Free iTunes Account without redemption code
Well, lately everyone was having trouble creating Free iTunes accounts. After some searching through the internet, I find another way how to create free account for ANY country. You are going to see the guide in this post ..
[UPDATE] - I updated the post with screenshots, now it should me more explainable :)
These are the steps:
* [Step 1] Go to the iTunes Store, go to the bottom of the page and press on the “Flag icon”, probably it is the “USA Flag”.
Click the Flag Icon
Click the Flag Icon
* [Step 2] Now a page with all available iTunes Stores will show up, select your country. If your country is not listed, like mine “Malta”, then you should select another country preferably USA.
Choose Your Country
Choose Your Country
* [Step 3] Now the front page of iTunes Store should loads up, go and click the first app [Mine is iBowl] from the “Top Free App” section [It is on the bottom right of the page].
Free Apps Section
Free Apps Section
* [Step 4] When the App Page load, hit the “GET APP” Button
Select 'GET APP' button
Select ‘GET APP’ Button
* [Step 5] Then a login prompt window will appear, You need to click on “Create New Account”
Select ‘Create New Account’
* [Step 6] A welcome screen will appear, then you need to click “Continue”.
Welcome Page
* [Step 7] Then a ‘Terms & Conditions’ page will load up, you need to read the Terms & Conditions and then tick the “I Accept” box and again click “Continue”.
Terms & Conditions Page
Terms & Conditions Page
* [Step 8] In this page you need to enter your details, [You will need a real and valid email address], then click “Continue”
Create iTunes Store Account
Create iTunes Store Account
* [Step 9] Now, this is the important part .. If you have followed all the six steps, in the next page, where you should enter your details, you should have a “None” option as a payment method.
* [Step 10] Now you need to fill in your details, if you don’t live in the country you chose, just make up an address, [Or just go to YellowPages website and find your preferred advert and take its address ;)]. Then again click “Continue”.
Details Page with 'None' option
Details Page with ‘None’ Option
* [Step 11] Now you will see a message to click on the confirmation link that was sent to the email you entered earlier.
Verify email
* [Step 12] Check your email inbox [or Junk Mail], open the email that Apple sent you and click on the confirmation link.
* [Step 13] When you press the link, automatically iTunes will show up, telling you to enter your brand new iTunes account Details.
* [Step 14] If you have done everything Okay, you will be greeted with a congratulations page.
iTunes Account Created
iTunes Account Successfully Created Page
* [Step 15] Now you are done, You can download free apps, the weekly free song and some free HDTV Tv Shows, without any redemption codes or nothing .. it’s that simple :)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Windows Mobile ported to iPhone
Most of the Windows Mobile / iPhone cross-breeding we've seen has either involved elaborate WinMo skinning or terrible iPhone KIRFs, but we suppose it was just a matter of time before Microsoft's mobile OS was made to run on Apple's hardware -- or at least that's what it looks like here. Pretty much everything about this video is suspect, from the shadiness of the MyPhone2008 conference it was shot at to the interviewer's ridiculously inane questions ("You don't have girlfriends in Norway?"), but damn if that isn't WinMo happily booting on what appears to be an iPhone 3G -- we can't tell, but it's a good bet it's jailbroken. The developer, Erik Kristiansen, says that mod is in beta right now but that he's looking at a January release -- we'll see what more we can dig up before then. Video after the break.
Update: As several commenters have pointed out, this has the trappings of a bad viral for the crappy SonicEmotion app also on that page -- all of the other videos are suspiciously fake / ridiculous, and the phone responds oddly to several touches. So much for that, we suppose.
Update: As several commenters have pointed out, this has the trappings of a bad viral for the crappy SonicEmotion app also on that page -- all of the other videos are suspiciously fake / ridiculous, and the phone responds oddly to several touches. So much for that, we suppose.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Windows XP Blue Screen of Death STOP Codes, A list of most BSoD errors and solutions
have been seeing quite a few posts regarding the dreaded Blue Screen of Death, and what the STOP codes mean. This is a fairly extensive list of the most common stop errors, their corrasponding codes, and recommended solutions.
Windows XP Blue Screen of Death STOP Codes
When Windows XP detects a problem from which it cannot recover, it displays Stop messages. These are text-mode error messages that report information about the condition.
Stop messages, sometimes referred to as blue screens (BSoD), contain specific information that can help you diagnose and possibly resolve the problem detected by the Windows kernel.
This list describes these messages and helps you understand and interpret them.
This list is NOT exhaustive or meant to resolve EVERY error.
This list of messages is a guide to individual messages and their possible causes and resolutions... Having a basic understanding of these error messages enables you to communicate with your technical support professional more effectively too.
With all these Stop messages, you can pretty much assume someone else has encountered the problem before you. That is why tying in the error message into , posting a notice for help on a relevant newsgroup and entering the stop code into the "Microsoft Knowledge Base" can yield help just when you need it!
Here is the (long) list:
Stop 0x0000000A or IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
The Stop 0xA message indicates that a kernel-mode process or driver attempted to access a memory location to which it did not have permission, or at a kernel interrupt request level (IRQL) that was too high. A kernel-mode process can access only other processes that have an IRQL lower than, or equal to, its own. This Stop message is typically due to faulty or incompatible hardware or software.
Possible Resolutions:
• A Stop 0xA message might occur after installing a faulty device driver, system service, or firmware. If a Stop message lists a driver by name, disable, remove, or roll back the driver to correct the problem. If disabling or removing drivers resolves the issues, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
• A Stop 0xA message might also be due to failing or defective hardware. If a Stop message points to a category of devices (video or disk adapters, for example), try removing or replacing the hardware to determine if it is causing the problem.
• If you encounter a Stop 0xA message while upgrading to Windows XPl, the problem might be due to an incompatible driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup. To avoid problems while upgrading, simplify your hardware configuration and remove all third-party device drivers and system services (including virus scanners) prior to running setup. After you have successfully installed Windows XP, contact the hardware manufacturer to obtain compatible updates.
The Stop 0x1E message indicates that the Windows XP kernel detected an illegal or unknown processor instruction. The problems that cause Stop 0x1E messages share similarities with those that generate Stop 0xA errors in that they can be due to invalid memory and access violations. This default Windows XP error handler typically intercepts these problems if error-handling routines are not present in the code itself.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x1E messages typically occur after installing faulty drivers or system services, or they can indicate hardware problems, such as memory and IRQ conflicts. If a Stop message lists a driver by name, disable, remove, or roll it back to correct the problem. If disabling or removing applications and drivers resolves the issue, contact the hardware manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
• If the Stop message mentions the file Win32k.sys, the source of the error might be a third-party "remote control" program. If such software is installed, you might be able to disable it by starting the system in safe mode. If not, use Recovery Console to manually delete the system service file that is causing the problem.
• Problems can result from system firmware incompatibilities. Many Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) issues can be resolved by updating to the latest firmware.
• Other possible causes include insufficient disk space while installing applications or performing certain functions that require more memory. You can free up space by deleting unneeded files. Use Disk Cleanup to increase available disk space. From Recovery Console, remove temporary files (those with .tmp file extensions), Internet cache files, application backup files, and .tmp files generated by Chkdsk.exe or Autochk.exe. You can also choose to install additional applications to another hard disk with more free space or move data files, paging files, and so on.
• The problem might be due to a memory leak caused by an application or service that is not releasing memory correctly. Poolmon (Poolmon.exe) helps you to isolate the components that are causing kernel memory leaks. For more information about troubleshooting memory leaks, see Microsoft Knowledgebase articles Q177415, "How to Use Poolmon to Troubleshoot Kernel Mode Memory Leaks," and Q298102, "Finding Pool Tags Used by Third Party Files Without Using the Debugger."
Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM
The Stop 0x24 message indicates that a problem occurred within Ntfs.sys, the driver file that allows the system to read and write to NTFS file system drives. A similar Stop message, 0x23, exists for the file allocation table (FAT16 or FAT32) file systems.
Possible Resolutions:
• Malfunctioning SCSI and Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) hardware or drivers can also adversely affect the system's ability to read and write to disk, causing errors. If using SCSI hard disks, check for cabling and termination problems between the SCSI controller and the disks. Periodically check Event Viewer for error messages related to SCSI or FASTFAT in the System log or Autochk in the Application log.
• Verify that the tools you use to continually monitor your system, such as virus scanners, backup programs, or disk defragmenters are compatible with Windows XP. Some disks and adapters come packaged with diagnostic software that you can use to run hardware tests.
To test hard disk or volume integrity
Method 1:
1. In the Run dialog box, in the Open box type:
2. Start the Chkdsk tool, which detects and attempts to resolve file system structural corruption. At the command prompt type:
chkdsk drive: /f
Method 2:
1. Double-click My Computer, and then select the hard disk you want to check.
2. On the File menu, click Properties.
3. Click the Tools tab.
4. In the Error-checking box, click Check Now.
5. In Check disk options, select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box. You can also select the Automatically fix file system errors check box.
If the volume you are checking is in use, a message asks whether you want to delay disk error checking until the next time you restart your computer. After you restart, disk error checking runs and the volume chosen is not available to run other tasks during this process. If you cannot restart the computer due to the error, use safe mode or Recovery Console.
If you are not using the NTFS file system, and the system partition is formatted with the file allocation table (FAT16 or FAT32) file system, long file name (LFN) information can be lost if hard disk tools are started from an MS-DOS command prompt. A command prompt appears when using a startup floppy disk or when using the command prompt startup option on multiple boot systems that use FAT16 or FAT32 partitions with Microsoft® Windows® 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2), Microsoft® Windows® 98, or Microsoft® Windows® Millennium Edition (Me) installed. Do not use tools meant for other operating systems on Windows XP partitions!
• Nonpaged pool memory might be depleted, which can cause the system to stop. You can resolve this situation by adding more RAM, which increases the quantity of nonpaged pool memory available to the kernel.
Stop 0x0000002E or DATA_BUS_ERROR
The Stop 0x2E message indicates a system memory parity error. The cause is typically failed or defective RAM (including motherboard, Level 2 cache, or video memory), incompatible or mismatched memory hardware, or when a device driver attempts to access an address in the 0x8xxxxxxx range that does not exist (does not map to a physical address). A Stop 0x2E message can also indicate hard disk damage caused by viruses or other problems.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x2E is typically due to defective, malfunctioning, or failed memory hardware, such as memory modules, Level 2 (L2) SRAM cache, or video adapter RAM. If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the system manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• Stop 0x2E messages can also occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a file name is given, you need to disable, remove, or roll back that driver. Disable the service or application and confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the hardware manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
• Hard disk corruption can also cause this Stop message.
• The problem might also be due to cracks, scratched traces, or defective components on the motherboard. If all else fails, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing.
Stop 0x0000003F or NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTES
The Stop 0x3F message indicates one or more of the following problems:
• The system Page Table Entries (PTEs) are depleted or fragmented due to the system performing a large number of input/output (I/O) actions.
• A faulty device driver is not managing memory properly.
• An application, such as a backup program, is improperly allocating large amounts of kernel memory.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x3F messages can occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a file name is given, you need to disable, remove, or roll back that driver. Disable the service or application and confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the hardware manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
• The system might not actually be out of PTEs, but a contiguous memory block of sufficient size is not available to satisfy a driver or application request. Check for the availability of updated driver or application files and consult the hardware or program documentation for minimum system requirements.
• Another cause is excessive demands for system PTE by applications. This situation is more common in server environments. Windows XP Professional provides a registry entry, SystemPages, that you can use to increase the number of PTEs allocated.
o Do not edit the registry unless you have no alternative. The registry editor bypasses standard safeguards, allowing settings that can damage your system, or even require you to reinstall Windows. If you must edit the registry, back it up first...
To increase the number of PTEs allocated in the registry
1. In the Run dialog box, and in the Open box, type: regedit
2. In the registry editor, navigate to the subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\
Session Manager\Memory Management.
3. Double-click on PagedPoolSize and SystemPages to view the value for each entry.
4. If PagedPoolSize is not zero, assign a value of 0.
5. If SystemPages is not zero, assign a value of 40000 for systems with 128 MB (or less) of memory, or 110000 for systems with 128 MB to 256 MB of memory. For systems with more memory, do not increase the SystemPages value above 110000 without contacting Microsoft technical support.
6. Click OK, and then close the registry editor.
7. Restart your computer.
The Stop 0x50 message indicates that requested data was not in memory. The system generates an exception error when using a reference to an invalid system memory address. Defective memory (including main memory, L2 RAM cache, video RAM) or incompatible software (including remote control and antivirus software) might cause Stop 0x50 messages.
Possible Resolutions:
• If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace the hardware to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the hardware manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• Stop 0x50 messages can also occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If the file name is listed, you need to disable, remove, or roll back that driver. If not, disable the recently installed service or application to determine if this resolves the error. If this does not resolve the problem, contact the hardware manufacturer for updates. Using updated drivers and software is especially important for network interface cards, video adapters, backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools. If an updated driver is not available, attempt to use a driver from a similar device in the same family. For example, if printing to a Model 1100C printer causes Stop 0x50 errors, using a printer driver meant for a Model 1100A or Model 1000 might temporarily resolve the problem.
The Stop 0x77 message indicates that a page of kernel data requested from the paging (virtual memory) file could not be found or read into memory. This Stop message can also indicate disk hardware failure, disk data corruption, or possible virus infection.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x77 messages can be caused by bad sectors in the virtual memory paging file or a disk controller error. In extremely rare cases, depleted nonpaged pool resources can cause this error. If the first and third parameters are zero, the stack signature in the kernel stack is missing, which is an error typically caused by defective hardware. If the I/O status is 0xC0000185 and the paging file is on a SCSI disk, check for cabling and termination issues. An I/O status code of 0xC000009C or 0xC000016A indicates that the requested data could not be found. You can try to correct this by restarting the computer. If a problem with disk integrity exists, Autochk, a program that attempts to mark bad disk sectors as defective so that they are not used in the future, starts automatically. If Autochk fails to run, you can manually perform the integrity check yourself by following the instructions to run Chkdsk provided in "Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM" earlier in this list.
• Another cause of Stop 0x77 messages is defective, malfunctioning, or failed memory hardware, such as memory modules, Level 2 (L2) SRAM cache, or video adapter RAM. If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the system manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• The problem might also be due to cracks, scratched traces, or defective components on the motherboard. If all else fails, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing.
• Problems that cause Stop 0x77 messages can also cause Stop 0x7A messages. For more information about Stop 0x7A messages, see "Stop 0x0000007A or KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR" later in this list.
Stop 0x00000079 or MISMATCHED_HAL
The Stop 0x79 message indicates that the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) and the kernel type for the computer do not match. This error most often occurs when ACPI firmware settings are changed. For example, you might install Windows XP on an x86-based computer with the firmware ACPI enable option enabled and later decide to disable it. This error can also result when mismatched single and multi-processor configuration files are copied to the system.
Possible Resolutions:
• A Stop 0x79 message occurs when the system is using out-of-date Ntoskrnl.exe or Hal.dll files. This can occur after manual repairs that involve copying incorrect files to the system. This error also occurs when using mismatched files, such as copying a multiprocessor HAL on to a system using a single-processor kernel (or vice versa). The kernel and HAL files for single-processor and multiprocessor systems are stored on the Windows XP Professional operating system CD using two different file names. For example, the single and multi-processor versions of the kernel, named Ntoskrnl.exe and Ntkrnlmp.exe respectively. Setup copies either Ntoskrnl.exe or Ntkrnlmp.exe to your system as Ntoskrnl.exe. In Recovery Console, you can use the Copy command to copy the correct HAL or kernel files from the CD to the appropriate folder on the hard disk.
• If you experience Stop 0x79 messages after changing firmware settings, restore the original settings used during Windows XP Professional Setup.
Because systems that use the ACPI HAL ignore IRQ assignments stored in firmware, you can only manually change IRQ settings for non-ACPI (Standard PC HAL) systems. Some x86-based provide the option to toggle ACPI functionality. To disable or re-enable ACPI, you must change firmware settings and reinstall Windows XP. Because of the numerous registry and system file changes required, you must run Setup again (an upgrade installation does not work).
The Stop 0x7A message indicates that a page of kernel data was not found in the paging (virtual memory) file and could not be read into memory. This might be due to incompatible disk or controller drivers, firmware, or hardware.
Frequently, the cause of this error can be determined from the second parameter, the I/O status code. Some common status codes are:
• 0xC000009A, or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, indicates a lack of nonpaged pool resources.
• 0xC000009C, or STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR, indicates bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk.
• 0xC000009D, or STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, indicates defective or loose data or power cables, a problem with SCSI termination, or improper controller or disk configuration.
• 0xC000016A, or STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED, indicates bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk.
• 0xC0000185, or STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR, indicates improper termination, defective storage controller hardware, or defective disk cabling, or two devices attempting to use the same resources.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x7A can be caused by bad sectors in the virtual memory paging file, disk controller error, virus infection, or memory hardware problems. In extremely rare cases, depleted nonpaged pool resources can cause this error. If the first and third parameters are zero, the stack signature in the kernel stack is missing, an error typically caused by defective hardware. If the I/O status is 0xC0000185 and the paging file is on a SCSI disk, check for cabling and termination issues. An I/O status code of 0xC000009C or 0xC000016A indicates that the requested data could not be found. You can try to correct this by restarting the computer. If a problem with disk integrity exists, Autochk, a program that attempts to mark bad disk sectors as defective so that they are not used in the future, starts automatically. If Autochk fails to run, you can manually perform the integrity check yourself by following the instructions to run Chkdsk provided in "Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM" earlier in this appendix.
• Another cause of Stop 0x7A messages is defective, malfunctioning, or failed memory hardware, such as memory modules, Level 2 (L2) SRAM cache, or video adapter RAM. If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the system manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• Check the hardware manufacturer's Web site for updates to disk adapter firmware or drivers that improve compatibility. Verify that your disks and controller support the same set of advanced features, such as higher transfer rates. If necessary, select a slower transfer rate if an update is not yet available. Consult your hardware or device documentation for more information.
o You can install disk controller drivers not present on the Windows XP Professional operating system CD by responding to the following prompt shortly after starting Setup:
o Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver.
o Press F6, and when prompted, provide the appropriate storage controller driver (ATA or SCSI) supplied by the manufacturer.
• The problem might also be due to cracks, scratched traces, or defective components on the motherboard. If all else fails, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing.
