream.net Price Communications number@mobilecell1se.com Primeco number@primeco@textmsg.com Primtel number@sms.primtel.ru ProPage number@page.propage.net Public Service Cellular number@sms.pscel.com Qualcomm name@pager.qualcomm.com Qwest number@qwestmp.com RAM Page number@ram-page.com Rogers AT&T Wireless number@pcs.rogers.com Rogers Canada number@pcs.rogers.com Safaricom number@safaricomsms.com Satelindo GSM number@satelindogsm.com Satellink number.pageme@satellink.net SBC Ameritech Paging number@paging.acswireless.com SCS-900 number@scs-900.ru SFR France number@sfr.fr Skytel Pagers pin@skytel.com Skytel Pagers number@email.skytel.com Simple Freedom number@text.simplefreedom.net Smart Telecom number@mysmart.mymobile.ph Southern LINC number@page.southernlinc.com Southwestern Bell number@email.swbw.com Sprint number@sprintpaging.com Sprint PCS number@messaging.sprintpcs.com ST Paging pin@page.stpaging.com SunCom number@tms.suncom.com SunCom number@suncom1.com Sunrise Mobile number@mysunrise.ch Sunrise Mobile number@freesurf.ch Surewest Communicaitons number@mobile.surewest.com Swisscom number@bluewin.ch T-Mobile number@tmomail.net T-Mobile number@voicestream.net T-Mobile Austria number@sms.t-mobile.at T-Mobile Germany number@t-d1-sms.de T-Mobile UK number@t-mobile.uk.net Tamil Nadu BPL Mobile number@bplmobile.com Tele2 Latvia number@sms.tele2.lv Telefonica Movistar number@movistar.net Telenor number@mobilpost.no Teletouch number@pageme.teletouch.com Telia Denmark number@gsm1800.telia.dk Telus number@msg.telus.com TIM number@timnet.com Triton number@tms.suncom.com TSR Wireless number@alphame.com TSR Wireless number@beep.com UMC number@sms.umc.com.ua Unicel number@utext.com Uraltel number@sms.uraltel.ru US Cellular number@email.uscc.net US Cellular number@uscc.textmsg.com US West number@uswestdatamail.com Uttar Pradesh Escotel number@escotelmobile.com Verizon Pagers number@myairmail.com Verizon PCS (SMS) number@vtext.com Verizon PCS (MMS) number@myvzw.com Verizon PCS (MMS) number@vswpix.com Vessotel number@pager.irkutsk.ru Virgin Mobile (CA) number@vmobile.ca Virgin Mobile (US) number@vmobl.com Virgin Mobile number@vxtras.com Vodacom (S Africa) number@voda.co.za Vodafone Italy number@sms.vodafone.it Vodafone Japan number@c.vodafone.ne.jp Vodafone Japan number@h.vodafone.ne.jp Vodafone Japan number@t.vodafone.ne.jp Vodafone Spain number@vodafone.es Vodafone UK number@vodafone.net VoiceStream / T-Mobile number@voicestream.net WebLink Wireless number@airmessage.net WebLink Wireless number@pagemart.net WEBTEXT number@webtext.com West Central Wireless number@sms.wcc.net Western Wireless number@cellularonewest.com Wildmist Wireless number@sms.wildmist.net Wyndtell number@wyndtell.com
Send the email to the following numbers.
You will need to enter the 10 digit number @ ?. Use like this 9205551212@einsteinmms.com
US Based Carriers:
Alltel = xxxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com Amp’d Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com AT&T = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.att.net Boost Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com Centennial Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@myblue.com (added by kcirrab-this is accurate for i have centennial) Cingular (AT&T) = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.mycingular.com Einstein PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@einsteinmms.com Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.com Sprint = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com or xxxxxxxxxx@pm.sprint.com T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@tmomail.net US Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.uscc.net Verizon Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@vzwpix.com Virgin Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vmobl.com
Foreign Carriers:
Aruba setar = xxxxxxxxxx@mas.aw Bell Canada: xxxxxxxxxx@1x.bell.ca Cellcom = xxxxxxxxxx@cellcom.quiktxt.com Digicel Aruba = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextaw.com Digicel Curacao= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextcu.com Digicel Barbados= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextbb.com Digicel Bonaire= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextbo.com Digicel Cayman= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextky.com Digicel Grenada= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextgd.com Digicel St. Lucia= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextlc.com Digicel St. Vincent= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextvc.com Fido = xxxxxxxxxx@fido.ca Rogers Wireless (Canada) = xxxxxxxxxx@pcs.rogers.com Suncom = xxxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com
Here are some more (may include some just txt #’s sorry I can’t test them all):