• Problems that cause Stop 0x7A messages can also cause Stop 0x77 messages. For more information about Stop 0x77 messages, see "Stop 0x00000077 or KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR" earlier in this list.
The Stop 0x7B message indicates that Windows XP has lost access to the system partition or boot volume during the startup process. Installing incorrect device drivers when installing or upgrading storage adapter hardware typically causes stop 0x7B errors. Stop 0x7B errors could also indicate possible virus infection.
The second parameter is very important because it can indicate whether the 0x7B Stop message was caused by file system issues or problems with storage hardware and drivers. Values of 0xC000034 or 0xC000000E typically indicate:
• Disks or storage controllers that are failing, defective, or improperly configured.
• Storage-related drivers or programs (tape management software, for example) that are not fully compatible with Windows XP Professional.
Possible Resolutions:
• During I/O system initialization, the controller or driver for the startup device (typically the hard disk) might have failed to initialize the necessary hardware. File system initialization might have failed because of disk or controller failure, or because the file system did not recognize the data on the boot device.
• Repartitioning disks, adding new disks, or upgrading to a new disk controller might cause the information in the Boot.ini file, or Boot Manager, to become outdated. If this Stop message occurs after installing new disks to your system, edit the Boot.ini file or adjust the Boot Manager parameters to allow the system to start. If the error occurs after upgrading the disk controller, verify that the new hardware is functioning and correctly configured.
• Verify that the system firmware and disk controller BIOS settings are correct and that the storage device was properly installed. If you are unsure, consult your computer's documentation about restoring default firmware settings or configuring your system to auto-detect settings. If the error occurs during Windows XP Professional setup, the problem might be due to unsupported disk controller hardware. In some cases, drivers for new hardware are not in the Windows XP Professional library, and you need to provide additional drivers to complete the Windows XP setup successfully. If this is the case, follow the hardware manufacturer's instructions when installing drivers. Periodically check for driver and firmware updates.
• Hard disk corruption can also cause this Stop message. For more information about checking hard disk integrity, see the instructions provided in "Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM" earlier in this list.
• Problems that cause 0x7B errors might also cause Stop 0xED errors. For more information about 0xED Stop messages, see "Stop 0x0000007B or INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE" later in this list.
The Stop 0x7F message indicates that one of three types of problems occurred in kernel-mode:
• A condition that the kernel is not allowed to have or intercept (also known as a bound trap).
• Software problems.
• Hardware failures.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x7F messages are typically due to defective, malfunctioning, or failed memory hardware. If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the system manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• Running the CPU beyond the rated specification, known as "overclocking," can cause Stop 0x7F or other error messages due to heat buildup. When diagnosing problems on overclocked systems, first restore all clock and bus speed settings to the manufacturer recommended values to determine if this resolves the issues.
• The problem might also be due to cracks, scratched traces, or defective components on the motherboard. If all else fails, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing.
• Stop 0x7F messages can occur after installing incompatible applications, drivers, or system services. Contact the software manufacturer about possible Windows XP specific updates. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
The Stop 0x9F message indicates that a driver is in an inconsistent or invalid power state.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x9F messages can occur after installing faulty applications or drivers or system services. If a file is listed by name and you can associate it with an application, uninstall the application. For drivers, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to to determine if this resolves the error. If it does, contact the hardware manufacturer for a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
• For information about troubleshooting standby and hibernate mode issues, see KB article Q266169, "How to Troubleshoot Problems with Standby Mode, Hibernate Mode, and Shutting Down Your Computer in Windows 2000."
The Stop 0xBE message indicates that a driver attempted to write to read-only memory.
Possible Resolutions:
• A Stop 0xBE message might occur after installing a faulty device driver, system service, or firmware. If a Stop message lists a driver by name, disable, remove, or roll back the driver to correct the problem. If disabling or removing drivers resolves the issues, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
The Stop 0xC2 message indicates that a kernel-mode process or driver incorrectly attempted to perform memory operations in the following ways:
• By allocating a memory pool size of zero bytes.
• By allocating a memory pool that does not exist.
• By attempting to free a memory pool that is already free.
• By allocating or freeing a memory pool at an IRQL that was too high.
This Stop message is typically due to a faulty driver or software.
Possible Resolutions:
• A Stop 0xC2 messages might occur after installing a faulty device driver, system service, or firmware. If a Stop message lists a driver by name, disable, remove, or roll back the driver to correct the problem. If disabling or removing drivers resolves the issues, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
• A Stop 0xC2 messages might also be due to failing or defective hardware. If a Stop message points to a category of devices (such as disk controllers, for example), try removing or replacing the hardware to determine if it is causing the problem.
• If you encounter a Stop 0xC2 message while upgrading to Windows XP, the problem might be due to an incompatible driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup. To avoid problems while upgrading, simplify your hardware configuration and remove all third-party device drivers and system services (including virus scanners) prior to running setup. After you have successfully installed Windows XP, contact the hardware manufacturer to obtain compatible updates.
This Stop messages indicates that a driver failed to cancel pending operations before exiting.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0xCE messages can occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a driver is listed by name, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
The Stop 0xD1 messages indicates that the system attempted to access pageable memory using a kernel process IRQL that was too high. Drivers that have used improper addresses typically cause this error.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0xD1 messages can occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a driver is listed by name, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
A device driver problem is causing the system to pause indefinitely. Typically, this problem is caused by a display driver waiting for the video hardware to enter an idle state. This might indicate a hardware problem with the video adapter or a faulty video driver.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0xD1 messages can occur after installing faulty drivers (especially video drivers) or system services. If a driver is listed by name, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
The kernel mode I/O subsystem attempted to mount the boot volume and it failed. This error might also occur during an upgrade to Windows XP Professional on systems that use higher throughput ATA disks or controllers with incorrect cabling. In some cases, your system might appear to work normally after you restart.
Possible Resolutions:
• If using higher throughput ATA disks and controllers, those capable of data transfer rates above 33.3 megabytes per second, replace the standard 40-pin cable with an 80-pin cable. Using an 80-pin cable is optional for transfer rates up to and including 33.3 megabytes per second, but is mandatory for higher transfer rates. The additional grounded pins are required to avoid data loss.
• Some firmware enables you to force higher transfer rates even when you are using the incorrect cable type. Your firmware might issue a warning but allow the startup process to proceed. Restore the default firmware setting for ATA cable detection.
• Problems that cause 0xED errors might also cause Stop 0x7B errors. For more information about 0x7B Stop messages, see "Stop 0x0000007B or INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE" earlier in this appendix.
This Stop message indicates driver, system file, or disk corruption problems (such as a damaged paging file). Faulty memory hardware can also cause this Stop message to appear.
Possible Resolutions:
• You can use Driver Rollback or System Restore from safe mode, to restore a previous driver. You can also use Windows XP Professional recovery features such as the Last Known Good Configuration startup option, Backup, or Automated System Recovery to restore a previous working configuration. After restoring from backup media, you might need to reapply service packs or hotfixes, depending on when the backups were made.
• If the Stop message names the specific file, try replacing it manually with a fresh copy from the Windows XP Professional operating system CD using safe mode or Recovery Console. For systems using the FAT16 or FAT32 file system, you have the option of using a Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition Emergency Boot Disk to access the hard disk.
If the original file from the operating system CD has a file name that ends with an underscore (_) character, you cannot use the file until it is uncompressed. The Recovery Console's Copy command is ideal for copying compressed files because it detects and expands them. If you do not specify a destination file name, you must rename the expanded file with the correct extension before using it. From safe mode or Recovery Console, you can use the Expand command to uncompress and copy a file to a destination location. In Recovery Console, the expanded file is given the correct name after being copied to the destination location. For more information about the Copy or Expand commands, see Windows XP Help and Support Centre.
Windows XP Blue Screen of Death STOP Codes
When Windows XP detects a problem from which it cannot recover, it displays Stop messages. These are text-mode error messages that report information about the condition.
Stop messages, sometimes referred to as blue screens (BSoD), contain specific information that can help you diagnose and possibly resolve the problem detected by the Windows kernel.
This list describes these messages and helps you understand and interpret them.
This list is NOT exhaustive or meant to resolve EVERY error.
This list of messages is a guide to individual messages and their possible causes and resolutions... Having a basic understanding of these error messages enables you to communicate with your technical support professional more effectively too.
With all these Stop messages, you can pretty much assume someone else has encountered the problem before you. That is why tying in the error message into , posting a notice for help on a relevant newsgroup and entering the stop code into the "Microsoft Knowledge Base" can yield help just when you need it!
Here is the (long) list:
Stop 0x0000000A or IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
The Stop 0xA message indicates that a kernel-mode process or driver attempted to access a memory location to which it did not have permission, or at a kernel interrupt request level (IRQL) that was too high. A kernel-mode process can access only other processes that have an IRQL lower than, or equal to, its own. This Stop message is typically due to faulty or incompatible hardware or software.
Possible Resolutions:
• A Stop 0xA message might occur after installing a faulty device driver, system service, or firmware. If a Stop message lists a driver by name, disable, remove, or roll back the driver to correct the problem. If disabling or removing drivers resolves the issues, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
• A Stop 0xA message might also be due to failing or defective hardware. If a Stop message points to a category of devices (video or disk adapters, for example), try removing or replacing the hardware to determine if it is causing the problem.
• If you encounter a Stop 0xA message while upgrading to Windows XPl, the problem might be due to an incompatible driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup. To avoid problems while upgrading, simplify your hardware configuration and remove all third-party device drivers and system services (including virus scanners) prior to running setup. After you have successfully installed Windows XP, contact the hardware manufacturer to obtain compatible updates.
The Stop 0x1E message indicates that the Windows XP kernel detected an illegal or unknown processor instruction. The problems that cause Stop 0x1E messages share similarities with those that generate Stop 0xA errors in that they can be due to invalid memory and access violations. This default Windows XP error handler typically intercepts these problems if error-handling routines are not present in the code itself.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x1E messages typically occur after installing faulty drivers or system services, or they can indicate hardware problems, such as memory and IRQ conflicts. If a Stop message lists a driver by name, disable, remove, or roll it back to correct the problem. If disabling or removing applications and drivers resolves the issue, contact the hardware manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
• If the Stop message mentions the file Win32k.sys, the source of the error might be a third-party "remote control" program. If such software is installed, you might be able to disable it by starting the system in safe mode. If not, use Recovery Console to manually delete the system service file that is causing the problem.
• Problems can result from system firmware incompatibilities. Many Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) issues can be resolved by updating to the latest firmware.
• Other possible causes include insufficient disk space while installing applications or performing certain functions that require more memory. You can free up space by deleting unneeded files. Use Disk Cleanup to increase available disk space. From Recovery Console, remove temporary files (those with .tmp file extensions), Internet cache files, application backup files, and .tmp files generated by Chkdsk.exe or Autochk.exe. You can also choose to install additional applications to another hard disk with more free space or move data files, paging files, and so on.
• The problem might be due to a memory leak caused by an application or service that is not releasing memory correctly. Poolmon (Poolmon.exe) helps you to isolate the components that are causing kernel memory leaks. For more information about troubleshooting memory leaks, see Microsoft Knowledgebase articles Q177415, "How to Use Poolmon to Troubleshoot Kernel Mode Memory Leaks," and Q298102, "Finding Pool Tags Used by Third Party Files Without Using the Debugger."
Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM
The Stop 0x24 message indicates that a problem occurred within Ntfs.sys, the driver file that allows the system to read and write to NTFS file system drives. A similar Stop message, 0x23, exists for the file allocation table (FAT16 or FAT32) file systems.
Possible Resolutions:
• Malfunctioning SCSI and Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) hardware or drivers can also adversely affect the system's ability to read and write to disk, causing errors. If using SCSI hard disks, check for cabling and termination problems between the SCSI controller and the disks. Periodically check Event Viewer for error messages related to SCSI or FASTFAT in the System log or Autochk in the Application log.
• Verify that the tools you use to continually monitor your system, such as virus scanners, backup programs, or disk defragmenters are compatible with Windows XP. Some disks and adapters come packaged with diagnostic software that you can use to run hardware tests.
To test hard disk or volume integrity
Method 1:
1. In the Run dialog box, in the Open box type:
2. Start the Chkdsk tool, which detects and attempts to resolve file system structural corruption. At the command prompt type:
chkdsk drive: /f
Method 2:
1. Double-click My Computer, and then select the hard disk you want to check.
2. On the File menu, click Properties.
3. Click the Tools tab.
4. In the Error-checking box, click Check Now.
5. In Check disk options, select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box. You can also select the Automatically fix file system errors check box.
If the volume you are checking is in use, a message asks whether you want to delay disk error checking until the next time you restart your computer. After you restart, disk error checking runs and the volume chosen is not available to run other tasks during this process. If you cannot restart the computer due to the error, use safe mode or Recovery Console.
If you are not using the NTFS file system, and the system partition is formatted with the file allocation table (FAT16 or FAT32) file system, long file name (LFN) information can be lost if hard disk tools are started from an MS-DOS command prompt. A command prompt appears when using a startup floppy disk or when using the command prompt startup option on multiple boot systems that use FAT16 or FAT32 partitions with Microsoft® Windows® 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2), Microsoft® Windows® 98, or Microsoft® Windows® Millennium Edition (Me) installed. Do not use tools meant for other operating systems on Windows XP partitions!
• Nonpaged pool memory might be depleted, which can cause the system to stop. You can resolve this situation by adding more RAM, which increases the quantity of nonpaged pool memory available to the kernel.
Stop 0x0000002E or DATA_BUS_ERROR
The Stop 0x2E message indicates a system memory parity error. The cause is typically failed or defective RAM (including motherboard, Level 2 cache, or video memory), incompatible or mismatched memory hardware, or when a device driver attempts to access an address in the 0x8xxxxxxx range that does not exist (does not map to a physical address). A Stop 0x2E message can also indicate hard disk damage caused by viruses or other problems.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x2E is typically due to defective, malfunctioning, or failed memory hardware, such as memory modules, Level 2 (L2) SRAM cache, or video adapter RAM. If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the system manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• Stop 0x2E messages can also occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a file name is given, you need to disable, remove, or roll back that driver. Disable the service or application and confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the hardware manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
• Hard disk corruption can also cause this Stop message.
• The problem might also be due to cracks, scratched traces, or defective components on the motherboard. If all else fails, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing.
Stop 0x0000003F or NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTES
The Stop 0x3F message indicates one or more of the following problems:
• The system Page Table Entries (PTEs) are depleted or fragmented due to the system performing a large number of input/output (I/O) actions.
• A faulty device driver is not managing memory properly.
• An application, such as a backup program, is improperly allocating large amounts of kernel memory.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x3F messages can occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a file name is given, you need to disable, remove, or roll back that driver. Disable the service or application and confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the hardware manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
• The system might not actually be out of PTEs, but a contiguous memory block of sufficient size is not available to satisfy a driver or application request. Check for the availability of updated driver or application files and consult the hardware or program documentation for minimum system requirements.
• Another cause is excessive demands for system PTE by applications. This situation is more common in server environments. Windows XP Professional provides a registry entry, SystemPages, that you can use to increase the number of PTEs allocated.
o Do not edit the registry unless you have no alternative. The registry editor bypasses standard safeguards, allowing settings that can damage your system, or even require you to reinstall Windows. If you must edit the registry, back it up first...
To increase the number of PTEs allocated in the registry
1. In the Run dialog box, and in the Open box, type: regedit
2. In the registry editor, navigate to the subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\
Session Manager\Memory Management.
3. Double-click on PagedPoolSize and SystemPages to view the value for each entry.
4. If PagedPoolSize is not zero, assign a value of 0.
5. If SystemPages is not zero, assign a value of 40000 for systems with 128 MB (or less) of memory, or 110000 for systems with 128 MB to 256 MB of memory. For systems with more memory, do not increase the SystemPages value above 110000 without contacting Microsoft technical support.
6. Click OK, and then close the registry editor.
7. Restart your computer.
The Stop 0x50 message indicates that requested data was not in memory. The system generates an exception error when using a reference to an invalid system memory address. Defective memory (including main memory, L2 RAM cache, video RAM) or incompatible software (including remote control and antivirus software) might cause Stop 0x50 messages.
Possible Resolutions:
• If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace the hardware to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the hardware manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• Stop 0x50 messages can also occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If the file name is listed, you need to disable, remove, or roll back that driver. If not, disable the recently installed service or application to determine if this resolves the error. If this does not resolve the problem, contact the hardware manufacturer for updates. Using updated drivers and software is especially important for network interface cards, video adapters, backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools. If an updated driver is not available, attempt to use a driver from a similar device in the same family. For example, if printing to a Model 1100C printer causes Stop 0x50 errors, using a printer driver meant for a Model 1100A or Model 1000 might temporarily resolve the problem.
The Stop 0x77 message indicates that a page of kernel data requested from the paging (virtual memory) file could not be found or read into memory. This Stop message can also indicate disk hardware failure, disk data corruption, or possible virus infection.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x77 messages can be caused by bad sectors in the virtual memory paging file or a disk controller error. In extremely rare cases, depleted nonpaged pool resources can cause this error. If the first and third parameters are zero, the stack signature in the kernel stack is missing, which is an error typically caused by defective hardware. If the I/O status is 0xC0000185 and the paging file is on a SCSI disk, check for cabling and termination issues. An I/O status code of 0xC000009C or 0xC000016A indicates that the requested data could not be found. You can try to correct this by restarting the computer. If a problem with disk integrity exists, Autochk, a program that attempts to mark bad disk sectors as defective so that they are not used in the future, starts automatically. If Autochk fails to run, you can manually perform the integrity check yourself by following the instructions to run Chkdsk provided in "Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM" earlier in this list.
• Another cause of Stop 0x77 messages is defective, malfunctioning, or failed memory hardware, such as memory modules, Level 2 (L2) SRAM cache, or video adapter RAM. If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the system manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• The problem might also be due to cracks, scratched traces, or defective components on the motherboard. If all else fails, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing.
• Problems that cause Stop 0x77 messages can also cause Stop 0x7A messages. For more information about Stop 0x7A messages, see "Stop 0x0000007A or KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR" later in this list.
Stop 0x00000079 or MISMATCHED_HAL
The Stop 0x79 message indicates that the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) and the kernel type for the computer do not match. This error most often occurs when ACPI firmware settings are changed. For example, you might install Windows XP on an x86-based computer with the firmware ACPI enable option enabled and later decide to disable it. This error can also result when mismatched single and multi-processor configuration files are copied to the system.
Possible Resolutions:
• A Stop 0x79 message occurs when the system is using out-of-date Ntoskrnl.exe or Hal.dll files. This can occur after manual repairs that involve copying incorrect files to the system. This error also occurs when using mismatched files, such as copying a multiprocessor HAL on to a system using a single-processor kernel (or vice versa). The kernel and HAL files for single-processor and multiprocessor systems are stored on the Windows XP Professional operating system CD using two different file names. For example, the single and multi-processor versions of the kernel, named Ntoskrnl.exe and Ntkrnlmp.exe respectively. Setup copies either Ntoskrnl.exe or Ntkrnlmp.exe to your system as Ntoskrnl.exe. In Recovery Console, you can use the Copy command to copy the correct HAL or kernel files from the CD to the appropriate folder on the hard disk.
• If you experience Stop 0x79 messages after changing firmware settings, restore the original settings used during Windows XP Professional Setup.
Because systems that use the ACPI HAL ignore IRQ assignments stored in firmware, you can only manually change IRQ settings for non-ACPI (Standard PC HAL) systems. Some x86-based provide the option to toggle ACPI functionality. To disable or re-enable ACPI, you must change firmware settings and reinstall Windows XP. Because of the numerous registry and system file changes required, you must run Setup again (an upgrade installation does not work).
The Stop 0x7A message indicates that a page of kernel data was not found in the paging (virtual memory) file and could not be read into memory. This might be due to incompatible disk or controller drivers, firmware, or hardware.
Frequently, the cause of this error can be determined from the second parameter, the I/O status code. Some common status codes are:
• 0xC000009A, or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, indicates a lack of nonpaged pool resources.
• 0xC000009C, or STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR, indicates bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk.
• 0xC000009D, or STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, indicates defective or loose data or power cables, a problem with SCSI termination, or improper controller or disk configuration.
• 0xC000016A, or STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED, indicates bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk.
• 0xC0000185, or STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR, indicates improper termination, defective storage controller hardware, or defective disk cabling, or two devices attempting to use the same resources.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x7A can be caused by bad sectors in the virtual memory paging file, disk controller error, virus infection, or memory hardware problems. In extremely rare cases, depleted nonpaged pool resources can cause this error. If the first and third parameters are zero, the stack signature in the kernel stack is missing, an error typically caused by defective hardware. If the I/O status is 0xC0000185 and the paging file is on a SCSI disk, check for cabling and termination issues. An I/O status code of 0xC000009C or 0xC000016A indicates that the requested data could not be found. You can try to correct this by restarting the computer. If a problem with disk integrity exists, Autochk, a program that attempts to mark bad disk sectors as defective so that they are not used in the future, starts automatically. If Autochk fails to run, you can manually perform the integrity check yourself by following the instructions to run Chkdsk provided in "Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM" earlier in this appendix.
• Another cause of Stop 0x7A messages is defective, malfunctioning, or failed memory hardware, such as memory modules, Level 2 (L2) SRAM cache, or video adapter RAM. If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the system manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• Check the hardware manufacturer's Web site for updates to disk adapter firmware or drivers that improve compatibility. Verify that your disks and controller support the same set of advanced features, such as higher transfer rates. If necessary, select a slower transfer rate if an update is not yet available. Consult your hardware or device documentation for more information.
o You can install disk controller drivers not present on the Windows XP Professional operating system CD by responding to the following prompt shortly after starting Setup:
o Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver.
o Press F6, and when prompted, provide the appropriate storage controller driver (ATA or SCSI) supplied by the manufacturer.
• The problem might also be due to cracks, scratched traces, or defective components on the motherboard. If all else fails, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing.
• Problems that cause Stop 0x7A messages can also cause Stop 0x77 messages. For more information about Stop 0x77 messages, see "Stop 0x00000077 or KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR" earlier in this list.
The Stop 0x7B message indicates that Windows XP has lost access to the system partition or boot volume during the startup process. Installing incorrect device drivers when installing or upgrading storage adapter hardware typically causes stop 0x7B errors. Stop 0x7B errors could also indicate possible virus infection.
The second parameter is very important because it can indicate whether the 0x7B Stop message was caused by file system issues or problems with storage hardware and drivers. Values of 0xC000034 or 0xC000000E typically indicate:
• Disks or storage controllers that are failing, defective, or improperly configured.
• Storage-related drivers or programs (tape management software, for example) that are not fully compatible with Windows XP Professional.
Possible Resolutions:
• During I/O system initialization, the controller or driver for the startup device (typically the hard disk) might have failed to initialize the necessary hardware. File system initialization might have failed because of disk or controller failure, or because the file system did not recognize the data on the boot device.
• Repartitioning disks, adding new disks, or upgrading to a new disk controller might cause the information in the Boot.ini file, or Boot Manager, to become outdated. If this Stop message occurs after installing new disks to your system, edit the Boot.ini file or adjust the Boot Manager parameters to allow the system to start. If the error occurs after upgrading the disk controller, verify that the new hardware is functioning and correctly configured.
• Verify that the system firmware and disk controller BIOS settings are correct and that the storage device was properly installed. If you are unsure, consult your computer's documentation about restoring default firmware settings or configuring your system to auto-detect settings. If the error occurs during Windows XP Professional setup, the problem might be due to unsupported disk controller hardware. In some cases, drivers for new hardware are not in the Windows XP Professional library, and you need to provide additional drivers to complete the Windows XP setup successfully. If this is the case, follow the hardware manufacturer's instructions when installing drivers. Periodically check for driver and firmware updates.
• Hard disk corruption can also cause this Stop message. For more information about checking hard disk integrity, see the instructions provided in "Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM" earlier in this list.
• Problems that cause 0x7B errors might also cause Stop 0xED errors. For more information about 0xED Stop messages, see "Stop 0x0000007B or INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE" later in this list.
The Stop 0x7F message indicates that one of three types of problems occurred in kernel-mode:
• A condition that the kernel is not allowed to have or intercept (also known as a bound trap).
• Software problems.
• Hardware failures.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x7F messages are typically due to defective, malfunctioning, or failed memory hardware. If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the system manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• Running the CPU beyond the rated specification, known as "overclocking," can cause Stop 0x7F or other error messages due to heat buildup. When diagnosing problems on overclocked systems, first restore all clock and bus speed settings to the manufacturer recommended values to determine if this resolves the issues.
• The problem might also be due to cracks, scratched traces, or defective components on the motherboard. If all else fails, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing.
• Stop 0x7F messages can occur after installing incompatible applications, drivers, or system services. Contact the software manufacturer about possible Windows XP specific updates. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
The Stop 0x9F message indicates that a driver is in an inconsistent or invalid power state.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x9F messages can occur after installing faulty applications or drivers or system services. If a file is listed by name and you can associate it with an application, uninstall the application. For drivers, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to to determine if this resolves the error. If it does, contact the hardware manufacturer for a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools.
• For information about troubleshooting standby and hibernate mode issues, see KB article Q266169, "How to Troubleshoot Problems with Standby Mode, Hibernate Mode, and Shutting Down Your Computer in Windows 2000."
The Stop 0xBE message indicates that a driver attempted to write to read-only memory.
Possible Resolutions:
• A Stop 0xBE message might occur after installing a faulty device driver, system service, or firmware. If a Stop message lists a driver by name, disable, remove, or roll back the driver to correct the problem. If disabling or removing drivers resolves the issues, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
The Stop 0xC2 message indicates that a kernel-mode process or driver incorrectly attempted to perform memory operations in the following ways:
• By allocating a memory pool size of zero bytes.
• By allocating a memory pool that does not exist.
• By attempting to free a memory pool that is already free.
• By allocating or freeing a memory pool at an IRQL that was too high.
This Stop message is typically due to a faulty driver or software.
Possible Resolutions:
• A Stop 0xC2 messages might occur after installing a faulty device driver, system service, or firmware. If a Stop message lists a driver by name, disable, remove, or roll back the driver to correct the problem. If disabling or removing drivers resolves the issues, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
• A Stop 0xC2 messages might also be due to failing or defective hardware. If a Stop message points to a category of devices (such as disk controllers, for example), try removing or replacing the hardware to determine if it is causing the problem.
• If you encounter a Stop 0xC2 message while upgrading to Windows XP, the problem might be due to an incompatible driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup. To avoid problems while upgrading, simplify your hardware configuration and remove all third-party device drivers and system services (including virus scanners) prior to running setup. After you have successfully installed Windows XP, contact the hardware manufacturer to obtain compatible updates.
This Stop messages indicates that a driver failed to cancel pending operations before exiting.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0xCE messages can occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a driver is listed by name, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
The Stop 0xD1 messages indicates that the system attempted to access pageable memory using a kernel process IRQL that was too high. Drivers that have used improper addresses typically cause this error.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0xD1 messages can occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a driver is listed by name, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
A device driver problem is causing the system to pause indefinitely. Typically, this problem is caused by a display driver waiting for the video hardware to enter an idle state. This might indicate a hardware problem with the video adapter or a faulty video driver.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0xD1 messages can occur after installing faulty drivers (especially video drivers) or system services. If a driver is listed by name, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
The kernel mode I/O subsystem attempted to mount the boot volume and it failed. This error might also occur during an upgrade to Windows XP Professional on systems that use higher throughput ATA disks or controllers with incorrect cabling. In some cases, your system might appear to work normally after you restart.
Possible Resolutions:
• If using higher throughput ATA disks and controllers, those capable of data transfer rates above 33.3 megabytes per second, replace the standard 40-pin cable with an 80-pin cable. Using an 80-pin cable is optional for transfer rates up to and including 33.3 megabytes per second, but is mandatory for higher transfer rates. The additional grounded pins are required to avoid data loss.
• Some firmware enables you to force higher transfer rates even when you are using the incorrect cable type. Your firmware might issue a warning but allow the startup process to proceed. Restore the default firmware setting for ATA cable detection.
• Problems that cause 0xED errors might also cause Stop 0x7B errors. For more information about 0x7B Stop messages, see "Stop 0x0000007B or INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE" earlier in this appendix.
This Stop message indicates driver, system file, or disk corruption problems (such as a damaged paging file). Faulty memory hardware can also cause this Stop message to appear.
Possible Resolutions:
• You can use Driver Rollback or System Restore from safe mode, to restore a previous driver. You can also use Windows XP Professional recovery features such as the Last Known Good Configuration startup option, Backup, or Automated System Recovery to restore a previous working configuration. After restoring from backup media, you might need to reapply service packs or hotfixes, depending on when the backups were made.
• If the Stop message names the specific file, try replacing it manually with a fresh copy from the Windows XP Professional operating system CD using safe mode or Recovery Console. For systems using the FAT16 or FAT32 file system, you have the option of using a Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition Emergency Boot Disk to access the hard disk.
If the original file from the operating system CD has a file name that ends with an underscore (_) character, you cannot use the file until it is uncompressed. The Recovery Console's Copy command is ideal for copying compressed files because it detects and expands them. If you do not specify a destination file name, you must rename the expanded file with the correct extension before using it. From safe mode or Recovery Console, you can use the Expand command to uncompress and copy a file to a destination location. In Recovery Console, the expanded file is given the correct name after being copied to the destination location. For more information about the Copy or Expand commands, see Windows XP Help and Support Centre.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Stereo Bluetooth on iPhone - Have A2DP working!
It is now possible to hack the iPhone to work with your bluetooth stereo headset. The tested platform:-
iPhone 8GB Unlocked using 1.1.1
Nokia BH-503
Also working with 1.0.2
A2DP on iPhone:-
1. Pair your headset, make a test call to see if it works. End the call normally.
2. Dial *#307#, press call.
3. Press the answer button twice with 2 seconds delay in your bluetooth headset (If you don’t do this correctly, you will continue to listen the ringtone in headset)
4. Press answer on iPhone.
5. Press the home button, do NOT end the call.
6. Open iPod and play a song, you won’t get sound from iPhone, nor headset.
7. Once it is playing, press the home button.
8. Open phone.
9. Dial 0, press Call.
10. It will ring again, answer.
11. Press audio source, select your headset.
12. Press home button, do NOT end call. (we’re almost there)
13. Open iPod and play anything you like.
Shorter Way:
1. *#307# Dial, press the bluetooth headset button twice.
2. Answer on iPhone, press source.
3. Select bluetooth headset.
4. Press home button, open iPod, play anything.
Caveat: You cannot receive the calls while the music plays this way.
iPhone 8GB Unlocked using 1.1.1
Nokia BH-503
Also working with 1.0.2
A2DP on iPhone:-
1. Pair your headset, make a test call to see if it works. End the call normally.
2. Dial *#307#, press call.
3. Press the answer button twice with 2 seconds delay in your bluetooth headset (If you don’t do this correctly, you will continue to listen the ringtone in headset)
4. Press answer on iPhone.
5. Press the home button, do NOT end the call.
6. Open iPod and play a song, you won’t get sound from iPhone, nor headset.
7. Once it is playing, press the home button.
8. Open phone.
9. Dial 0, press Call.
10. It will ring again, answer.
11. Press audio source, select your headset.
12. Press home button, do NOT end call. (we’re almost there)
13. Open iPod and play anything you like.
Shorter Way:
1. *#307# Dial, press the bluetooth headset button twice.
2. Answer on iPhone, press source.
3. Select bluetooth headset.
4. Press home button, open iPod, play anything.
Caveat: You cannot receive the calls while the music plays this way.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
6 Cool Firefox Tricks
1. Tab navigation. Instead of using the mouse to select different tabs that you have open, use the keyboard. Here are the shortcuts:
* Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)
* Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)
* Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab)
2. Mouse shortcuts.
* Middle click on link (opens in new tab)
* Shift-scroll down (previous page)
* Shift-scroll up (next page)
* Ctrl-scroll up (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-scroll down (increase text size)
* Middle click on a tab (closes tab)
3. Speed up Firefox. If you have a broadband connection (and most of us do), you can use pipelining to speed up your page loads. This allows Firefox to load multiple things on a page at once, instead of one at a time (by default, it̢۪s optimized for dialup connections). Here̢۪s how:
* Type â€Å“about:config†into the address bar and hit return. Type â€Å“network.http†in the filter field, and change the following settings (double-click on them to change them):
* Set â€Å“network.http.pipelining†to â€Å“trueâ€
* Set â€Å“network.http.proxy.pipelining†to â€Å“trueâ€
* Set â€Å“network.http.pipelining.maxrequests†to a number like 30. This will allow it to make 30 requests at once.
* Also, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it â€Å“nglayout.initialpaint.delay†and set its value to â€Å“0?. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
4. Keyboard shortcuts.
* Spacebar (page down)
* Shift-Spacebar (page up)
* Ctrl+F (find)
* Alt-N (find next)
* Ctrl+D (bookmark page)
* Ctrl+T (new tab)
* Ctrl+K (go to search box)
* Ctrl+L (go to address bar)
* Ctrl+= (increase text size)
* Ctrl+- (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-W (close tab)
* F5 (reload)
* Alt-Home (go to home page)
5. About:config. The true power user̢۪s tool, about.config isn̢۪t something to mess with if you don̢۪t know what a setting does. You can get to the main configuration screen by putting about:config in the browser̢۪s address bar. Clck here for more Mozillazine̢۪s about:config tips and screenshots.
6. Remove the close tab button. Sometime you accidentally click on the close button of Firefox’s tabs? But with this trick you can move them or remove them, again through about:config. Edit the preference for â€Å“browser.tabs.closeButtonsâ€.
* 0: Display a close button on the active tab only
* 1:(Default) Display close buttons on all tabs
* 2:Don̢۪t display any close buttons
* 3:Display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (Firefox 1.x behavior)
* Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)
* Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)
* Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab)
2. Mouse shortcuts.
* Middle click on link (opens in new tab)
* Shift-scroll down (previous page)
* Shift-scroll up (next page)
* Ctrl-scroll up (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-scroll down (increase text size)
* Middle click on a tab (closes tab)
3. Speed up Firefox. If you have a broadband connection (and most of us do), you can use pipelining to speed up your page loads. This allows Firefox to load multiple things on a page at once, instead of one at a time (by default, it̢۪s optimized for dialup connections). Here̢۪s how:
* Type â€Å“about:config†into the address bar and hit return. Type â€Å“network.http†in the filter field, and change the following settings (double-click on them to change them):
* Set â€Å“network.http.pipelining†to â€Å“trueâ€
* Set â€Å“network.http.proxy.pipelining†to â€Å“trueâ€
* Set â€Å“network.http.pipelining.maxrequests†to a number like 30. This will allow it to make 30 requests at once.
* Also, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it â€Å“nglayout.initialpaint.delay†and set its value to â€Å“0?. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
4. Keyboard shortcuts.
* Spacebar (page down)
* Shift-Spacebar (page up)
* Ctrl+F (find)
* Alt-N (find next)
* Ctrl+D (bookmark page)
* Ctrl+T (new tab)
* Ctrl+K (go to search box)
* Ctrl+L (go to address bar)
* Ctrl+= (increase text size)
* Ctrl+- (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-W (close tab)
* F5 (reload)
* Alt-Home (go to home page)
5. About:config. The true power user̢۪s tool, about.config isn̢۪t something to mess with if you don̢۪t know what a setting does. You can get to the main configuration screen by putting about:config in the browser̢۪s address bar. Clck here for more Mozillazine̢۪s about:config tips and screenshots.
6. Remove the close tab button. Sometime you accidentally click on the close button of Firefox’s tabs? But with this trick you can move them or remove them, again through about:config. Edit the preference for â€Å“browser.tabs.closeButtonsâ€.
* 0: Display a close button on the active tab only
* 1:(Default) Display close buttons on all tabs
* 2:Don̢۪t display any close buttons
* 3:Display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (Firefox 1.x behavior)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
We have some awesome pictures of the Apple 3G iPhone mock-ups which we know you will love; this one goes out to all you Apple fans. Many of us have wanted to know what the real 3G iPhone will look like and here are some from designers.
Basically the pictures below will get you thinking and all we say is “Dream On”, got to admit they are mind blowing and would be fantastic if the real phone is like one of these, all a bit of fun at the end of the day. We found these pictures via “Wired” and they say that these mock-ups were designed by the readers of iLounge who held a competition to find the best ideas and creations of the brand new Apple iPhone. Check out our top 10 that we have listed below.