3 River Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@sms.3rivers.net Advantage Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@advantagepaging.com Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@alphapage.airtouch.com Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@airtouch.net Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@airtouchpaging.com AlphNow pin@alphanow.net Alltel = xxxxxxxxxx@alltelmessage.com Alltel PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com Ameritech Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@paging.acswireless.com Ameritech Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@pageapi.com Ameritech Clearpath = xxxxxxxxxx@clearpath.acswireless.com Amp’d Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com Arch Pagers (PageNet) = xxxxxxxxxx@archwireless.net Arch Pagers (PageNet) = xxxxxxxxxx@epage.arch.com Arch Pagers (PageNet) = xxxxxxxxxx@archwireless.net AT&T PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.att.net AT&T Pocketnet PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@dpcs.mobile.att.net Beepwear = xxxxxxxxxx@beepwear.net Bell Atlantic = xxxxxxxxxx@message.bam.com Bell South (Blackberry) = number@bellsouthtips.com Bell South = xxxxxxxxxx@sms.bellsouth.com Bell South = xxxxxxxxxx@wireless.bellsouth.com Bell South = xxxxxxxxxx@blsdcs.net Carolina Mobile Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@cmcpaging.com Cellular One East Coast = xxxxxxxxxx@phone.cellone.net Cellular One South West = xxxxxxxxxx@swmsg.com Cellular One PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@paging.cellone-sf.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.celloneusa.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@cellularone.txtmsg.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@cellularone.textmsg.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@cell1.textmsg.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@message.cellone-sf.com Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@sbcemail.com Cellular South = xxxxxxxxxx@csouth1.com Central Vermont Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@cvcpaging.com Cingular Wirelss = xxxxxxxxxx@mycingular.textmsg.com Cingular Wirelss = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.com Cingular Wirelss = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.net Clearnet = xxxxxxxxxx@msg.clearnet.com Comcast = xxxxxxxxxx@comcastpcs.textmsg.com Communication Specialists = xxxxxxxxxx@pageme.comspeco.net Communication Specialist Companies pin@pager.comspeco.com Cook Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@cookmail.com Digi-Page / Page Kansas = xxxxxxxxxx@page.hit.net GrayLink / Porta-Phone = xxxxxxxxxx@epage.porta-phone.com GTE = xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net GTE = xxxxxxxxxx@gte.pagegate.net GTE = xxxxxxxxxx@messagealert.com Houston Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@text.houstoncellular.net Infopage Systems pinnumber@page.infopagesystems.com The Indiana Paging Co last4digits@pager.tdspager.com JSM Tele-Page pinnumber@jsmtel.com Lauttamus Communication = xxxxxxxxxx@e-page.net MCI Phone = xxxxxxxxxx@mci.com MCI = xxxxxxxxxx@pagemci.com Metrocall = xxxxxxxxxx@page.metrocall.com Metrocall 2-way = xxxxxxxxxx@my2way.com Mobilecomm = xxxxxxxxxx@mobilecomm.net Morris Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@beepone.net Motient = xxxxxxxxxx@isp.com Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.com Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@page.nextel.com Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@nextel.com.br Ntelos = xxxxxxxxxx@pcs.ntelos.com Omnipoint = xxxxxxxxxx@omnipoint.com Omnipoint = xxxxxxxxxx@omnipointpcs.com OnlineBeep = xxxxxxxxxx@onlinebeep.net Pacific Bell = xxxxxxxxxx@pacbellpcs.net PageMart = xxxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net PageMart Advanced /2way = xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net PageMart Canada = xxxxxxxxxx@pmcl.net PageNet Canada = xxxxxxxxxx@pagegate.pagenet.ca PageOne NorthWest = xxxxxxxxxx@page1nw.com Primco = xxxxxxxxxx@primeco@textmsg.com ProPage = xxxxxxxxxx@page.propage.net Qwest = xxxxxxxxxx@qwestmp.com RAM Page = xxxxxxxxxx@ram-page.com Rogers Canada = xxxxxxxxxx@pcs.rogers.com Satellink = xxxxxxxxxx.pageme@satellink.net SBC Ameritech Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@paging.acswireless.com Skytel Pagers = 7digitpinnumber@skytel.com Skytel Pagers = xxxxxxxxxx@email.skytel.com Southern LINC = xxxxxxxxxx@page.southernlinc.com Southwestern Bell = xxxxxxxxxx@email.swbw.com Sprint = xxxxxxxxxx@sprintpaging.com or phonenumber@pm.sprint.com Sprint PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com or phonenumber@pm.sprint.com ST Paging pin@page.stpaging.com SunCom = xxxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com SunCom = xxxxxxxxxx@suncom1.com T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@tmomail.net T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@voicestream.net Teletouch = xxxxxxxxxx@pageme.teletouch.com TSR Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@alphame.com TSR Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@beep.com US Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@email.uscc.net US West = xxxxxxxxxx@uswestdatamail.com Verizon Pagers = xxxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com Verizon PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com Verizon PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@myvzw.com VoiceStream / T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@voicestream.net WebLink Wiereless = xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net WebLink Wiereless = xxxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net Wyndtell = xxxxxxxxxx@wyndtell.com
g3 Rivers Wireless number@sms.3rivers.net ACS Wireless number@paging.acswireless.com Advantage Communications number@advantagepaging.com Airtouch Pagers number@myairmail.com Airtouch Pagers number@alphapage.airtouch.com Airtouch Pagers number@airtouch.net Airtouch Pagers number@airtouchpaging.com AlphNow pin@alphanow.net Alltel number@alltelmessage.com Alltel PCS number@message.alltel.com Ameritech Paging number@paging.acswireless.com Ameritech Paging number@pageapi.com Ameritech Clearpath number@clearpath.acswireless.com Ameritech Clearpath number@clearpath.acswireless.com American Messaging (SBC/Ameritech) number@page.americanmessaging.net Andhra Pradesh Airtel number@airtelap.com Arch Pagers (PageNet) number@archwireless.net Arch Pagers (PageNet) number@epage.arch.com Arch Pagers (PageNet) number@archwireless.net AT&T Free2Go number@mmode.com AT&T PCS number@mobile.att.net AT&T Pocketnet PCS number@dpcs.mobile.att.net Beepwear number@beepwear.net BeeLine GSM number@sms.beemail.ru Bell Atlantic number@message.bam.com Bell Canada number@txt.bellmobility.ca Bell Canada number@bellmobility.ca Bell Mobility (Canada) number@txt.bell.ca Bell Mobility number@txt.bellmobility.ca Bell South (Blackberry) number@bellsouthtips.com Bell South number@sms.bellsouth.com Bell South number@wireless.bellsouth.com Bell South number@blsdcs.net Bell South number@bellsouth.cl Bell South Mobility number@blsdcs.net Blue Sky Frog number@blueskyfrog.com Bluegrass Cellular number@sms.bluecell.com Boost number@myboostmobile.com BPL mobile number@bplmobile.com Cable & wireless, Panama number@cwmovil.com Carolina West Wireless number@cwwsms.com Carolina Mobile Communications number@cmcpaging.com Cellular One East Coast number@phone.cellone.net Cellular One South West number@swmsg.com Cellular One PCS number@paging.cellone-sf.com Cellular One number@mobile.celloneusa.com Cellular One number@cellularone.txtmsg.com Cellular One number@cellularone.textmsg.com Cellular One number@cell1.textmsg.com Cellular One number@message.cellone-sf.com Cellular One number@sbcemail.com Cellular One West number@mycellone.com Cellular South number@csouth1.com Centennial Wireless number@cwemail.com Central Vermont Communications number@cvcpaging.com CenturyTel number@messaging.centurytel.net Chennai RPG Cellular number@rpgmail.net Chennai Skycell / Airtel number@airtelchennai.com Cincinnati Bell number@mobile.att.net Cingular number@cingularme.com Cingular number@mycingular.com Cingular number@mycingular.net Cingular number@mms.cingularme.com Cingular number@page.cingular.com Cingular Wireless number@mycingular.textmsg.com Cingular Wireless number@mobile.mycingular.com Cingular Wireless number@mobile.mycingular.net Cingular Wireless number@mycingular.textmsg.com Cingular Wireless number@mobile.mycingular.com Cingular Wireless number@mobile.mycingular.net Clearnet number@msg.clearnet.com Comcast number@comcastpcs.textmsg.com Communication Specialists pin@pageme.comspeco.net Communication Specialist Companies pin@pager.comspeco.com Comviq number@sms.comviq.se Cook Paging number@cookmail.com Corr Wireless Communications number@corrwireless.net Delhi Aritel number@airtelmail.com Delhi Hutch number@delhi.hutch.co.in Digi-Page / Page Kansas number@page.hit.net Dobson Cellular Systems number@mobile.dobson.net Dobson-Alex Wireless number@mobile.cellularone.com Dobson-Cellular One number@mobile.cellularone.com DT T-Mobile number@t-mobile-sms.de Dutchtone / Orange-NL number@sms.orange.nl Edge Wireless number@sms.edgewireless.com EMT number@sms.emt.ee Escotel number@escotelmobile.com Fido number@fido.ca Galaxy Corporation number.epage@sendabeep.net GCS Paging number@webpager.us Goa BPLMobil number@bplmobile.com Golden Telecom number@sms.goldentele.com GrayLink / Porta-Phone number@epage.porta-phone.com GTE number@airmessage.net GTE number@gte.pagegate.net GTE number@messagealert.com Gujarat Celforce number@celforce.com Houston Cellular number@text.houstoncellular.net Idea Cellular number@ideacellular.net Infopage Systems pin@page.infopagesystems.com Inland Cellular Telephone number@inlandlink.com The Indiana Paging Co pin@pager.tdspager.com IPIPI.COM number@opensms.ipipi.com JSM Tele-Page pinnumber@jsmtel.com Kerala Escotel number@escotelmobile.com Kolkata Airtel number@airtelkol.com Kyivstar number@smsmail.lmt.lv Lauttamus Communication number@e-page.net LMT number@smsmail.lmt.lv Maharashtra BPL Mobile number@bplmobile.com Maharashtra Idea Cellular number@ideacellular.net