We have listed the title, then the picture then the description of that phone. So Title – Photo - Description
iPhone See-through
iphone concept mockup pic 1
This mock-up by Robert Davis of Cornelius, North Carolina, is thin, lightweight and crystal clear. It runs a full version of Leopard (not a stripped-down one) and has a 5-megapixel camera. Not very realistic — or practical — but pretty.
iPhone Pro
iPhone Pro
The iPhone Pro by A. Berio of Los Angeles is an iPhone for well, the pros. Boasting a 1024×768 display, the iPhone Pro also has Intel’s latest Atom processor and runs OS X Leopard. Dream on!
iPhone Mirror
iPhone Mirror
The iPhone Mirror by an unnamed iLounge reader from Boston has two touch screens and two cameras — one on either side. This makes video conferencing very easy — and also taking self-portraits.
iPhone Pico
iPhone Pico
iPhone Pico. Smallest. iPhone. Ever.
iPhone Classic and Mini
iPhone Classic and Mini
A lot of Apple watchers expect the iPhone line to diversify like that of the iPod: different models for different pocketbooks. Many except to see a smaller, slimmed-down iPhone — like the iPhone Mini. By Frank Reinders, Venlo, Netherlands.
iPhone 3-G Slider With Virtual Keyboard
iPhone 3-G Slider With Virtual Keyboard
This 3-G iPhone by Aaron Besson of Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, is a slider with a difference. The slide-out keyboard is actually a second touch screen, and the keyboard its displaying is virtual. Clever.
iPhone Air
iPhone Air
The iPhone Air by Renato Ruiz of Oxnard, California, is the perfect complement to the MacBook Air. It’s a clamshell and has two screens — one for a virtual keyboard — that are both protected when the device is closed. There’s a third screen on the lid that shows what music is playing while the iPhone is being used as a media player.
Two Trackballs
Two Trackballs
This next-gen iPhone has two home buttons, which are now trackballs for gaming and easier scrolling. It also uses the built-in accelerometers as game controls. Designed by an unnamed iLounge reader from Skokie, Illinois.
iPhone Bio
iPhone Bio
The iPhone Bio has the usual 3-G for video calls and video chat, but also uses biometric fingerprint security to protect your sensitive data.
iPhone Duo
Basically the pictures below will get you thinking and all we say is “Dream On”, got to admit they are mind blowing and would be fantastic if the real phone is like one of these, all a bit of fun at the end of the day. We found these pictures via “Wired” and they say that these mock-ups were designed by the readers of iLounge who held a competition to find the best ideas and creations of the brand new Apple iPhone. Check out our top 10 that we have listed below.
We have listed the title, then the picture then the description of that phone. So Title – Photo - Description
iPhone See-through
iphone concept mockup pic 1
This mock-up by Robert Davis of Cornelius, North Carolina, is thin, lightweight and crystal clear. It runs a full version of Leopard (not a stripped-down one) and has a 5-megapixel camera. Not very realistic — or practical — but pretty.
iPhone Pro
iPhone Pro
The iPhone Pro by A. Berio of Los Angeles is an iPhone for well, the pros. Boasting a 1024×768 display, the iPhone Pro also has Intel’s latest Atom processor and runs OS X Leopard. Dream on!
iPhone Mirror
iPhone Mirror
The iPhone Mirror by an unnamed iLounge reader from Boston has two touch screens and two cameras — one on either side. This makes video conferencing very easy — and also taking self-portraits.
iPhone Pico
iPhone Pico
iPhone Pico. Smallest. iPhone. Ever.
iPhone Classic and Mini
iPhone Classic and Mini
A lot of Apple watchers expect the iPhone line to diversify like that of the iPod: different models for different pocketbooks. Many except to see a smaller, slimmed-down iPhone — like the iPhone Mini. By Frank Reinders, Venlo, Netherlands.
iPhone 3-G Slider With Virtual Keyboard
iPhone 3-G Slider With Virtual Keyboard
This 3-G iPhone by Aaron Besson of Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, is a slider with a difference. The slide-out keyboard is actually a second touch screen, and the keyboard its displaying is virtual. Clever.
iPhone Air
iPhone Air
The iPhone Air by Renato Ruiz of Oxnard, California, is the perfect complement to the MacBook Air. It’s a clamshell and has two screens — one for a virtual keyboard — that are both protected when the device is closed. There’s a third screen on the lid that shows what music is playing while the iPhone is being used as a media player.
Two Trackballs
Two Trackballs
This next-gen iPhone has two home buttons, which are now trackballs for gaming and easier scrolling. It also uses the built-in accelerometers as game controls. Designed by an unnamed iLounge reader from Skokie, Illinois.
iPhone Bio
iPhone Bio
The iPhone Bio has the usual 3-G for video calls and video chat, but also uses biometric fingerprint security to protect your sensitive data.
iPhone Duo
Thursday, August 21, 2008
iPhone completely unlocked (hacked) using Turbo SIM card
iPhone completely unlocked (hacked) using Turbo SIM card
iPhone Unlock finally reached its goal,guys iPhone finally unlocked.dream comes true,thats right you can unlock your iPhone using Turbo SIM cards,(only 80$ for blank SIM)
i will release a full how-to article but for now just goto bladox forum and find out how.
iphone fully unlocked
this is turbo SIM
HOWTO:(by MetalRat)
OK I have seen so many questions still circulating regarding how to get the TurboSIM method working. I am going to try and illustrate the simplest method.
WARNING: If you are non-technical, confused as to how to use or install application on computers without an installer or are unfamilliar with terms such as ssh, scp or chmod then you probably should NOT be attempting to use the TurboSIM method anyway.
Seriously, you can waste a lot of money if you get this wrong.
1. Get an iPhone. Try an applestore, or even ebay.
2. Once you get it, make sure you read the manual.
3. At the top of the phone is the SIM card tray, in there is your AT&T sim. Go on, have a look. Now put it back.
4. Use one of the many, many well documented methods to activate your phone. Any of them will be fine, and if you can get to this part then you can probably continue.
5. Order a TurboSIM (Blank version) from
6. Wait.
7. Wait.
8. If you ordered via an express shipping method you can skip to step 11
9. wait
10. wait a bit more
11. You could have done this step while you were waiting, but install SSH. Use these instructions…on-your-iphone (in the comments there is a mac version of the SSH installer)
While you are at it install the iPhone binary kit, too:
12. Once you have done that and are able to ssh into your phone over wireless (if you dont know how already then I suggest you give up now. cancel your order with bladox.)
Hint 1: Find your iPhone IP address under: Settings ->WiFi -> -> blue arrowy thing
Hint 2: Either using Putty (for windows) or ssh (for mac from the terminal) use that IP address to connect to the iPhone. E.g: ssh -l root
The root password is dottie. I suggest you change it unless you want someone like me to totally take the shine off your afternoon.
13. download the iPhone port of the bladox utilities:…3da7541ee37ae8
Extract these files and in there somewhere you will see a little file called “turbo-app” copy this to your iPhone using scp for instance:
scp turbo-app root@
Download this:
in the “bin” directory copy applesaft.trb to the iphone:
scp applesaft.trb root@
14. copy the follwing file from the iPhone /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
and add the following line:
after these lines, already present in the file
Now copy the file back. Yes, to the same location you got it from.
15. now you will have to reboot your iPhone. (Told you to read the manual) You can do this by pressing the power button for a few seconds until it asks you if you want to switch it off, or you can just take out the battery….
16. Now, get your AT&T sim and carefully cut it as indicated in the packet that the TurboSIM came in.
17. Do the same for the SIM you want to be using eventually in the iPhone.
18. CAREFULLY, VERY CAREFULLY. place the AT&T sim along with the TurboSIM into the sim tray and pop it into the iPhone.It should slide in without too much effort, DO NOT FORCE IT IN. BE CAREFUL.
19. Now ssh into your phone and do the following (yes include the slashes):
chmod 755 /turbo-app
/turbo-app /applesaft.trb
This will take several seconds to run just be patient.
20. Go to Settings -> Phone -> SIM Applications -> Apple Saft and then click SET.
21. Eject the sim tray CAREFULLY.
22. CAREFULLY, REALLLY EFFING CAREFULLY, put the TurboSIM and your target SIM into the iPhone.
23. Remember that file I told you to edit? Right edit it again and take out that line I told you to put in, then copy it back to the iPhone.
24. Do 14. Again.
25. Fingers crossed it should be working now.
26. Go to Settings -> General -> Network -> EDGE and change your details according to your operators instructions.
27. Thank everyone who has put time and effort into this, including Ozbimmer, ZF, the bladox developers. Yadda yadda.
OK? Any questions? I can answer all of them:
a) read the instructions again
b) google for it
iPhone Unlock finally reached its goal,guys iPhone finally unlocked.dream comes true,thats right you can unlock your iPhone using Turbo SIM cards,(only 80$ for blank SIM)
i will release a full how-to article but for now just goto bladox forum and find out how.
iphone fully unlocked
this is turbo SIM
HOWTO:(by MetalRat)
OK I have seen so many questions still circulating regarding how to get the TurboSIM method working. I am going to try and illustrate the simplest method.
WARNING: If you are non-technical, confused as to how to use or install application on computers without an installer or are unfamilliar with terms such as ssh, scp or chmod then you probably should NOT be attempting to use the TurboSIM method anyway.
Seriously, you can waste a lot of money if you get this wrong.
1. Get an iPhone. Try an applestore, or even ebay.
2. Once you get it, make sure you read the manual.
3. At the top of the phone is the SIM card tray, in there is your AT&T sim. Go on, have a look. Now put it back.
4. Use one of the many, many well documented methods to activate your phone. Any of them will be fine, and if you can get to this part then you can probably continue.
5. Order a TurboSIM (Blank version) from
6. Wait.
7. Wait.
8. If you ordered via an express shipping method you can skip to step 11
9. wait
10. wait a bit more
11. You could have done this step while you were waiting, but install SSH. Use these instructions…on-your-iphone (in the comments there is a mac version of the SSH installer)
While you are at it install the iPhone binary kit, too:
12. Once you have done that and are able to ssh into your phone over wireless (if you dont know how already then I suggest you give up now. cancel your order with bladox.)
Hint 1: Find your iPhone IP address under: Settings ->WiFi ->
Hint 2: Either using Putty (for windows) or ssh (for mac from the terminal) use that IP address to connect to the iPhone. E.g: ssh -l root
The root password is dottie. I suggest you change it unless you want someone like me to totally take the shine off your afternoon.
13. download the iPhone port of the bladox utilities:…3da7541ee37ae8
Extract these files and in there somewhere you will see a little file called “turbo-app” copy this to your iPhone using scp for instance:
scp turbo-app root@
Download this:
in the “bin” directory copy applesaft.trb to the iphone:
scp applesaft.trb root@
14. copy the follwing file from the iPhone /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
and add the following line:
after these lines, already present in the file
Now copy the file back. Yes, to the same location you got it from.
15. now you will have to reboot your iPhone. (Told you to read the manual) You can do this by pressing the power button for a few seconds until it asks you if you want to switch it off, or you can just take out the battery….
16. Now, get your AT&T sim and carefully cut it as indicated in the packet that the TurboSIM came in.
17. Do the same for the SIM you want to be using eventually in the iPhone.
18. CAREFULLY, VERY CAREFULLY. place the AT&T sim along with the TurboSIM into the sim tray and pop it into the iPhone.It should slide in without too much effort, DO NOT FORCE IT IN. BE CAREFUL.
19. Now ssh into your phone and do the following (yes include the slashes):
chmod 755 /turbo-app
/turbo-app /applesaft.trb
This will take several seconds to run just be patient.
20. Go to Settings -> Phone -> SIM Applications -> Apple Saft and then click SET.
21. Eject the sim tray CAREFULLY.
22. CAREFULLY, REALLLY EFFING CAREFULLY, put the TurboSIM and your target SIM into the iPhone.
23. Remember that file I told you to edit? Right edit it again and take out that line I told you to put in, then copy it back to the iPhone.
24. Do 14. Again.
25. Fingers crossed it should be working now.
26. Go to Settings -> General -> Network -> EDGE and change your details according to your operators instructions.
27. Thank everyone who has put time and effort into this, including Ozbimmer, ZF, the bladox developers. Yadda yadda.
OK? Any questions? I can answer all of them:
a) read the instructions again
b) google for it
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Converting a Black & White Picture to Color
Converting a Black & White Picture to Color
Photoshop Knowledge required: Medium
External Plug-ins required: None
(Before starting reset your workspace by Window ---> Workspace ---> Reset Palette Locations)
This could be an interesting tutorial.
Using this you can color almost any Black & White image.
Actually there are two ways to color an image. You have to use them according to your needs.
The methods are sorted with simplicity.
I method: Simplest
Adobe Photoshop has a great blending mode called the color mode.
It can give fantastic effects!
Step 1: Select the color you want to do to a specific part of image
Step 2: Select "Brush Tool" {Size: Choose according to your needs --- Mode: "Overlay" or "Color" --- Opacity: 100 --- Flow: 100}
Step 3: Go nuts! Just paint the area of the picture you want to color
Pros: Easiest coloring possible, well for newbie̢۪s who don't want the resultant image to be too realistic.
Cons: Very time consuming, provides pretty cheap results, you can't adjust the colors because you'll have to paint again...
II method: Hardest
Remember that in this method you'll have to work with objects that are in the front and then go to the objects in the background.
Here I'm taking a picture that comes with Adobe Photoshop as a sample.
You can find it in [Drive]:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\Samples\RanchHouse.jpg
Step 1: Change the image to color mode by Image ---> Mode ---> RGB Color (!!!IMPORTANT!!! Always check this)
Step 2: Zoom to about 200%
Step 3: Select the magnetic lasso tool {Feather: 1px --- Anti-aliased: Yes --- Width: 10px --- Edge Contrast: 10% --- Frequency: 100}
Step 4: Now click on the edge of any object Coat, Boot, Hat, Door etc... (Not the wall or the floor)
Step 5: Just move your mouse cursor around the edges of the object until you have a complete selection. Like this
{Tip: If your magnetic lasso tool doesn't go where you want it to, you can just click the points manually. To remove the last point just press backspace. Refer to Photoshop manual for more assistance}
Step 6: Press Ctrl+J to do "Layer via Copy"
Step 7: Go to Image --> Adjustments --> Hue/Saturation {Colorize: Yes}
Step 8: Now adjust the Hue/Saturation and Lightness until your object looks realistic.
{Tip: The realism of the resulting image depends on the experimenting you have done. And the amount of efforts put to small objects. Always remember to experiment with the "Brightness/Contrast option to make your objects looks better}
Step 9: Set the blending mode of the layer to "Color". You can experiment with others too...
Step 10: Do the same for every other object. (Remember to click on the Background layer first)
{Tip: Using "Magnetic Lasso" tool won't always do the work ... It is difficult to select the images using this tool...
So after using this tool... select the "Rectangular Marquee" tool and select the "Add to selection button" (Hold your mouse over the buttons to make the text appear" and then draw at the edges}
Step 11: To color the background (Ground, Wall) you need not worry about the selection too much because you have already colored the objects and put them over the top of the background...
So Click on the Background layer and just select the wall including the objects and directly apply "Hue/Saturation" to it...
Step 12: Layer ---> Flatten Image
Step 13: Image ---> Adjustments ---> Auto Levels & Auto Contrast & Auto Color
This should make you able to color most of the B&W images to color..
Photoshop Knowledge required: Medium
External Plug-ins required: None
(Before starting reset your workspace by Window ---> Workspace ---> Reset Palette Locations)
This could be an interesting tutorial.
Using this you can color almost any Black & White image.
Actually there are two ways to color an image. You have to use them according to your needs.
The methods are sorted with simplicity.
I method: Simplest
Adobe Photoshop has a great blending mode called the color mode.
It can give fantastic effects!
Step 1: Select the color you want to do to a specific part of image
Step 2: Select "Brush Tool" {Size: Choose according to your needs --- Mode: "Overlay" or "Color" --- Opacity: 100 --- Flow: 100}
Step 3: Go nuts! Just paint the area of the picture you want to color
Pros: Easiest coloring possible, well for newbie̢۪s who don't want the resultant image to be too realistic.
Cons: Very time consuming, provides pretty cheap results, you can't adjust the colors because you'll have to paint again...
II method: Hardest
Remember that in this method you'll have to work with objects that are in the front and then go to the objects in the background.
Here I'm taking a picture that comes with Adobe Photoshop as a sample.
You can find it in [Drive]:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\Samples\RanchHouse.jpg
Step 1: Change the image to color mode by Image ---> Mode ---> RGB Color (!!!IMPORTANT!!! Always check this)
Step 2: Zoom to about 200%
Step 3: Select the magnetic lasso tool {Feather: 1px --- Anti-aliased: Yes --- Width: 10px --- Edge Contrast: 10% --- Frequency: 100}
Step 4: Now click on the edge of any object Coat, Boot, Hat, Door etc... (Not the wall or the floor)
Step 5: Just move your mouse cursor around the edges of the object until you have a complete selection. Like this
{Tip: If your magnetic lasso tool doesn't go where you want it to, you can just click the points manually. To remove the last point just press backspace. Refer to Photoshop manual for more assistance}
Step 6: Press Ctrl+J to do "Layer via Copy"
Step 7: Go to Image --> Adjustments --> Hue/Saturation {Colorize: Yes}
Step 8: Now adjust the Hue/Saturation and Lightness until your object looks realistic.
{Tip: The realism of the resulting image depends on the experimenting you have done. And the amount of efforts put to small objects. Always remember to experiment with the "Brightness/Contrast option to make your objects looks better}
Step 9: Set the blending mode of the layer to "Color". You can experiment with others too...
Step 10: Do the same for every other object. (Remember to click on the Background layer first)
{Tip: Using "Magnetic Lasso" tool won't always do the work ... It is difficult to select the images using this tool...
So after using this tool... select the "Rectangular Marquee" tool and select the "Add to selection button" (Hold your mouse over the buttons to make the text appear" and then draw at the edges}
Step 11: To color the background (Ground, Wall) you need not worry about the selection too much because you have already colored the objects and put them over the top of the background...
So Click on the Background layer and just select the wall including the objects and directly apply "Hue/Saturation" to it...
Step 12: Layer ---> Flatten Image
Step 13: Image ---> Adjustments ---> Auto Levels & Auto Contrast & Auto Color
This should make you able to color most of the B&W images to color..
Saturday, August 16, 2008
iphone interface for s60
iPhone Interface On S60 & A PC Application That Controls Your Phone
iPhone UIiPhone UI
I just came across this neat Flash Lite file that transforms the S60 devices into an iPhone for all those of you who like the slick interface. It is not compatible with Flash Lite 3 but runs smoothly on the inbuilt Flash application. It is great to use as a screensaver also. However certain icons such as YouTube do not perform the corresponding task.