Manitoba Telecom Systems number@text.mtsmobility.com MCI Phone number@mci.com MCI number@pagemci.com Meteor number@mymeteor.ie Meteor number@sms.mymeteor.ie Metrocall number@page.metrocall.com Metrocall 2-way number@my2way.com Metro PCS number@mymetropcs.com Metro PCS number@metropcs.sms.us Microcell number@fido.ca Midwest Wireless number@clearlydigital.com MiWorld number@m1.com.sg Mobilecom PA number@page.mobilcom.net Mobilecomm number@mobilecomm.net Mobileone number@m1.com.sg Mobilfone number@page.mobilfone.com Mobility Bermuda number@ml.bm Mobistar Belgium number@mobistar.be Mobitel Tanzania number@sms.co.tz Mobtel Srbija number@mobtel.co.yu Morris Wireless number@beepone.net Motient number@isp.com Movistar number@correo.movistar.net Mumbai BPL Mobile number@bplmobile.com Mumbai Orange number@orangemail.co.in NBTel number@wirefree.informe.ca Netcom number@sms.netcom.no Nextel number@messaging.nextel.com Nextel number@page.nextel.com Nextel number@nextel.com.br NPI Wireless number@npiwireless.com Ntelos number@pcs.ntelos.com O2 name@o2.co.uk O2 number@o2imail.co.uk O2 (M-mail) number@mmail.co.uk Omnipoint number@omnipoint.com Omnipoint number@omnipointpcs.com One Connect Austria number@onemail.at OnlineBeep number@onlinebeep.net Optus Mobile number@optusmobile.com.au Orange number@orange.net Orange Mumbai number@orangemail.co.in Orange – NL / Dutchtone number@sms.orange.nl Oskar number@mujoskar.cz P&T Luxembourg number@sms.luxgsm.lu Pacific Bell number@pacbellpcs.net PageMart pin@pagemart.net PageMart Advanced /2way number@airmessage.net PageMart Canada number@pmcl.net PageNet Canada number@pagegate.pagenet.ca PageOne NorthWest number@page1nw.com PCS One number@pcsone.net Pelephone Israel number@pelephone.net.il Personal Communication sms@pcom.ru (number in subject line) Pioneer / Enid Cellular number@msg.pioneerenidcellular.com PlusGSM number@text.plusgsm.pl Pondicherry BPL Mobile number@bplmobile.com Powertel number@voicestream.net Price Communications number@mobilecell1se.com Primeco number@primeco@textmsg.com Primtel number@sms.primtel.ru ProPage number@page.propage.net Public Service Cellular number@sms.pscel.com Qualcomm name@pager.qualcomm.com Qwest number@qwestmp.com RAM Page number@ram-page.com Rogers AT&T Wireless number@pcs.rogers.com Rogers Canada number@pcs.rogers.com Safaricom number@safaricomsms.com Satelindo GSM number@satelindogsm.com Satellink number.pageme@satellink.net SBC Ameritech Paging number@paging.acswireless.com SCS-900 number@scs-900.ru SFR France number@sfr.fr Skytel Pagers pin@skytel.com Skytel Pagers number@email.skytel.com Simple Freedom number@text.simplefreedom.net Smart Telecom number@mysmart.mymobile.ph Southern LINC number@page.southernlinc.com Southwestern Bell number@email.swbw.com Sprint number@sprintpaging.com Sprint PCS number@messaging.sprintpcs.com ST Paging pin@page.stpaging.com SunCom number@tms.suncom.com SunCom number@suncom1.com Sunrise Mobile number@mysunrise.ch Sunrise Mobile number@freesurf.ch Surewest Communicaitons number@mobile.surewest.com Swisscom number@bluewin.ch T-Mobile number@tmomail.net T-Mobile number@voicestream.net T-Mobile Austria number@sms.t-mobile.at T-Mobile Germany number@t-d1-sms.de T-Mobile UK number@t-mobile.uk.net Tamil Nadu BPL Mobile number@bplmobile.com Tele2 Latvia number@sms.tele2.lv Telefonica Movistar number@movistar.net Telenor number@mobilpost.no Teletouch number@pageme.teletouch.com Telia Denmark number@gsm1800.telia.dk Telus number@msg.telus.com TIM number@timnet.com Triton number@tms.suncom.com TSR Wireless number@alphame.com TSR Wireless number@beep.com UMC number@sms.umc.com.ua Unicel number@utext.com Uraltel number@sms.uraltel.ru US Cellular number@email.uscc.net US Cellular number@uscc.textmsg.com US West number@uswestdatamail.com Uttar Pradesh Escotel number@escotelmobile.com Verizon Pagers number@myairmail.com Verizon PCS (SMS) number@vtext.com Verizon PCS (MMS) number@myvzw.com Verizon PCS (MMS) number@vswpix.com Vessotel number@pager.irkutsk.ru Virgin Mobile (CA) number@vmobile.ca Virgin Mobile (US) number@vmobl.com Virgin Mobile number@vxtras.com Vodacom (S Africa) number@voda.co.za Vodafone Italy number@sms.vodafone.it Vodafone Japan number@c.vodafone.ne.jp Vodafone Japan number@h.vodafone.ne.jp Vodafone Japan number@t.vodafone.ne.jp Vodafone Spain number@vodafone.es Vodafone UK number@vodafone.net VoiceStream / T-Mobile number@voicestream.net WebLink Wireless number@airmessage.net WebLink Wireless number@pagemart.net WEBTEXT number@webtext.com West Central Wireless number@sms.wcc.net Western Wireless number@cellularonewest.com Wildmist Wireless number@sms.wildmist.net Wyndtell number@wyndtell.com
Thursday, July 16, 2009
4 Ways to Create Bootable Live USB Drives (For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X)
1. Using UNetbootin (for Windows and Linux)
UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions from Windows or Linux, without requiring you to burn a CD. You can either let it download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list.