Here is a video of it in action:
Please note that it is stretched and jerky due to the software that was used to record the video and youtube. The application runs smoothly otherwise. To use just copy the .swf to (C/E):/Others and run using the flash application.
I would also like to take this space to present to you a application called Smart Control that lets you take a video of the phone along with the usual Screenshots. Pretty neat. The above video was captured using it, the video prior to youtube uploading is not stretched! Here’s how the company markets the product:
“smartControl is used to display a smartphone’s screen on a PC or video projector in realtime. It is also possible to control the phone using a PC keyboard or mouse. This is especially useful in presentations and demonstrations.
Apart from that smartControl also offers an easy way to create screenshots and even videos of the phone display. These are perfect for documentation purposes or to show people how to use or configure an application. Because the user interface on the PC side features a skin that looks and behaves like the remotely controlled phone, using it is as easy as operating the phone directly.”
iPhone UIiPhone UI
I just came across this neat Flash Lite file that transforms the S60 devices into an iPhone for all those of you who like the slick interface. It is not compatible with Flash Lite 3 but runs smoothly on the inbuilt Flash application. It is great to use as a screensaver also. However certain icons such as YouTube do not perform the corresponding task.
Here is a video of it in action:
Please note that it is stretched and jerky due to the software that was used to record the video and youtube. The application runs smoothly otherwise. To use just copy the .swf to (C/E):/Others and run using the flash application.
I would also like to take this space to present to you a application called Smart Control that lets you take a video of the phone along with the usual Screenshots. Pretty neat. The above video was captured using it, the video prior to youtube uploading is not stretched! Here’s how the company markets the product:
“smartControl is used to display a smartphone’s screen on a PC or video projector in realtime. It is also possible to control the phone using a PC keyboard or mouse. This is especially useful in presentations and demonstrations.
Apart from that smartControl also offers an easy way to create screenshots and even videos of the phone display. These are perfect for documentation purposes or to show people how to use or configure an application. Because the user interface on the PC side features a skin that looks and behaves like the remotely controlled phone, using it is as easy as operating the phone directly.”
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Here is the latest version of UniSmilies - Yet another firefox smiley extension.
It took a long time before I resumed it. So its a complete overhaul over the old extension. There are many good features added and usability with minimality is followed too.
* Click n paste anywhere automatically. No need to press “CTRL+V” now.
* Intelligent smiley code changes depending upon the website (Forums will have IMG tag, wordpress and other websites will have anchor tag and an option for direct link for orkut etc)
* Code is now Smiley friendly Wordpress themes optimized i.e No border around for Smiley friendly themes
* A context menu entry is added from usability point of view
* Option for large smilies (Size+)
* Three sets of cool smilies
* A few bugs here and there
Its like this:
Try it ( Its free ):
Unismilies 2.08.08
It took a long time before I resumed it. So its a complete overhaul over the old extension. There are many good features added and usability with minimality is followed too.
* Click n paste anywhere automatically. No need to press “CTRL+V” now.
* Intelligent smiley code changes depending upon the website (Forums will have IMG tag, wordpress and other websites will have anchor tag and an option for direct link for orkut etc)
* Code is now Smiley friendly Wordpress themes optimized i.e No border around for Smiley friendly themes
* A context menu entry is added from usability point of view
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Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
CD stickers any body wants
CD stickers for putting onto the cd after printing onto it whatver u like like take a wallpaper of windows and make ur p.....r..ed wndows cd look like real
Friday, August 1, 2008
Here is a list Meanig of (Girls) names [1959].
S. No. Name Description(Meaning)
1 Aashika lovable
2 Abha lustre, shine
3 Abhati splendour, light
4 Abhaya fearless
5 Abhidha literal meaning
6 Abhidhya wish, longing
7 Abhijna remembrance, recollection
8 Abhilasa desire, wish
9 Abhilasha desire
10 Abhinithi that which is already been
performed, friendship
11 Abhiprithi full of love
12 Abhirathi pleasure
13 Abhisri surrounded by glory, shining,
14 Abhithi fearlessness
15 Abja born in water
16 Aboil the name of a flower
17 Achala constant
18 Acira brief, swift, fast
19 Adarsha ideal
20 Adhira lightning
21 Adishree exalted
22 Aditha the first root
23 Adithi freedom, safety, abundance
24 Aditi mother of gods
25 Adrija of the mountain, another name
26 Adrika celestial
27 Advika unique
28 Adya first, unparalleled
29 Aghanashini destroyer of sins
30 Agrata leadership
31 Agrima leadership
32 Ahalya Rishi Gautam's wife, woman
by Lord Rama
33 Ahilya maiden
34 Ahladita in happy mood
35 Ahladitha delighted
36 Aishani Goddess Durga
37 Aishwarya wealth
38 Ajala the earth
39 Ajanta famous Buddist cave
40 Ajeeta invincible, unconquerable
41 Akalka free from impurity, moonlight
42 Akanksha desire, wish
43 Akhila complete
44 Akriti diagram
45 Akshaya indestructible
46 Akshita seen
47 Aksithi imperishability
48 Akuti princess
49 Alaka, Alka a girl with a lovely hair
50 Alaknanda a river in the Himalayas
51 Alisha protected by God
52 Alka lock of curly hair
53 Almas a diamond
54 Alopa faultless
55 Alpa little
56 Alpana a decorative design
57 Amala, Amla the pure one
58 Amani road, one who shows the path
59 Amari eternal
60 Amarta immortality
61 Amba Parvati
62 Ambalika mother, one who is
63 Ambika Goddess Parvati
64 Ambu water
65 Ambuda cloud
66 Ambuja born of a Lotus; Goddess Lakshmi
67 Amita limitless
68 Amithi immeasurable
69 Amiya nectar
70 Amoda happiness
71 Amodini happy girl
72 Amrapali famous courtesan who
a devotee of Buddha
73 Amrita immortality
74 Amritkala nectarine art
75 Amrusha sudden
76 Amshula sunny
77 Amulya priceless
78 Anagha sinless
79 Anahita graceful
80 Anala fiery
81 Anamika ring-finger
82 Anandalakshmi goddess of happiness
83 Anandamayi full of joy
84 Anandi jovial
85 Anandini joyful
86 Anandita happy
87 Anantha, Anantya endless, eternal
88 Ananya matchless
89 Anarghya priceless
90 Anasuya without spite or envy
91 Anathi modest, respectful
92 Anavi kind to people
93 Anchal the decorative end of a sari
94 Anchita honoured, worshipped
95 Angana handsome woman
96 Angarika flame coloured flower,
Palash or Flame of the
97 Anhithi gift, donation
98 Anindita beautiful
99 Aninditha virtuous, venerated
100 Anisha continuous
101 Anita grace
102 Anjali offering
103 Anjalika one of Arjuna's arrows
104 Anjana mother of Hanuman
105 Anju one who lives in heart
106 Anjushri, Anjushree dear to one's
107 Ankita conquered, a signet, symbol
108 Ankitha with auspicious marks
109 Annapurna Goddess Parvati; generous
with food
110 Anokhi unique
111 Anshula sunny
112 Antara the second note in Hindustani
classical music
113 Antini living in a hermitage
114 Anuga a companion
115 Anula not wild, gentle
116 Anulekha one who follows destiny
117 Anumati consent
118 Anunitha courtesy
119 Anupama unique, unparalleled
120 Anuprabha brightness
121 Anuradha a bright star
122 Anuragini beloved
123 Anurati consent
124 Anusha beautiful morning, a star
125 Anushri pretty
126 Anusri glorious, famous
127 Anuva knowldege
128 Anwesha quest
129 Anya Inexhaustible
130 Apala most beautiful
131 Aparajita undefeated
132 Aparijita undefeated; name of a
133 Aparna Goddess Parvati
134 Apeksha expected
135 Apsara celestial maiden
136 Apurva, Apoorva unique
137 Aradhana worship
138 Arati hymns sang in praise of god
139 Arati, Aaarti worship
140 Archa worship
141 Archan worship
142 Archana worship
143 Archisha a ray of light
144 Archita one who is worshipped
145 Ariktha fulfilled
146 Arpana surrendered
147 Arpita dedicate
148 Arshia heavenly
149 Aruna dawn
150 Arundhathi fidelity
151 Arundhati a star
152 Aruni dawn
153 Arunima glow of dawn
154 Arushi dawn, red sky in the early
155 Asavari name of a raga or melody
156 Aseema, Ashima limitless
157 Asgari devotee
158 Asha hope
159 Ashakiran ray of hope
160 Ashalata creeper of hope
161 Ashavari name of a raaga
162 Ashis benediction
163 Ashna friend
164 Ashoka without grief
165 Ashritha dependant
166 Ashwini a star
167 Asita the river Yamuna
168 Aslesha a star
169 Asmita pride
170 Asvika a little mare
171 Atasi a blue flower
172 Atmaja daughter
173 Atreyi name of a river
174 Avani Earth
175 Avani, Abani earth
176 Avanti ancient Malwa; Ujjain
177 Avantika city of Ujjain
178 Ayesha wife of the Prophet
179 Ayushmati one who has a long life
180 Bageshri name of a raaga
181 Bakula Nagakeshar flower
182 Bala an ever 9 year old girl, a young
183 Bandhura pretty
184 Bani Saraswati
185 Bhagyalakshmi goddess of wealth
186 Bhairavi a melody in classical
187 Bhanuja river Yamuna
188 Bharati Saraswati
189 Bhavana feelings, sentiments
190 Bhavani Parvati
191 Bhavya grand, splendid
192 Bhuvana the earth
193 Bina a musical instrument
194 Bindiya drop, point
195 Brinda Tulasi
196 Cauvery same as Cavery- name of a river
197 Chadna love
198 Chahana desire, affection
199 Chaitali born in the month of
200 Chaitaly name of an ancient city
201 Chaitanya consciousness
202 Chakori a bird enamoured of the moon
203 Chakrika Lakshmi
204 Chameli a creeper with flowers
205 Champa a flower
206 Champabati the capital
207 Champakali a bud of champa
208 Champakavathi owner of champak trees
209 Champamalini garland of champa flower
210 Champika little champa flower
211 Chanasya delighting
212 Chanchala restless
213 Chanda moon
214 Chandalini glorious
215 Chandana sandal wood
216 Chandani a river
217 Chandanika diminutive
218 Chandika diminutive of Chandana
219 Chandni moonlit
220 Chandrabali Krishna;s girl-friend
221 Chandrabhaga river Chenab
222 Chandrabindu crescent moon
223 Chandraja daughter of the moon
224 Chandrakala moonbeams
225 Chandraki peacock
226 Chandrakin a peacock
227 Chandraleksha a ray of the moon
228 Chandramathi as beautiful as the moon
229 Chandramukhi as beautiful as the moon
230 Chandrani wife of the moon
231 Chandratara the moon and the stars
232 Chandravathi lit by the moon
233 Chandrika moonlight
234 Chandrima the moon
235 Changuna a good woman
236 Chapala restless; lighting
237 Charita good
238 Charitra history
239 Charu beautiful, attractive
240 Charulata beautiful
241 Charulekha beautiful picture
242 Charumati beautiful
243 Charuprabha beautiful
244 Charusheela a jewel
245 Charusila beautiful jewel
246 Charvi a beautiful woman
247 Chatura clever
248 Chayana moon
249 Chellam pampered
250 Chetana intelligence
251 Chhabi picture
252 Chhavvi image, radiance
253 Chhaya shadow
254 Chimayi blissful
255 Chinmayi blissful
256 Chintan, Chintana, Chintanika meditation
257 Chiti love
258 Chitkala knowledge
259 Chitra picture, a nakshatra
260 Chitragandha a fragrant material
261 Chitralekha as beautiful as a picture
262 Chitrali a row of pictures
263 Chitramala series of pictures
264 Chitramaya worldly illusion
265 Chitrangada one of Arjuna's wives
266 Chitrani river Ganga
267 Chitrarathi with a bright chariot
268 Chitrarekha picture
269 Chitrita picturesque
270 Chumban kiss
271 Dadhija daughter of milk
272 Daksha the earth; Sati, wife of Shiva
273 Dakshakanya able daughter
274 Dakshata skill
275 Dakshayani Goddess Durga
276 Dakshina a donation to god or
277 Dalaja produced from petals
278 Damayanti Nala's wife
279 Damini lightning
280 Darika maiden
281 Darpana a mirror
282 Darpanika a small mirror
283 Darshana seeing
284 Darshini the one who blesses
285 Daya kindness
286 Dayamayee kind
287 Dayanita tender
288 Dayita beloved
289 Debanshi Deva ansh
290 Deeba silk
291 Deepa a lamp
292 Deepabali row of lamps
293 Deepali collection of lamps
294 Deepamala row of lamps
295 Deepana illuminating
296 Deepanwita diwali
297 Deepaprabha fully lighted
298 Deepashikha flame
299 Deepika a lamp
300 Deepitha illuminated
301 Deepta shining
302 Deepti flame; lustre
303 Deeptikana a beam of light
304 Deeptimoyee lustrous
305 Deshna gift
306 Devahuti daughter of Manu
307 Devak divine
308 Devakanya celestial maiden
309 Devaki divine
310 Devalatha divine wine
311 Devalekha celestial beauty
312 Devamati godly minded, virtuous
313 Devamayi devine illuision
314 Devangana celestial maiden
315 Devasmitha with a devine smile
316 Devasree divine beauty
317 Devika minor deity
318 Devina resembling a goddess
319 Devya devine power
320 Devyani daughter of Shukraacharya
321 Dhanalakshmi goddess of wealth
322 Dhanapriya loved by wealth
323 Dhanashri a raga
324 Dhanishta a star
325 Dhanya great
326 Dhanyata success, fulfilment
327 Dhara constant flow
328 Dharani the earth
329 Dharini earth
330 Dharitri the earth
331 Dhatri earth
332 Dhitha daughter
333 Dhithi thought, idea
334 Dhriti courage, morale
335 Dhuthi spleandour, lustre
336 Diksha initiation
337 Dilber lover
338 Dilshad happy
339 Disha direction
340 Diti wife of the sage Kashyap
341 Divena blessing
342 Divya divine lustre
343 Doyel a songbrid
344 Draupadi wife of the Pandavas
345 Dristi eyesight
346 Druthi softened
347 Dulari dear
348 Durga Parvati
349 Durva, Durba sacred grass
350 Dwipavati river
351 Ecchumati a river
352 Edhitha progressed, increased
353 Ehimaya an all pervading intellect
354 Eka matchless, alone, unique
355 Ekadhana a portion of wealth
356 Ekaja the only child
357 Ekantha lovely
358 Ekanthika devoted to one aim
359 Ekaparana wife of Himalaya
360 Ekata, Ektaa unity
361 Ekavali single-string
362 Ekisha one goddess
363 Ekta unity
364 Ela cardamom tree
365 Elampirai young crescent
366 Elavarasi youthful, princess
367 Elili beautiful
368 Enakshi dear-eyed
369 Esha desire
370 Eshana search
371 Eshanika fulfilling desire
372 Eshanya east
373 Eshika an arrow, dart
374 Eshita one who desires
375 Ethaha, Etasha shining
376 Faiza gain
377 Fajyaz artistic
378 Falguni, Phalguni born in Falgun, a
Hindu month
379 Farha happiness
380 Faria a caravan
381 Farida turquoise
382 Fatima, Fatma the prophet Mohammad's
383 Fawiza successful
384 Firoza turquoise
385 Foolan, Phoolan flowering
386 Foolwati, Phoolwati delicate as a
387 Fulki spark
388 Fullara wife of Kalketu
389 Gagana the sky
390 Gaganadipika the lamp of the sky
391 Gaganasindhu ocean of the sky
392 Gajagamini majestic- like an
elephant's walk
393 Gajalakshmi lakshmi as graceful as an
394 Gajra a string of flowers
395 Ganda knot
396 Gandha fragrant
397 Gandhali fragrance of flowers
398 Gandhara fragrance
399 Gandhari from gandhara
400 Gandharika preparing perfume
401 Gandhini fragrant
402 Ganga river Ganga
403 Ganga, Gangotri sacred river of India
404 Gangika river Ganga
405 Ganitha regarded
406 Garati virtuous woman
407 Gargi an ancient scholar
408 Gathika song
409 Gatita a river
410 Gauhar a pearl
411 Gaura a fair woman
412 Gauri a fair woman; parvati