UNetbootin has built-in support for automatically downloading and loading the following distributions: Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, PCLinuxOS, Linux Mint, Sabayon Linux, Gentoo, MEPIS, openSUSE, Zenwalk, Slax, Dreamlinux, Arch Linux, Elive, CentOS, Damn Small Linux, Mandriva, SliTaz, FaunOS, Puppy Linux, FreeBSD, gNewSense, Frugalware Linux, NetBSD but can work with others too.
UNetbootin can also be used to load various system utilities, including:
Parted Magic, a partition manager that can resize, repair, backup, and restore partitions.
Super Grub Disk, a boot utility that can restore and repair overwritten and misconfigured GRUB installs or directly boot various operating systems
Backtrack, a utility used for network analysis and penetration testing.
Ophcrack, a utility which can recover Windows passwords.
NTPasswd, a utility which can reset Windows passwords and edit the registry.
Gujin, a graphical bootloader that can also be used to boot various operating systems and media.
Smart Boot Manager (SBM), which can boot off CD-ROM and floppy drives on computers with a faulty BIOS.
FreeDOS, which can run BIOS flash and other legacy DOS utilities.
Installation & Screenshots
If using Windows, run the file, select a distribution, floppy/hard disk image, or kernel/initrd to load, select a target drive (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot once done.
If using Linux, make the file executable (using either the command chmod +x ./unetbootin-linux, or going to Properties->Permissions and checking "Execute"), then start the application, you will be prompted for your password to grant the application administrative rights, then the main dialog will appear, where you select a distribution and install target (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot when prompted.
After rebooting, if you created a Live USB drive by selecting "USB Drive" as your install target, press the appropriate button (usually F1, F2, F12, ESC, or backspace) while your computer is starting up to get to your BIOS boot menu and select USB drive as the startup target; otherwise if there's no boot selection option, go to the BIOS setup menu and change the startup order to boot USB by default. Otherwise, if you did a "frugal install" by selecting "Hard Disk" as your install target, select the UNetbootin entry from the Windows Boot Menu as the system boots up.
To create a Live USB using UNetbootin, download an ISO file, select it under UNetbootin's "diskimage" option, and specify your target USB disk under "Drive:". After pressing OK, wait as the ISO is extracted to your USB drive; once done, you will have a bootable Linux Mint Live USB drive.
1 GB or larger USB drive, formatted as Fat32 (most USB drives come formatted as FAT32 by default, but if you need to format it, on Windows, go to My Computer->right click your USB drive->format, or on Linux, use GParted or another partition manager)
Supported operating systems: Windows 2000 and above OR a modern Linux distribution
Additional dependencies (Linux Only): You will need the packages syslinux and p7zip-full installed (no dependencies on Windows)
2. Using Win32 Image Writer (Windows only)
Graphical Interface
Download the desired .img file
Download Disk Imager from https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer/+download
Insert your flash media
Note the drive letter assigned to your flash media
Start Disk Imager
Select the downloaded file and target device, and click "Write"
Remove your flash media when the operation is complete
Command Line Interface
Download the desired .img file
Download flashnul from http://shounen.ru/soft/flashnul
Attach your USB drive
Run flashnul -p
Note the physical device number for the USB drive
Run flashnul -L \path\to\downloaded.img
Answer "yes" if the selected destination device is correct
Remove your USB drive when the command completes
3. Using usb-imagewriter (Ubuntu Only)
Graphical Interface
Download the desired .img file
Install the usb-imagewriter package
If your release does not include this, download it from Oliver's PPA
Open Applications -> Accessories -> Image Writer
Insert your flash media
Select the downloaded file and flash device, and click "Write to Device"
Remove your device when the operation is complete
Command Line Interface
Download the desired .img file
Open a terminal and insert your flash media
Look at the output of dmesg | tail -20 to determine the device node assigned to your flash media (e.g. /dev/sdb)
Run sudo umount /dev/device/node
Run sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/device/node bs=1M
Remove your flash media when the command completes
4. Using Diskutil (Mac OS X only)
Download the desired .img file
Open a Terminal (under Utilities)
Run diskutil list to get the current list of devices
Insert your flash media
Run diskutil list again and determine the device node assigned to your flash media (e.g. /dev/disk2)
Run diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN
Execute sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/diskN bs=1m
Run diskutil eject /dev/diskN and remove your flash media when the command completes
UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions from Windows or Linux, without requiring you to burn a CD. You can either let it download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list.
UNetbootin has built-in support for automatically downloading and loading the following distributions: Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, PCLinuxOS, Linux Mint, Sabayon Linux, Gentoo, MEPIS, openSUSE, Zenwalk, Slax, Dreamlinux, Arch Linux, Elive, CentOS, Damn Small Linux, Mandriva, SliTaz, FaunOS, Puppy Linux, FreeBSD, gNewSense, Frugalware Linux, NetBSD but can work with others too.