413 Gaurika a young girl
414 Gautami river Godavari
415 Gayana singing
416 Gayanthika singing
417 Gayatri mother of the Vedas, a goddess
418 Gazala a deer
419 Geena silvery
420 Geeta holy book of the Hindus
421 Geeti a song
422 Geetika a little song
423 Geshna singer
424 Girija born of a mountain; Goddess
425 Girika summit of a mountain
426 Gita song
427 Gitali lover of song
428 Gitanjali an offering of songs
429 Gitika a small song
430 Godavari river Godavari
431 Gomati name of a river
432 Gool a flower
433 Gopa Gautama's wife
434 Gopi, Gopika a cowherd; cowherd woman
435 Gopika cowherd girls
436 Gorochana Goddess Parvati
437 Gourangi fair complexioned
438 Govindi a devotee of Lord krishna
439 Grhalakshmi lakshmi of the house
440 Grhitha understood and accepted
441 Gudiya doll
442 Gulab rose
443 Gulika ball
444 Gunasundari made beautiful by virtues
445 Gunitha proficient
446 Gunjana buzzing of a bee
447 Gunjika humming
448 Gunjita humming of bee
449 Gunwanti virtuous
450 Gurjari a raga
451 Gyanada Goddess Saraswati
452 Habiba beloved
453 Hafiza protected
454 Haimavati Parvati, Lord Shiva's wife
455 Hamsa swan
456 Hanima a wave
457 Hansa swan
458 Hansanandini daughter of a swan
459 Hansaveni another name for
460 Hansika swan
461 Hansini swan
462 Hariganga ganga of Vishnu
463 Harijatha fair haired
464 Harimanti born in the season of
465 Harinakshi doe-eyed
466 Harini deer
467 Haripriya consort of Lord Vishnu;
468 Harita green
469 Harithi green
470 Harmya palace
471 Harsha happiness
472 Harshada giver of joy
473 Harshini happy
474 Harshita happy
475 Harshitha full of joy
476 Hasanthi one that delights
477 Hasika smiling
478 Hasina beautiful
479 Hasita happy
480 Hasna laughing
481 Hasumati happy
482 Hatisha with no desire
483 Heera diamond
484 Hema golden
485 Hemakshi golden eyed
486 Hemangi golden body
487 Hemangini girl with golden body
488 Hemanti early winter
489 Hemanya golden bodied
490 Hemavati golden Parvati
491 Hemlata golden creeper
492 Hena a flower
493 Henna Mehendi
494 Hetal friendly
495 Hima snow
496 Himagouri Parvati
497 Himani Parvati
498 Hina fragrance
499 Hindola a raga
500 Hiral lustrous
501 Hiranmayi golden
502 Hiranya golden
503 Hiranyadha giving gold
504 Hirkani small diamond
505 Hita lovable
506 Hiya heart
507 Holika lighting of ceremonial fire
508 Hoor a celestial
509 Hradha lake
510 Husna beautiful
511 Ibha elephant
512 Idhika another name for parvathi
513 Idhitri one who praises
514 Iha the earth
515 Ihina enthusiasm
516 Ihitha desired
517 Iksha sight
518 Ikshana sight
519 Ikshitha visible
520 Ikshu sugarcane
521 Ila earth, daughter of Manu
522 Ilampirai young crescent
523 Ilavalagi young and beautiful
524 Ilavenil spring, youthful
525 Ilisha queen of the earth
526 Ina mother
527 Inayat kindness
528 Indira Goddess Lakshmi
529 Indiya knowledgeable
530 Indrakshi one with beautiful eyes
531 Indrani wife of Indra
532 Indrasena daughter of King Nala
533 Indratha power and dignity of Indra
534 Indrayani the name of a sacred
535 Indu moon
536 Induja Narmada river
537 Indukala digit of the moon
538 Indulala moon light
539 Induleksh the moon
540 Induma moon
541 Indumati the full moon
542 Indumukhi with moonlike face
543 Inika little earth
544 Iniya Sweet
545 Inkurali Sweet voice
546 Ipsa desire
547 Ipsita desired
548 Ira earth; muse
549 Iraja daughter of the wind
550 Iravati the river Ravi
551 Isai music
552 Isha one who protects
553 Ishana rich
554 Ishani Parvati, wife of Lord Shiva
555 Ishanika belonging to the north
556 Ishanya north east
557 Ishika paint brush
558 Ishita mastery; wealth
559 Ishrat affection
560 Ishwari goddess
561 Ivy a creeper
562 Iyalisai music
563 Jabeen forehead
564 Jagadamba mother of the universe
565 Jagathi of the universe
566 Jagavi born of the world
567 Jagrati awakening
568 Jagriti vigilance
569 Jahanara queen of the world
570 Jaheel lake
571 Jahnavi daughter of Jahnu
572 Jailekha a record of victory
573 Jaiman victorious
574 Jaimathi victorious mind
575 Jaipriya beloved of victory
576 Jaishree honour of victory
577 Jaisudha nectar of victory
578 Jaiwanti victory
579 Jalabala a river
580 Jaladhi treasure of water
581 Jaladhija Lakshmi
582 Jalahasini smile of water
583 Jalaja lotus
584 Jalanhili as blue as water
585 Jalela goddess of water
586 Jamini night
587 Jamuna s holy river
588 Janaki Seeta
589 Janani mother, tenderness
590 Janhavi river Ganga
591 Janhitha one who thinks of the
welfare of men
592 Janitha born
593 Jansi life-like
594 Januja daughter
595 Janya born
596 Jasoda mother of Lord krishna
597 Jasodhara mother of Lord Buddha
598 Jaya Durga
599 Jayalakshmi the goddess of victory
600 Jayalalita victorious goddess Durga
601 Jayamala garland of victory
602 Jayani a sakti of Ganesha
603 Jayanti Parvati
604 Jayantika Goddess Durga; Parvati
605 Jayaprada giver of victory
606 Jayashree the goddess of victory
607 Jayashri goddess of victory
608 Jayati victorious
609 Jayita victorious
610 Jayitri victorious
611 Jayshri the goddess of victory
612 Jeeval full of life
613 Jeevankala art of life
614 Jeevanlata creeper of life
615 Jeevika water
616 Jenya TRUE
617 Jetashri a raga
618 Jharna a stream
619 Jhilmil sparkling
620 Jhinuk oyster
621 Jigya curiosity to know
622 Jithya victorious
623 Jivika source of life
624 Joel God
625 Joshita pleased
626 Jowaki a firefly
627 Juhi a flower
628 Jui a flower
629 Juily a flower
630 Jyoti flame, lamp
631 Jyotibala splendour
632 Jyotika light; a flame
633 Jyotirmoyee lustrous
634 Jyotishmati lustrous
635 Jyotsna moon light
636 Kaandhal attractive
637 Kadambari Goddess
638 Kadambini an array of clouds
639 Kadhiroli Intelligent, brilliant
a ray of sunlight
640 Kahini young
641 Kaishori Goddess Parvati
642 Kajal eyeliner
643 Kajjali kohl
644 Kajri cloud like
645 Kakali chiping of birds
646 Kala art
647 Kalaimagal queen of arts
648 Kalaka blue
649 Kalandhika bestower of art
650 Kalanidhi treasure of art
651 Kalavati artistic
652 Kali a bud; Parvati
653 Kalika a bud
654 Kalindi Yamuna river
655 Kallol large waves; gurgling of water
656 Kalpana idea, imagination, fancy
657 Kalpini night
658 Kalpita imagined
659 Kalya praise
660 Kalyani auspicious
661 Kamadha granting desires
662 Kamakshi Goddess Lakshmi or
one with loving eyes
663 Kamala Goddess
664 Kamalakshi one whose eyes are
beautiful like lotuses
665 Kamali full of desires
666 Kamalika Lakshmi
667 Kamalini lotus
668 Kamalkali the bud of a lotus
669 Kamana desire
670 Kamika desired
671 Kamini a handsome woman
672 Kamitha desired
673 Kamna desire
674 Kampana unsteady
675 Kamya beautiful
676 Kana an atom
677 Kanak, Kanaka gold
678 Kanaka gold
679 Kanakabati a fairy-tale
680 Kanaklata golden creeper
681 Kanakpriya lover of gold
682 Kanan a garden; forest
683 Kananbala nympth of the forest
684 Kanchan gold
685 Kanchana gold
686 Kanchi a waistband
687 Kandhara lute
688 Kangana a bracelet
689 Kanika an atom
690 Kanimoli speaks with a gentle tone
691 Kanitha iris of the eye
692 Kanjari a bird
693 Kankana a bracelet
694 Kanmani precious like an eye
695 Kanta a beautiful
696 Kanti lustre
697 Kanya daughter
698 Kanyana maiden
699 Kapalini another name for Durga
700 Kapardini a goddess
701 Kapila name of the celestial cow
702 Kapotakshi eyes like a pigeon's
703 Karabi a flower
704 Karishma miracle
705 Karuka heavenly piece of art
706 Karuna compassion; mercy
707 Karunamayi merciful
708 Karunya merciful
709 Kashi Varanasi, the holy city
710 Kashmira from Kashmir
711 Kasturi musk
712 Katyayani Goddess Parvati
713 Kaumudi moonlight
714 Kaushalya mother of Rama
715 Kaushika silk
716 Kavana poem
717 Kaveri a river
718 Kavika poetess
719 Kavini composes beautiful poems
720 Kavita a poem
721 Kavya poetry in motion
722 Kayalvili fishlike bautiful eyes
723 Keertana hymn, a song in praise of
724 Kesar pollen, lion
725 Kesari saffron; a lion
726 Keshi a woman with beautiful hair
727 Keshika a woman with beautiful hair
728 Keshini a woman with beautiful hair
729 Ketaki a cream coloured flower
730 Ketana home
731 Keya a monsoon flower
732 Khyati fame
733 Kilimoli pleasing voice
734 Kimaya divine
735 Kiran ray of light
736 Kiranmala a garland of light
737 Kirtana praise
738 Kirti fame
739 Kishori a young girl
740 Kiya the cooing of a bird
741 Kokila cuckoo, nightingale
742 Komal tender
743 Komala delicate
744 Koyel the cuckoo
745 Krandasi the sky and the earth
746 Kranti revolution
747 Kripa mercy
748 Krishna Draupadi
749 Krishnaa Draupadi
750 Krishnakali a flower
751 Krithi action
752 Krithya action
753 Kriti A work of art
754 Krittika the plaids
755 Kriya performance
756 Krupa grace, favour
757 Ksema safety, security,
758 Kshama forgiveness
759 Kshanika momentary
760 Kshithi earth
761 Kumari youthful, unmarried
762 Kumkum vermilion
763 Kumud a lotus
764 Kumudini a lotus
765 Kunda musk, jasmine
766 Kundan pure
767 Kundanika golden girl
768 Kundini an assemblage of Jasmines
769 Kunjal cuckoo, nightingale
770 Kunjalata forest creeper
771 Kunjana forest girl
772 Kuntal hair
773 Kuntala a woman with luxurious hair
774 Kunti the mother of the Pandavas
775 Kurangi deer
776 Kurinji special, flower which blooms once
in 12 years
777 Kushala safe, happy, expert
778 Kusum a flower
779 Kusuma flower
780 Kusumanjali flower offering
781 Kusumavati flowering
782 Kusumita blossomed
783 Kusumlata flowering creeper
784 Kuvalai flower
785 Kuyil sweet voice like a Cuckoo bird
786 Kuyilsai sweet voice like a Cuckoo
787 Labangalata a flowering creeper
788 Laboni grace
789 Lajja modesty
790 Lajjawati a sensitive plant; modest
791 Lajwanti a sensitive plant
792 Lajwati modest
793 Laksha white rose
794 Lakshana one with auspicious signs
on her
795 Lakshmi goddess of wealth
796 Lakshmishree fortunate
797 Lalan nurturing
798 Lalana a beautiful woman
799 Lali darling girl
800 Lalima morning red in the sky
801 Lalita beautiful
802 Lata a creeper
803 Latangi a creeper
804 Latika a small creeper
805 Lavali clove
806 Lavangi apsara, of the clove plant
807 Lavanya grace
808 Leela divine play
809 Leelamayee playful
810 Leelavati playful; goddess Durga
811 Leena devoted
812 Lekha writing
813 Lily a flower
814 Lipi script
815 Lipika a short letter
816 Lochan the eye
817 Lochana eye
818 Lohita red, ruby
819 Lola Goddess Lakshmi
820 Lona beauty, pretty
821 Lopa wife of sage
822 Lopamudra wife of sage Agastya
823 Madhavi a creeper with beautiful
824 Madhavilata a flowering creeper
825 Madhu honey
826 Madhubala sweet girl
827 Madhuchhanda pleasing metrical
828 Madhuja made of honey
829 Madhuksara one who showers honey
830 Madhula sweet
831 Madhulata sweet creeper
832 Madhulekha beautiful
833 Madhulika honey
834 Madhumalati a flowering creeper
835 Madhumati full of honey
836 Madhumita full of honey
837 Madhunisha pleasant night
838 Madhur sweet
839 Madhura sugar
840 Madhuri sweet girl
841 Madhurima sweetness
842 Madhushri the spring
843 Madira nectar
844 Madirakshi woman with intoxicating
845 Madri wife of pandu
846 Madura a bird
847 Mahadevi Goddess Parvati
848 Mahaganga the great ganga
849 Mahagauri Goddess Durga
850 Mahajabeen beautiful
851 Mahalakshmi Goddess Lakshmi
852 Mahamaya Goddess Durga
853 Mahasweta Goddess Saraswati
854 Mahati great
855 Mahi great earth, heaven and earth
856 Mahijuba a hostess
857 Mahika the earth
858 Mahima greatness
859 Mahitha greatness
860 Mahiya happiness
861 Mahua an intoxicating flower
862 Mahubala sweet girl
863 Maina a bird
864 Maithili, Mythili sita
865 Maitra friendly
866 Maitreya the name of a sage
867 Maitreyi a learned woman of the
868 Maitri friendship
869 Makshi honeybee
870 Mala a garland
871 Malarvili beautiful eyes like a
872 Malashree an early evening melody
873 Malati a creeper with fragrant flowers
874 Malavika princess of Malawa
875 Malaya a creeper
876 Malika a garland
877 Malina dark
878 Malini a garland maker
879 Malliga jasmine
880 Mallika jasmine
881 Malti small fragrant flower
882 Mamata affection
883 Manadha giving honour
884 Manaka according to the mind
885 Manal a bird
886 Manali a bird
887 Manana meditation
888 Mananya deserving praises
889 Manasa conceived in the mind
890 Manasi a lady
891 Manasika of mind
892 Manasvi intelligent
893 Manavi wife of Manu
894 Manayi wife of Manu
895 Manda a river
896 Mandakini a river
897 Mandakranta a Sanskrit metre
898 Mandana cheerful
899 Mandara large, firm
900 Mandarmalika a garland of celestial
901 Mandira cymbals; home
902 Manditha adorned
903 Mandra pleasant
904 Mangai cultured lady
905 Mangala auspicious
906 Mangalya pious, pure
907 Manideepa a lamp of precious stones
908 Manik gem
909 Manika of jewels
910 Manikuntala one whose hair is like
911 Manimala a string of pearls
912 Manimekhala a girdle of gems
913 Manini a lady
914 Manisha goddess of mind, desire
915 Manisha, Mohisha intellect
916 Manisi desired by heart
917 Manisila a jeweled stone
918 Manisitha wisdom
919 Manitha honoured
920 Maniya a glass bead
921 Manjari a bunch
922 Manjira ankle-bells
923 Manjistha extremely
924 Manju snow, dew drops
925 Manjubala a sweet girl
926 Manjula melodious
927 Manjulika a sweet girl
928 Manjusha a box
929 Manjushri sweet lustre
930 Manjusri Saraswati
931 Manjyot light of the mind
932 Manmayi jealous; Sri Radha
933 Manorama attractive, beautiful
934 Manoritha of the mind
935 Manthika thoughtful
936 Manushri Lakshmi
937 Manya worthy of honour
938 Mareena swan
939 Marichi name of a star
940 Marisa mother of Daksa
941 Markandeya a devotee to Lord Shiva
942 Marudham from the lush green fields
943 Masilmani pure, without any
944 Matangi Durga
945 Maushmi monsoon wind
946 Mausumi beauty, monsoon wind
947 Maya illusion
948 Mayil full of grace, like a peacock
949 Mayukhi peahen
950 Mayura illusion
951 Mayuri peahen
952 Mayurika with peacock feathers
953 Medha intellect; Goddess Saraswati
954 Medhani of intelligence
955 Medhya mighty, clean, fresh
956 Medini the earth
957 Meena precious blue stone
958 Meenakshi a woman wil beautiful
959 Meera a devotee of Krishna
960 Megha cloud
961 Meghamala array of clouds
962 Meghana cloud
963 Mehal cloud
964 Mehbooba beloved
965 Meher benevolence
966 Mehrunissa benevolent
967 Mehul cloud; rain
968 Mekhala girdle
969 Mena wife of the Himalayas
970 Menaka a celestial dancer
971 Menitha wise
972 Menmoli speaks kindly
973 Mihika mist, fog
974 Milana union
975 Milika desiring union
976 Minakshi fish eyed, daughter of
977 Minal a precious stone
978 Minati prayer
979 Minnoli brilliant like lightning
980 Mirium wished-for child
981 Mita a friend
982 Mitali friendship
983 Mithi truthful
984 Mithra friend
985 Mohana attractive
986 Mohini enchantress
987 Mohitha infatuated
988 Moksha salvation
989 Monisha Lord Krishna
990 Mridula soft
991 Mriganayani doe-eyed
992 Mrinal lotus
993 Mrinali lotus
994 Mrinalini lotus
995 Mrinmayi of the earth
996 Mrudani another name for parvathi
997 Mrudu soft
998 Mudra __expression
999 Mudrika ring
1000 Mugdha spellbound
1001 Mukta liberated; pearl
1002 Mukti freedom from life and death
1003 Mukul bud
1004 Mullai flower with lovely fragrance
1005 Muniya name of a bird
1006 Muskan smile
1007 Muthammal pure, like a pearl
1008 Mutholi shines like a pearl
1009 Muthunagai smiles like a pearl
1010 Mythily Seeta
1011 Naaz pride
1012 Nabhanya celestial
1013 Nabhitha fearless
1014 Nabhya central
1015 Nachni dancer; suggestive look
1016 Nadira pinnacle
1017 Naganandini mountain born
1018 Naganika serpent maiden
1019 Nagina jewel
1020 Naima belonging to one
1021 Naina name of a goddess
1022 Najma sorry
1023 Nalina lotus
1024 Nalini lotus
1025 Namita humble