UNetbootin can also be used to load various system utilities, including:
Parted Magic, a partition manager that can resize, repair, backup, and restore partitions.
Super Grub Disk, a boot utility that can restore and repair overwritten and misconfigured GRUB installs or directly boot various operating systems
Backtrack, a utility used for network analysis and penetration testing.
Ophcrack, a utility which can recover Windows passwords.
NTPasswd, a utility which can reset Windows passwords and edit the registry.
Gujin, a graphical bootloader that can also be used to boot various operating systems and media.
Smart Boot Manager (SBM), which can boot off CD-ROM and floppy drives on computers with a faulty BIOS.
FreeDOS, which can run BIOS flash and other legacy DOS utilities.
Installation & Screenshots
If using Windows, run the file, select a distribution, floppy/hard disk image, or kernel/initrd to load, select a target drive (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot once done.
If using Linux, make the file executable (using either the command chmod +x ./unetbootin-linux, or going to Properties->Permissions and checking "Execute"), then start the application, you will be prompted for your password to grant the application administrative rights, then the main dialog will appear, where you select a distribution and install target (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot when prompted.
After rebooting, if you created a Live USB drive by selecting "USB Drive" as your install target, press the appropriate button (usually F1, F2, F12, ESC, or backspace) while your computer is starting up to get to your BIOS boot menu and select USB drive as the startup target; otherwise if there's no boot selection option, go to the BIOS setup menu and change the startup order to boot USB by default. Otherwise, if you did a "frugal install" by selecting "Hard Disk" as your install target, select the UNetbootin entry from the Windows Boot Menu as the system boots up.
To create a Live USB using UNetbootin, download an ISO file, select it under UNetbootin's "diskimage" option, and specify your target USB disk under "Drive:". After pressing OK, wait as the ISO is extracted to your USB drive; once done, you will have a bootable Linux Mint Live USB drive.
1 GB or larger USB drive, formatted as Fat32 (most USB drives come formatted as FAT32 by default, but if you need to format it, on Windows, go to My Computer->right click your USB drive->format, or on Linux, use GParted or another partition manager)
Supported operating systems: Windows 2000 and above OR a modern Linux distribution
Additional dependencies (Linux Only): You will need the packages syslinux and p7zip-full installed (no dependencies on Windows)
2. Using Win32 Image Writer (Windows only)
Graphical Interface
Download the desired .img file
Download Disk Imager from https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer/+download
Insert your flash media
Note the drive letter assigned to your flash media
Start Disk Imager
Select the downloaded file and target device, and click "Write"
Remove your flash media when the operation is complete
Command Line Interface
Download the desired .img file
Download flashnul from http://shounen.ru/soft/flashnul
Attach your USB drive
Run flashnul -p
Note the physical device number for the USB drive
Run flashnul -L \path\to\downloaded.img
Answer "yes" if the selected destination device is correct
Remove your USB drive when the command completes
3. Using usb-imagewriter (Ubuntu Only)
Graphical Interface
Download the desired .img file
Install the usb-imagewriter package
If your release does not include this, download it from Oliver's PPA
Open Applications -> Accessories -> Image Writer
Insert your flash media
Select the downloaded file and flash device, and click "Write to Device"
Remove your device when the operation is complete
Command Line Interface
Download the desired .img file
Open a terminal and insert your flash media
Look at the output of dmesg | tail -20 to determine the device node assigned to your flash media (e.g. /dev/sdb)
Run sudo umount /dev/device/node
Run sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/device/node bs=1M
Remove your flash media when the command completes
4. Using Diskutil (Mac OS X only)
Download the desired .img file
Open a Terminal (under Utilities)
Run diskutil list to get the current list of devices
Insert your flash media
Run diskutil list again and determine the device node assigned to your flash media (e.g. /dev/disk2)
Run diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN
Execute sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/diskN bs=1m
Run diskutil eject /dev/diskN and remove your flash media when the command completes
Monday, June 29, 2009
How to Activate Video Camera in iPhone 2G/3G OS 3.0
Before getting started let me clear we are talking about activating video camera so please bear in mind we are not talking about recording with your iphone 3G 2G on OS 3.0 But i am sure sooner we’ll be able to record video with our 2G and 3G iPhone running on OS 3.0 This hack is a preview of native video recording application included in iPhone 3G S. the full credit goes to iSpazio team who made this hack possible and they are developing this hack. We’ll publish the every latest news so stick with us on twitter or subscribe our free daily e-mail newsletter. For activating the camera you need a jailbroken iPhone 2G/3G running OS 3.0 and SSH client (WinScp for Windows and Cyberduck for Mac). Warning please do this only if you are aware of SSH, WinScp, iPhone File system etc.