1026 Namrata modesty
1027 Namya to be bowed to
1028 Nanda happiness, a daughter
1029 Nandana daughter
1030 Nandika Lakshmi
1031 Nandini a holy cow, bestower of joy,
1032 Nandita happy
1033 Nangai cultured lady
1034 Narayani Goddess Lakshmi
1035 Narmada one who arouses tender feelings
in others, river
1036 Narois flower
1037 Nartan dance
1038 Naseen cool breeze
1039 Natun new
1040 Nauka boat
1041 Navaneeta butter
1042 Naveena new
1043 Naviya new
1044 Navya worth praising
1045 Nayana eye
1046 Nayantara iris
1047 Nazima song
1048 Neeharika dew drops
1049 Neela blue
1050 Neelabja blue lotus
1051 Neelakshi blue-eyed
1052 Neelam sapphire
1053 Neelanjana blue
1054 Neelkamal blue lotus
1055 Neepa name of a flower
1056 Neeraja lotus flower
1057 Neeta upright
1058 Neeti good behaviour
1059 Neha love, rain
1060 Nehal rainy; handsome
1061 Netra eye
1062 Netravati beautiful eyed
1063 Nidhi treasure
1064 Nidhyana intuition
1065 Nidhyathi meditation
1066 Nidra sleep
1067 Niharika nebula
1068 Nikhila complete
1069 Nikhita sharp
1070 Nila enchanting moon
1071 Nilasha blueness
1072 Nilavoli ray of light from the
1073 Nilaya home
1074 Nileen surrendered
1075 Nilima blue
1076 Niloufer a celestial
1077 Nimisha twinkling of an eye
1078 Nina lovely-eyed
1079 Niraimadhi full moon
1080 Niral calm
1081 Niranjana name of a river; Goddess
Durga; the night of
the full moon
1082 Nirmala clean, virtuous
1083 Nirmayi without blemish
1084 Nirmitha created
1085 Nirupa a decree, command
1086 Nirupama unique, uncomparable
1087 Nisha night
1088 Nishithini night
1089 Nishtha devotion
1090 Nita moral
1091 Nitha carried, red
1092 Nithilam pure like the pearl
1093 Niti morality
1094 Nitima girl of principles
1095 Nitya constant
1096 Nityapriya ever pleasing
1097 Nivedita one dedicated to service
1098 Nivritti nonattachment
1099 Niyati fate
1100 Noopur anklet
1101 Noor light
1102 Noorjehan light of the world
1103 Nupura anklet
1104 Nusrat help
1105 Nutan new
1106 Nuti worship, praise, reverence
1107 Odathi refreshing
1108 Ojal vision
1109 Ojaswini lustrous
1110 Omala earth
1111 Omana a woman
1112 Omvati sacred, having the power of Om
1113 Oviya artist, beautiful drawing
1114 Padma Goddess Lakshmi
1115 Padmaja born from lotus, Lakshmi
1116 Padmajai Born from lotus, Lakshmi
1117 Padmakali lotus bud
1118 Padmal lotus
1119 Padmalaya lake of lotuses
1120 Padmalochana lotuseyed
1121 Padmaroopa like a lotus
1122 Padmavati Goddess Lakshmi
1123 Padmini lotus
1124 Pakhi bird
1125 Pakshi bird
1126 Pallavi new leaves
1127 Pallavini with new leaves
1128 Panchali Draupadi's name
1129 Pankaja lotus
1130 Panna emerald
1131 Panya admired, glorious, excellent
1132 Parama the best
1133 Parameshwari Goddess Durga
1134 Paramita wisdom
1135 Pari beauty, fairy
1136 Paridhi realm
1137 Parinita expert
1138 Parnal leafy
1139 Parnashri leafy beauty
1140 Parni leafy
1141 Parnik creeper
1142 Parnika a small leaf, parvati
1143 Parthivi Sita
1144 Parul name of a flower
1145 Parvani full moon; a festival or a
special day
1146 Parvati Durga
1147 Parveen star
1148 Patmanjari a raga
1149 Patralekha a name from ancient epics
1150 Pavana holy, sacred
1151 Pavani Hanuman
1152 Payal anklet
1153 Payoja lotus
1154 Phiroza turquoise
1155 Phoolan flower
1156 Pia beloved
1157 Piki cuckoo
1158 Pingala Lakshmi
1159 Pival a tree
1160 Piyali a tree
1161 Pooja idol worship
1162 Poonam full moon
1163 Poorbi eastern
1164 Poornima full moon
1165 Poorvi a classical melody
1166 Poushali of the month Poush
1167 Prabha light, glow, shine
1168 Prabhati of the morning
1169 Prachi east
1170 Pradeepta glowing
1171 Pradnaya Knowledge
1172 Pragati progress
1173 Pragya prowess
1174 Pragyaparamita wise
1175 Pragyawati a wise woman
1176 Prama knowledge of truth
1177 Pramada woman
1178 Pramila one of Arjuna's wives
1179 Pramiti knowledge of truth
1180 Pranati prayer
1181 Prapti gain
1182 Prarthana prayer
1183 Prasana rising
1184 Prashansa praise
1185 Prashanti peace
1186 Prathysha early morning,from Sanskrit
word Prathyusham
1187 Pratibha keen intellect
1188 Pratigya pledge, vow
1189 Pratima icon, idol, statue
1190 Pratishtha preeminence
1191 Preeti love
1192 Prem love
1193 Prema love
1194 Premala loving
1195 Premila queen of a women's kingdom
1196 Prerana encouragement
1197 Preyasi beloved
1198 Prita dear one
1199 Pritha Kunti, mother of Pandavas
1200 Priti love
1201 Pritika dear one
1202 Pritikana an atom of love
1203 Pritilata a creeper of love
1204 Priya loved one, darling
1205 Priyadarshini delightful to look at
1206 Priyal beloved
1207 Priyam beloved
1208 Priyamvada sweet spoken
1209 Priyanka beautiful or lovable
act,symbol or body
1210 Priyasha dear one
1211 Puja same as Pooja
1212 Pujita worshipped
1213 Puloma wife of the sage Bhrigu
1214 Punam, Poonam full moon
1215 Punarnava a star
1216 Punita pure
1217 Punthali a doll
1218 Purnima full moon
1219 Purva east
1220 Purvaja elder sister
1221 Pushpa flower
1222 Pushpanjali flower offering
1223 Pushpita decorated with flowers
1224 Pusti nourishment, endorsement
1225 Putul doll
1226 Quarrtulain God's mercy
1227 Quasar meteor
1228 Raakhi symbol of protection;full moon in
the Sravan
1229 Rabia famous; godly
1230 Rachana creation
1231 Rachita created
1232 Rachna construction, arrangement
1233 Radha Krishna's lover, prosperity
1234 Radhana speech
1235 Radhani worship
1236 Radhika Radha
1237 Ragini a melody
1238 Rajalakshmi Goddess lakshmi
1239 Rajani night
1240 Rajanigandha a flower
1241 Rajata silver
1242 Rajdulari dear princess
1243 Rajeshwari goddess Parvati
1244 Rajhans swan
1245 Rajitha illuminated
1246 Rajivini collection of blue lotuses
1247 Rajkumari princess
1248 Rajnandhini princess
1249 Rajsree sage-like king, Monkey
1250 Raka full moon
1251 Rakhi thread of brother-sister bonding
1252 Raksha protection
1253 Rama Goddess Lakshmi
1254 Ramana enchanting
1255 Ramani beautiful girl
1256 Rambha celestial dancer
1257 Rameshwari Parvati
1258 Ramila lover
1259 Ramita pleasing
1260 Ramya beautiful
1261 Rangana a flower
1262 Rangitha charmed
1263 Ranhitha swift
1264 Rani Queen
1265 Ranita tinkling
1266 Ranjana delightful
1267 Ranjika exciting
1268 Ranjini pleasing
1269 Ranjita adorned
1270 Ranvitha joyous
1271 Ranya pleasant
1272 Rashi collection
1273 Rashmi a ray of light
1274 Rashmika ray of light
1275 Rasika connosseur
1276 Rasna the tongue
1277 Rathika satisfied
1278 Rati consort of cupid
1279 Ratna gem
1280 Ratnabala jewelled
1281 Ratnabali string of pearls
1282 Ratnajyouti lustrous jewel
1283 Ratnalekha splendour of jewels
1284 Ratnali a jewelled
1285 Ratnamala string of pearls
1286 Ratnangi jewel-bodied
1287 Ratnaprabha lustrous jewel
1288 Ratnapriya lover of jewels
1289 Ratnavali a bunch of gems
1290 Raviprabha light of the sun
1291 Rehwa ancient name of river Narmada
1292 Rekha line
1293 Renu atom
1294 Renuka the mother of Parasurma, the
sixth incarnation
of Lord
1295 Resham silk
1296 Reshma silken
1297 Reshmi silken
1298 Reva a star
1299 Revati a star
1300 Riddhi good fortune
1301 Riju innocent
1302 Rijuta innocence
1303 Rishika saintly
1304 Rithika brass
1305 Riti memory; well being
1306 Ritu season
1307 Riya Graceful, singer
1308 Rohini a star
1309 Rolee sindoor
1310 Roma Lakshmi
1311 Roshan bright
1312 Roshni brightness
1313 Rubaina bright
1314 Ruchi lustre; beauty
1315 Ruchira beautiful
1316 Ruchitha bright
1317 Rudrani a wife of Shiva (Rudra)
1318 Rudrapriya Goddess Durga
1319 Ruhika desire
1320 Rujula who endows wealth, Lakshmi, soft
1321 Rujuta honesty, sincerity
1322 Rukma golden
1323 Rukmini consort of Lord Krishna
1324 Ruksana brilliant
1325 Ruma wife a Sugriva
1326 Rupa beauty
1327 Rupali beautiful
1328 Rupashi beautiful
1329 Rupashri beautiful
1330 Sabita beautiful sunshine
1331 Sachi wife of Indra
1332 Sachika kind
1333 Sachita consciousness
1334 Sadaf pearl
1335 Sadgati liberation
1336 Sadguna good virtues
1337 Sadhan fulfulment
1338 Sadhana long practice/study, fulfilment
1339 Sadhika achiever
1340 Sadhri conqueror
1341 Sadhvi virtuous woman
1342 Sadhya perfection
1343 Sadiqua kindly
1344 Saeeda priestly
1345 Safia chaste
1346 Sagari of the ocean
1347 Sagarika wave; born in the ocean
1348 Saguna possessed of good qualities
1349 Sahana a raga
1350 Saheli friend
1351 Sahiba the lady
1352 Sahila guide
1353 Sahitha being near
1354 Sai a flower
1355 Sajala clouds
1356 Sajili decorated
1357 Sajni beloved
1358 Sakhi friend
1359 Sakina friend
1360 Salena the moon
1361 Salila water
1362 Salima happy
1363 Salma peace
1364 Samata equality
1365 Sameena happy
1366 Samhita a vedic omposition
1367 Samidha an offering for a sacred fire
1368 Samika peaceful
1369 Samiksha analysis
1370 Samit collected
1371 Samita collected
1372 Sammathi agreement
1373 Sampada wealthy
1374 Sampatti wealth
1375 Sampriti attachement
1376 Samrithi meeting
1377 Sana praise, prayer
1378 Sananda happy
1379 Sanchali movement
1380 Sanchaya collection
1381 Sanchita collection
1382 Sandhaya collection
1383 Sandhya evening
1384 Sangita music
1385 Sanika flute
1386 Sanithi obtainment
1387 Saniya moment
1388 Sanjana gentle
1389 Sanjivani immortality
1390 Sanjukta union
1391 Sanjula beautiful
1392 Sanjushree beautiful
1393 Sankari Goddess Parvati
1394 Sankul full of
1395 Sannidhi nearness
1396 Sanskriti culture
1397 Santawana consolation
1398 Santayani of the evening
1399 Sanvali dusky
1400 Sanwari dusky
1401 Sanyakta joined; united
1402 Sanyukta union
1403 Saparna leafy
1404 Saphala successful
1405 Sapna dream
1406 Sarada Goddess Saraswati
1407 Sarakshi good sight
1408 Sarala simple
1409 Sarama wife of Bibhisan
1410 Sarani protecting
1411 Saranya surrendered
1412 Sarasa swan
1413 Sarasi jolly, happy
1414 Sarasvati a goddess of learning
1415 Saraswati goddess of learning
1416 Saravati a river
1417 Sarayu a holy river
1418 Sarbani Goddess Durga
1419 Sarika a koel
1420 Sarit river
1421 Sarita river
1422 Sarjana creative; creation
1423 Saroj lotus
1424 Saroja lotus
1425 Sarojini lotus
1426 Saruprani beautiful woman
1427 Sarvari night
1428 Sarvika universal
1429 Saryu river Sharayu
1430 Sashi moon
1431 Sasmita smiling
1432 Sati chaste woman
1433 Satya truth
1434 Satyarupa truth; personified
1435 Satyavati mother of Vyasa
1436 Saudamini lightning
1437 Saujanya kind
1438 Saumya mild
1439 Savarna daughter of the Ocean
1440 Savita sun
1441 Savitashri lustre of the sun
1442 Savitri a form of the Devi
1443 Sawini a river
1444 Sayeeda leader
1445 Seema boundary
1446 Seemanti parting line
1447 Seemantini woman
1448 Seerat inner beauty; fame
1449 Sejal river water
1450 Selma fair
1451 Semanti a white rose
1452 Serena quiet
1453 Sevati white rose
1454 Sevita cherished
1455 Shabab beauty
1456 Shabalini a mossy
1457 Shabana decorated
1458 Shabari a tribal devotee of Lord Rama
1459 Shabnum sew
1460 Shachi wife of Lord Indra
1461 Shagufta flowering
1462 Shaheena tender
1463 Shaila Goddess Parvati
1464 Shailaja a river
1465 Shaili style
1466 Shakambari Goddess Parvati
1467 Shakeel handsome
1468 Shakeela beautiful
1469 Shakti Goddess Durga; power
1470 Shakuntala brought up by birds
1471 Shalaka Goddess Parvati
1472 Shalin silk-cottom tree
1473 Shalini modest
1474 Shalmali silk-cottom tree
1475 Shama a flame
1476 Shambhavi Goddess Parvati
1477 Shameena beautiful
1478 Shamim fire
1479 Shamita peacemaker
1480 Shampa lightning
1481 Shankari Goddess Parvati
1482 Shankhamala a fairytale princess
1483 Shanta peaceful
1484 Shantala Goddess Parvati
1485 Shanti peace
1486 Sharada goddess of learning, Saraswati
1487 Sharadini autumn
1488 Sharanya surrender
1489 Sharika Goddess Durga
1490 Sharmila happy
1491 Sharmistha wife of Yayat
1492 Sharvani Goddess Parvati
1493 Sharvari the night
1494 Shashi the moon
1495 Shashibala the moon
1496 Shashirekha moon's ray
1497 Shaswati eternal
1498 Shatarupa Lord Shiva
1499 Sheela cool
1500 Sheetal cool
1501 Shefali a flower
1502 Shefalika a flower
1503 Shejali a fruit
1504 Shekhar Lord Shiva
1505 Shevanti a flower
1506 Shibani Goddess Durga
1507 Shikha flame
1508 Shilavati a river
1509 Shilpa stone
1510 Shilpita well- proportioned
1511 Shinjini anklebells
1512 Shipra a river(equivalent to Ganga)
1513 Shirin sweet
1514 Shishirkana particles of dew
1515 Shiuli a flower
1516 Shivangi beautiful
1517 Shivani Goddess Parvati
1518 Shivanne Goddess Parvati
1519 Shobha attractive
1520 Shobhana splendid
1521 Shobhita splendid
1522 Shobhna ornamental, shining
1523 Shorashi young woman
1524 Shraddha veneration
1525 Shradhdha faith, trust
1526 Shravana, Shrabana name of a star
1527 Shravani born in the month of Shravan
1528 Shravanti a name in Buddhist
1529 Shravasti an ancient Indian city
1530 Shree Goddess Lakshmi
1531 Shreela beautiful
1532 Shreemayi fortunate
1533 Shreeparna tree adorned with leaves
1534 Shrestha Perfection
1535 Shreya auspicious
1536 Shreyashi good
1537 Shri lustre
1538 Shridevi goddess
1539 Shridula blessing
1540 Shrigauri goddess Parvati
1541 Shrigeeta the sacred Geeta
1542 Shrijani creative
1543 Shrikirti lustrous fame
1544 Shrikumari lustrious
1545 Shrilata lustrious creeper
1546 Shrilekha lustrious essay
1547 Shrimati Goddess lakshmi; fortunate
1548 Shrimayi fortunate
1549 Shrivalli Goddess Lakshmi
1550 Shruti expert in Vedas
1551 Shubha auspicious
1552 Shubhada giver of luck
1553 Shubhangi handsome
1554 Shubhra white; the Ganga
1555 Shuchismita one who has a pure smile
1556 Shuchita purity
1557 Shukla Goddess Saraswati
1558 Shukti pearl-oyster
1559 Shulka Goddess Saraswati
1560 Shweta white
1561 Shyama dark as cloud; Goddess kali
1562 Shyamal dusky
1563 Shyamala dusky
1564 Shyamali dusky
1565 Shyamalika dusky
1566 Shyamalima dusky
1567 Shyamangi dark-complexioned
1568 Shyamari dusky
1569 Shyamasri dusky
1570 Shyamlata a creeper with dusky
1571 Shyla Goddess parvati
1572 Sibani goddess parvati
1573 Siddheshwari Lord Shiva
1574 Siddhi achievement
1575 Siddhima achievement
1576 Sikata sand
1577 Simi No Meaning
1578 Simran, Smaram remembrance
1579 Simrit, Smrita remembered
1580 Sindhu ocean; river
1581 Sinsapa Ashok tree
1582 Sita wife of Lord Rama
1583 Sitara a star
1584 SivaSankari goddess Parvati
1585 Siya Sita
1586 Smita smile
1587 Smriti memory
1588 Sneh love
1589 Sneha affection
1590 Snehal friendly
1591 Snehalata creeper of love
1592 Snigdha smooth, tender
1593 Sohalia moon-glow
1594 Sohana graceful
1595 Sohni beautiful
1596 Soma moon-rays
1597 Somalakshmi lustre of the moon
1598 Somansh half moon
1599 Somatra excelling the moon
1600 Sona gold
1601 Sonakshi golden-eyed
1602 Sonal golden
1603 Sonali golden
1604 Sonam beautiful
1605 Sonia golden
1606 Sonika golden
1607 Soorat beauty
1608 Soumya handsome
1609 Sourabhi fragrance; the celestial
1610 Sphatika Crystal
1611 Sragvi Tulasi (Sacred Basil plant)
1612 Sristi creation
1613 Sriya prosperity
1614 Stavita praised
1615 Stuti praise
1616 Subarna of the colour of gold
1617 Subhadra a wife of Arjuna
1618 Subhaga a fortunate person
1619 Subhagya lucky
1620 Subhashini well-spoken
1621 Subhuja auspicious Apsara
1622 Subrata devoted to what is right
1623 Suchandra beautiful
1624 Sucharita of good character
1625 Sucheta with a beautiful mind
1626 Suchi radiant
1627 Suchira tasteful
1628 Suchita beautiful
1629 Suchitra beautiful
1630 Sudakshima wife of king Dilip
1631 Sudarshana handsome
1632 Sudeepa bright
1633 Sudeepta bright
1634 Sudeshna wife of king Virata
1635 Sudevi wife of Krishna
1636 Sudha nectar
1637 Sudhamayi full of nectar
1638 Sudhira calm
1639 Sudhithi bright flame
1640 Sudipta bright
1641 Sudipti brightness
1642 Sugita beautifully sung
1643 Sugouri Goddess Parvati