Download These Files :
1. M68AP.plist
2. IMG_0011.MOV
Procedure to Activate Video Camera in iPhone 2G/3G OS 3.0 :
1. Download the M68AP.plist file to your desktop and connect your iPhone via SSH and navigate to/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app
2. Now find the M68AP.plist file and rename it to M68AP.bak.plist file and leave it on your iPhone, or yoou can also make a copy it to somewhere on your computer . Next copy the M68AP.plist file one you downloaded on your computer from the link given above into your iPhone.
3. Move the video (MOV format) you downloaded fro the link above to / var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE
4. Now respring your iPhone from SBSettings.
5. Start the camera and click the button at the bottom left to open CameraRoll. You’ll notice a new subdivision in “All Photos and Videos” and you can start the movie that you have previously uploaded.
6. Now you can select the area you are interested in and trim the movie.
Here are the screen shots of Video Camera on my iPhone 3G OS 3.0
View Video Camera Hack for iPhone 2G,3G on OS 3.0
View Full Album
To re-enable the still camera, you need to restore the original file M68AP.plist by deleting the M68AP.plist file you uploaded and then rename M68AP.bak.plist file again to M68AP.plist. Again respring your Springboard and your still camera will be activated.
Download These Files :
1. M68AP.plist
2. IMG_0011.MOV
Procedure to Activate Video Camera in iPhone 2G/3G OS 3.0 :
1. Download the M68AP.plist file to your desktop and connect your iPhone via SSH and navigate to/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app
2. Now find the M68AP.plist file and rename it to M68AP.bak.plist file and leave it on your iPhone, or yoou can also make a copy it to somewhere on your computer . Next copy the M68AP.plist file one you downloaded on your computer from the link given above into your iPhone.
3. Move the video (MOV format) you downloaded fro the link above to / var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE
4. Now respring your iPhone from SBSettings.
5. Start the camera and click the button at the bottom left to open CameraRoll. You’ll notice a new subdivision in “All Photos and Videos” and you can start the movie that you have previously uploaded.
6. Now you can select the area you are interested in and trim the movie.
Here are the screen shots of Video Camera on my iPhone 3G OS 3.0
View Video Camera Hack for iPhone 2G,3G on OS 3.0
View Full Album
To re-enable the still camera, you need to restore the original file M68AP.plist by deleting the M68AP.plist file you uploaded and then rename M68AP.bak.plist file again to M68AP.plist. Again respring your Springboard and your still camera will be activated.
Activate MMS On iPhone 2G ( First Gen )
Many of us who are using iPhone 2G A.K.A. iPhone EDGE are missing one function after updating to OS 3.0, MMS is not supported in iPhone 2G. So if you are one of them then follow the simple steps given below and activate MMS functionality on your iPhone 2G. Thanx to iSpazio to make this hack in limelight. Geniusan has released a patch that allows you to send and receive MMS on iPhone EDGE.The hack of the MMS for the iPhone EDGE is available in Cydia via the iSpazio repository.
MMS iPhone 2G
Pre-requisites :
* iPhone 2G OS 3.0 Jailbreaked with Cydia.
* Uninstall "asBattery" if you had installed previously.
Instructions to enable MMS on iPhone EDGE:
1st Step : into Cydia and download the package ActivateMMS2G "available in the repository of iSpazio.
2nd Step : Restart the iPhone.
3rd Step : Next go to Settings > Messages and make sure MMS Messaging is ON. If it’s not, restart your iPhone one more time.
4th Step (Updated): into Settings> General> Network> Cellular Data Network, and add the MMS info for your carrier. You can check out their website or just call them and ask them.
Note : Do not install the hack on Firmware 2.2.1 or view a black screen with the Apple logo and will have to restore. If you haven’t jailbreaked your iphone 2G with OS 3.0 yet then follow the easy steps Unlock/Jailbreak iPhone 2g OS 3.0 Using RedSn0w on Windows Mac
MMS iPhone 2G
Pre-requisites :
* iPhone 2G OS 3.0 Jailbreaked with Cydia.
* Uninstall "asBattery" if you had installed previously.
Instructions to enable MMS on iPhone EDGE:
1st Step : into Cydia and download the package ActivateMMS2G "available in the repository of iSpazio.
2nd Step : Restart the iPhone.
3rd Step : Next go to Settings > Messages and make sure MMS Messaging is ON. If it’s not, restart your iPhone one more time.
4th Step (Updated): into Settings> General> Network> Cellular Data Network, and add the MMS info for your carrier. You can check out their website or just call them and ask them.
Note : Do not install the hack on Firmware 2.2.1 or view a black screen with the Apple logo and will have to restore. If you haven’t jailbreaked your iphone 2G with OS 3.0 yet then follow the easy steps Unlock/Jailbreak iPhone 2g OS 3.0 Using RedSn0w on Windows Mac
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Want a Custom Carrier Logo?
First, If you would like a custom carrier logo, there are a couple rules that you must follow first.
-The image must be 44x20
-Must be a .png image
-One black and the other white.
I am sure there is a guide that gets deep into depth of this somewhere. If not, i will put mine on here.
Anyways, you take the 2 logos that you would like to use, and make their names spelled EXACTLY as they are below, Where is your carrier. Normally, it's just ATT:
(White Image) - FSO_CARRIER_.png
(Black Image) - Default_CARRIER_.png
Now, as you have both images, you should SSH into your phone and go into the /System/Library/Carrier Bundles section and find your carrier. Place the images into the correct folder and apply changes. Restart your Iphone and when its back up, you should see your custom logo.
If you are not using ATT or Tmobile and would like to use a custom logo as well like me, then you can put both your logos in the "/System/Library/Carrier Bundles/unknown.bundle" folder, with your carriers name being the (mine would be Centennial). Restart Iphone, and should work...but if all else fails...there is a 3rd contingency plan.
Final plan, is follow everything from step one. Then, download MakeItMine. After applying the new carrier logos to the ATT folders in your SSH, restart your Iphone. Then, when your back up, use MakeItMine and type in the box "ATT" without the quotes. Hit the carrier button, and VIOLA'!
-The image must be 44x20
-Must be a .png image
-One black and the other white.
I am sure there is a guide that gets deep into depth of this somewhere. If not, i will put mine on here.
Anyways, you take the 2 logos that you would like to use, and make their names spelled EXACTLY as they are below, Where
(White Image) - FSO_CARRIER_
(Black Image) - Default_CARRIER_
Now, as you have both images, you should SSH into your phone and go into the /System/Library/Carrier Bundles section and find your carrier. Place the images into the correct folder and apply changes. Restart your Iphone and when its back up, you should see your custom logo.
If you are not using ATT or Tmobile and would like to use a custom logo as well like me, then you can put both your logos in the "/System/Library/Carrier Bundles/unknown.bundle" folder, with your carriers name being the
Final plan, is follow everything from step one. Then, download MakeItMine. After applying the new carrier logos to the ATT folders in your SSH, restart your Iphone. Then, when your back up, use MakeItMine and type in the box "ATT" without the quotes. Hit the carrier button, and VIOLA'!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Drugs/conditions which are stopped /modified before surgery
Drugs/conditions which are stopped /modified before surgery
• S Smoking – 6 weeks before
• E Estrogen pills – 4 weeks
• M MAO-A irreversible – 3 weeks
• L Lithium – 2 weeks
• A Aspirin – 1 weeks
W Warfarin – 4days
All hypoglycemic drugs :-
Minor surgery < 20 min – (omit the dose)
Major surgery -- shift to insulin 1 week before --(omit morning dose)
• S Smoking – 6 weeks before
• E Estrogen pills – 4 weeks
• M MAO-A irreversible – 3 weeks
• L Lithium – 2 weeks
• A Aspirin – 1 weeks
W Warfarin – 4days
All hypoglycemic drugs :-
Minor surgery < 20 min – (omit the dose)
Major surgery -- shift to insulin 1 week before --(omit morning dose)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Get SMS delivery notification on your iPhone
For all iPhone users who miss SMS delivery notification, here is a simple trick to make it work on your iPhone.
Just enter these special characters before your message and you will get notification as soon as it gets delivered.
Vodafone/Hutch: *N#
Airtel: !
BSNL CellOne Networks: *N#
For my Idea YYYY works like charm
So for example, if you are on Vodafone, your message should look something like this -
SMS delivery notification on an iPhone
If you are on other carriers, try prefixing any of these combinations -
Since this is a feature of the cell carrier, this trick will work on other phones as well. The carrier will also strip out the special characters when it delivers the message to the recipient.
If you know codes of other carriers, please mention it in the comments. Thanks!
Just enter these special characters before your message and you will get notification as soon as it gets delivered.
Vodafone/Hutch: *N#
Airtel: !
BSNL CellOne Networks: *N#
For my Idea YYYY works like charm
So for example, if you are on Vodafone, your message should look something like this -
SMS delivery notification on an iPhone
If you are on other carriers, try prefixing any of these combinations -
Since this is a feature of the cell carrier, this trick will work on other phones as well. The carrier will also strip out the special characters when it delivers the message to the recipient.
If you know codes of other carriers, please mention it in the comments. Thanks!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
iPhone hack - Run OS X Dashboard widgets on your iPhone
OS X Widgets
1. Copy /System /Library /WidgetResources over to your iPhone
2. install your OS X widgets into /var /root /Library /Widgets (create this directory if it does not exist)
3. run Widgets.app
Move over all the files and do not rename any directories. Results vary depending on the widget. The Weather, ESPN, and Calendar widgets work great; the Flight Tracker, Dictionary and Phone Book are among the worst in compatibility. And yes, the irony doesn’t escape us that the Phone Book widget is terrible on the iPhone. Hopefully someone will add Widgets.app to AppTapp to make this hack even easier.
1. Copy /System /Library /WidgetResources over to your iPhone
2. install your OS X widgets into /var /root /Library /Widgets (create this directory if it does not exist)
3. run Widgets.app
Move over all the files and do not rename any directories. Results vary depending on the widget. The Weather, ESPN, and Calendar widgets work great; the Flight Tracker, Dictionary and Phone Book are among the worst in compatibility. And yes, the irony doesn’t escape us that the Phone Book widget is terrible on the iPhone. Hopefully someone will add Widgets.app to AppTapp to make this hack even easier.