1644 Suhag love
1645 Suhaila moon-glow
1646 Suhasini ever-smiling
1647 Suhela easly accessible
1648 Suhina beautiful
1649 Suhitha suitable
1650 Suhrita well-disposed
1651 Sujala affectionate
1652 Sujata of good caste
1653 Sujaya victory
1654 Sukanya comely
1655 Sukeshi with beautiful hari
1656 Sukriti good deed
1657 Suksma fine
1658 Sukthi shining
1659 Sukumari soft; meritorious
1660 Sulabha easy; natural
1661 Sulakshana well brought up
1662 Sulalita very pleasing
1663 Sulekh beautifullY
1664 Suloch one with beautiful eyes
1665 Sulochana one with beautiful eyes
1666 Sultana queen
1667 Sumana flower
1668 Sumanolata flowery
1669 Sumati good minded
1670 Sumedha wise
1671 Sumita a good friend
1672 Sumitra Lakshman'd mother
1673 Sunanda very pleasing
1674 Sunandini happy
1675 Sunandita happy
1676 Sunaya very just
1677 Sunayana a woman with lovely eyes
1678 Sunayani a woman with lovely eyes
1679 Sundari beautiful
1680 Sundha a character in Ramayana
1681 Suneeti mother of Dhruva
1682 Sunetra one with beautiful eyes
1683 Sunila blue
1684 Sunita one with good morals
1685 Suniti good principles
1686 Suparna leafy
1687 Suprabha radiant
1688 Supriti true love
1689 Supriya beloved
1690 Surabhi wish-yielding cow, fragrance
1691 Suraksha protection
1692 Surama very pleasing
1693 Suranjana pleasing
1694 Suravinda a beautiful Yaksa
1695 Surekha beautifully drawn
1696 Surina a goddess
1697 Surotama auspicious Apsara
1698 Suruchi good taste
1699 Surupa beautiful
1700 Surya sun god
1701 Suryakanti suns's rays
1702 Sushama beauty
1703 Sushanti peace
1704 Sushila good conduct
1705 Sushma beautiful woman
1706 Sushmita good smile
1707 Sushobhana very beautiful
1708 Susita white
1709 Susmita smiling
1710 Sutanuka beautiful
1711 Sutapa seeker of God
1712 Suvarna golden
1713 Suvarnaprabha lustre of gold
1714 Suvarnarekha ray of gold
1715 Suvarnmala golden necklace
1716 Swagata welcome
1717 Swaha wife of Agni; the lord of the
1718 Swapna dreamlike
1719 Swapnali dreamlike
1720 Swapnasundari woman of dreams
1721 Swarnalata lustrous
1722 Swarupa truth
1723 Swasti name of a star
1724 Swati a nakshatra
1725 Sweta fair complexioned
1726 Swetha pure
1727 Tabassum a flower
1728 Talikha nightingale
1729 Tamali a tree with very dark bark
1730 Tamalika belonging to a place full
of Tamal
1731 Tamanna desire
1732 Tamasa a river; darkness
1733 Tamasi night
1734 Tambura a musical instrument
1735 Tanaya son
1736 Tanika rope
1737 Tanima slenderness
1738 Tanmaya absorbed
1739 Tannishtha dedicated
1740 Tanseem salute of paradise
1741 Tanu body
1742 Tanuja a daughter
1743 Tanuka slender
1744 Tanushri beautiful
1745 Tanvi a delicate girl
1746 Tapani the river Godavari
1747 Tapasi a female ascetic
1748 Tapati the sun's daughter
1749 Tapi name of a river
1750 Tapti a river
1751 Tara star
1752 Taraka star
1753 Tarakeshwari Goddess Parvati
1754 Tarakini starry night
1755 Tarala honeybee
1756 Tarana a musical composition
1757 Tarangini a river
1758 Tarannum melody
1759 Tarika starlet
1760 Tarini Goddess Parvati
1761 Tarjani the first finger
1762 Taru tree
1763 Tarulata a creeper
1764 Taruni young girl
1765 Tarunika young girl
1766 Tarunima youth
1767 Tatini river
1768 Teertha place of pilgrimage
1769 Teesta a river
1770 Tehzeeb elegance
1771 Teja radiant
1772 Tejal lustrous
1773 Tejashree with devine power and
1774 Tejaswi lustrous
1775 Tejaswini lustrous
1776 Thamarai Lotus flower, Pure and
1777 ThamilSelvi pride of the Tamilians
1778 ThenMoli speaks sweet like honey
1779 Thenral Cool breeze;encouraging
1780 Thulasi holy plant with sweet fragrance
1781 Thumri light classical melody
1782 Tilaka a kind of necklace
1783 Tilottama a celestial maiden
1784 Timila a musical
1785 Titiksha forgiveness
1786 Toral a folk heroine
1787 Treya walking in three paths
1788 Tridhara the river Ganga
1789 Triguna maya or illusion; Goddess Durga
1790 Triguni the three dimensions
1791 Trikaya three dimentional
1792 Trilochana Lord Shiva
1793 Trinayani Goddess Durga
1794 Trinetra Goddess Durga
1795 Triparna leaf of sacred Bael
1796 Tripta satisfied
1797 Tripti satisfaction
1798 Tripurasundari Goddess Parvati
1799 Tripuri Goddess Paravati
1800 Trisha thirst
1801 Trishala mother of Lord Mahavir
1802 Trishna thirst
1803 Triveni confluence of three sacred rivers
1804 Triya young woman
1805 Triyama night
1806 Trupti satiatedness
1807 Trusha thirst
1808 Tuhina snow
1809 Tulasi a sacred plant (basil)
1810 Tulika brush
1811 Tusharkana a particle of snow
1812 Tusti peace, happiness
1813 Tvarika swift, quick
1814 Tvesa brilliant, glittering
1815 Udaya dawn
1816 Udita one who has risen
1817 Uditi rising
1818 Ujas bright
1819 Ujjanini an ancient city
1820 Ujjwala bright, lustrous
1821 Ujwala, Ujjala bright
1822 Ulka mateorite
1823 Ulupi wife of Arjuna, the Pandava
1824 Uma Goddess Parvati
1825 Umika Goddess Parvati
1826 Umrao noble
1827 Unnati progress
1828 Upala sandy shore
1829 Upama comparison
1830 Upasana veneration
1831 Ura the heart
1832 Urja energy
1833 Urmi wave
1834 Urmila wife of Lakshmana
1835 Urmila, Urmil wife of Lakshmana - Lord
Rama's brother
1836 Urmimala garland of waves
1837 Urna cover
1838 Urshita firm
1839 Urvashi a celestial maiden
1840 Urvasi most beautiful of Apsaras
1841 Urvi earth
1842 Usha dawn
1843 Ushakiran rays of morning sun
1844 Ushashi morning
1845 Ushma eat
1846 Usri a river
1847 Uthami honest
1848 Utpala lotus
1849 Utpalini lotus pond
1850 Utsa spring
1851 Uttara a star
1852 Vagdevi Goddess Sarawati
1853 Vahini flowing
1854 Vaidehi name of Sita
1855 Vaijayanti a garland of Lord Vishnu
1856 Vaijayantimala a garland of Lord Vishnu
1857 Vaishali an ancient city of India
1858 Vaishavi, Vaishnodevi Goddess Parvati
1859 Vajra diamond
1860 Vallari Goddess Parvati; creeper
1861 Valli creeper
1862 Vallika creeper
1863 Vama woman
1864 Vanadurga Goddess Parvati
1865 Vanaja a forest girl
1866 Vanamala garland of forests
1867 Vanani forest
1868 Vanathi of the forest
1869 Vanca wish, desire
1870 Vandana salute
1871 Vanhi fire
1872 Vanhishikha flame
1873 Vani muse, Goddess Saraswati
1874 Vanita lady
1875 Vanmala wildflower garland
1876 Vanshika Flute
1877 Varada Goddess Lakshmi
1878 Varana a river
1879 Vari water; sea
1880 Varija lotus
1881 Varsha rain
1882 Varuna wife of the lord of the sea; name
of a river
1883 Varuni a goddess
1884 Vasanta spring
1885 Vasanti of spring
1886 Vasavi wife of Indra
1887 Vasudha the earth
1888 Vasudhara Earth
1889 Vasumati apsara of unequalled
1890 Vasundhara the earth
1891 Vatsala affectionate
1892 Vedi altar
1893 Vedika altar; a river in India
1894 Vedvalli joy of the Vedas
1895 Veena a musical instrument (Beena)
1896 Veenapani Goddess Saraswati
1897 VeeraSundari Goddess of bravery
1898 Vela time
1899 Vennela Moon Light
1900 Vetravati a river in India
1901 Vibha night
1902 Vibhavari starry night
1903 Vibhuti great personality
1904 Vidhut electricity
1905 Vidula moon
1906 Vidya learning
1907 Vidyul lightning
1908 Vidyut lightning
1909 Vijaya victorious
1910 Vijayalakshmi goddess of victory
1911 Vijeta victorious
1912 Vijul a silk-cottom tree
1913 Vilasini playful
1914 Vilina dedicated
1915 Vimala pure
1916 Vinanti prayer, request
1917 Vinata humble, mother of Garuda
1918 Vinaya modest
1919 Vindhya knowledge
1920 Vineeta humble
1921 Vinita requester
1922 Vinoda, Vinodini pleasing
1923 Vinodini happy girl
1924 Vinutha exceptionally new
1925 Vipasa a river
1926 Vipula plenty
1927 Virata bravery
1928 Visala celestial Apsara
1929 Vishakha a star
1930 Vishala wide; spacious
1931 Vishalakshi large-eyed
1932 Vishaya subject
1933 Vishnumaya Goddess Parvati
1934 Vishnupriya Goddess Lakshmi
1935 Viveka right
1936 Vrajabala girl from Mathura and its
1937 Vrinda basil; Radha
1938 Vritti nature; temperament
1939 Vyanjana rhetorical suggestion
1940 Vyjayanti
1941 Waheeda unique, singular
1942 Wamika Goddess Durga
1943 Wamil beautiful
1944 Yaalini Melodious
1945 Yaalisai Melodious
1946 Yajna worship
1947 Yamini night
1948 Yamuna Jamuna river
1949 Yamya night
1950 Yashawanthi with great fame
1951 Yashawini successful lady
1952 Yashila famous
1953 Yashoda Krishna's mother
1954 Yogini one who can control senses
1955 Yogita one who can concentrate
1956 Yosana girl
1957 Yuktha absorbed, attentive
1958 Yuthika multitude
1959 Yuvika young woman, maid
S. No. Name Description(Meaning)
1 Aashika lovable
2 Abha lustre, shine
3 Abhati splendour, light
4 Abhaya fearless
5 Abhidha literal meaning
6 Abhidhya wish, longing
7 Abhijna remembrance, recollection
8 Abhilasa desire, wish
9 Abhilasha desire
10 Abhinithi that which is already been
performed, friendship
11 Abhiprithi full of love
12 Abhirathi pleasure
13 Abhisri surrounded by glory, shining,
14 Abhithi fearlessness
15 Abja born in water
16 Aboil the name of a flower
17 Achala constant
18 Acira brief, swift, fast
19 Adarsha ideal
20 Adhira lightning
21 Adishree exalted
22 Aditha the first root
23 Adithi freedom, safety, abundance
24 Aditi mother of gods
25 Adrija of the mountain, another name
26 Adrika celestial
27 Advika unique
28 Adya first, unparalleled
29 Aghanashini destroyer of sins
30 Agrata leadership
31 Agrima leadership
32 Ahalya Rishi Gautam's wife, woman
by Lord Rama
33 Ahilya maiden
34 Ahladita in happy mood
35 Ahladitha delighted
36 Aishani Goddess Durga
37 Aishwarya wealth
38 Ajala the earth
39 Ajanta famous Buddist cave
40 Ajeeta invincible, unconquerable
41 Akalka free from impurity, moonlight
42 Akanksha desire, wish
43 Akhila complete
44 Akriti diagram
45 Akshaya indestructible
46 Akshita seen
47 Aksithi imperishability
48 Akuti princess
49 Alaka, Alka a girl with a lovely hair
50 Alaknanda a river in the Himalayas
51 Alisha protected by God
52 Alka lock of curly hair
53 Almas a diamond
54 Alopa faultless
55 Alpa little
56 Alpana a decorative design
57 Amala, Amla the pure one
58 Amani road, one who shows the path
59 Amari eternal
60 Amarta immortality
61 Amba Parvati
62 Ambalika mother, one who is
63 Ambika Goddess Parvati
64 Ambu water
65 Ambuda cloud
66 Ambuja born of a Lotus; Goddess Lakshmi
67 Amita limitless
68 Amithi immeasurable
69 Amiya nectar
70 Amoda happiness
71 Amodini happy girl
72 Amrapali famous courtesan who
a devotee of Buddha
73 Amrita immortality
74 Amritkala nectarine art
75 Amrusha sudden
76 Amshula sunny
77 Amulya priceless
78 Anagha sinless
79 Anahita graceful
80 Anala fiery
81 Anamika ring-finger
82 Anandalakshmi goddess of happiness
83 Anandamayi full of joy
84 Anandi jovial
85 Anandini joyful
86 Anandita happy
87 Anantha, Anantya endless, eternal
88 Ananya matchless
89 Anarghya priceless
90 Anasuya without spite or envy
91 Anathi modest, respectful
92 Anavi kind to people
93 Anchal the decorative end of a sari
94 Anchita honoured, worshipped
95 Angana handsome woman
96 Angarika flame coloured flower,
Palash or Flame of the
97 Anhithi gift, donation
98 Anindita beautiful
99 Aninditha virtuous, venerated
100 Anisha continuous
101 Anita grace
102 Anjali offering
103 Anjalika one of Arjuna's arrows
104 Anjana mother of Hanuman
105 Anju one who lives in heart
106 Anjushri, Anjushree dear to one's
107 Ankita conquered, a signet, symbol
108 Ankitha with auspicious marks
109 Annapurna Goddess Parvati; generous
with food
110 Anokhi unique
111 Anshula sunny
112 Antara the second note in Hindustani
classical music
113 Antini living in a hermitage
114 Anuga a companion
115 Anula not wild, gentle
116 Anulekha one who follows destiny
117 Anumati consent
118 Anunitha courtesy
119 Anupama unique, unparalleled
120 Anuprabha brightness
121 Anuradha a bright star
122 Anuragini beloved
123 Anurati consent
124 Anusha beautiful morning, a star
125 Anushri pretty
126 Anusri glorious, famous
127 Anuva knowldege
128 Anwesha quest
129 Anya Inexhaustible
130 Apala most beautiful
131 Aparajita undefeated
132 Aparijita undefeated; name of a
133 Aparna Goddess Parvati
134 Apeksha expected
135 Apsara celestial maiden
136 Apurva, Apoorva unique
137 Aradhana worship
138 Arati hymns sang in praise of god
139 Arati, Aaarti worship
140 Archa worship
141 Archan worship
142 Archana worship
143 Archisha a ray of light
144 Archita one who is worshipped
145 Ariktha fulfilled
146 Arpana surrendered
147 Arpita dedicate
148 Arshia heavenly
149 Aruna dawn
150 Arundhathi fidelity
151 Arundhati a star
152 Aruni dawn
153 Arunima glow of dawn
154 Arushi dawn, red sky in the early
155 Asavari name of a raga or melody
156 Aseema, Ashima limitless
157 Asgari devotee
158 Asha hope
159 Ashakiran ray of hope
160 Ashalata creeper of hope
161 Ashavari name of a raaga
162 Ashis benediction
163 Ashna friend
164 Ashoka without grief
165 Ashritha dependant
166 Ashwini a star
167 Asita the river Yamuna
168 Aslesha a star
169 Asmita pride
170 Asvika a little mare
171 Atasi a blue flower
172 Atmaja daughter
173 Atreyi name of a river
174 Avani Earth
175 Avani, Abani earth
176 Avanti ancient Malwa; Ujjain
177 Avantika city of Ujjain
178 Ayesha wife of the Prophet
179 Ayushmati one who has a long life
180 Bageshri name of a raaga
181 Bakula Nagakeshar flower
182 Bala an ever 9 year old girl, a young
183 Bandhura pretty
184 Bani Saraswati
185 Bhagyalakshmi goddess of wealth
186 Bhairavi a melody in classical
187 Bhanuja river Yamuna
188 Bharati Saraswati
189 Bhavana feelings, sentiments
190 Bhavani Parvati
191 Bhavya grand, splendid
192 Bhuvana the earth
193 Bina a musical instrument
194 Bindiya drop, point
195 Brinda Tulasi
196 Cauvery same as Cavery- name of a river
197 Chadna love
198 Chahana desire, affection
199 Chaitali born in the month of
200 Chaitaly name of an ancient city
201 Chaitanya consciousness
202 Chakori a bird enamoured of the moon
203 Chakrika Lakshmi
204 Chameli a creeper with flowers
205 Champa a flower
206 Champabati the capital
207 Champakali a bud of champa
208 Champakavathi owner of champak trees
209 Champamalini garland of champa flower
210 Champika little champa flower
211 Chanasya delighting
212 Chanchala restless
213 Chanda moon
214 Chandalini glorious
215 Chandana sandal wood
216 Chandani a river
217 Chandanika diminutive
218 Chandika diminutive of Chandana
219 Chandni moonlit
220 Chandrabali Krishna;s girl-friend
221 Chandrabhaga river Chenab
222 Chandrabindu crescent moon
223 Chandraja daughter of the moon
224 Chandrakala moonbeams
225 Chandraki peacock
226 Chandrakin a peacock
227 Chandraleksha a ray of the moon
228 Chandramathi as beautiful as the moon
229 Chandramukhi as beautiful as the moon
230 Chandrani wife of the moon
231 Chandratara the moon and the stars
232 Chandravathi lit by the moon
233 Chandrika moonlight
234 Chandrima the moon
235 Changuna a good woman
236 Chapala restless; lighting
237 Charita good
238 Charitra history
239 Charu beautiful, attractive
240 Charulata beautiful
241 Charulekha beautiful picture
242 Charumati beautiful
243 Charuprabha beautiful
244 Charusheela a jewel
245 Charusila beautiful jewel
246 Charvi a beautiful woman
247 Chatura clever
248 Chayana moon
249 Chellam pampered
250 Chetana intelligence
251 Chhabi picture
252 Chhavvi image, radiance
253 Chhaya shadow
254 Chimayi blissful
255 Chinmayi blissful
256 Chintan, Chintana, Chintanika meditation
257 Chiti love
258 Chitkala knowledge
259 Chitra picture, a nakshatra
260 Chitragandha a fragrant material
261 Chitralekha as beautiful as a picture
262 Chitrali a row of pictures
263 Chitramala series of pictures
264 Chitramaya worldly illusion
265 Chitrangada one of Arjuna's wives
266 Chitrani river Ganga
267 Chitrarathi with a bright chariot
268 Chitrarekha picture
269 Chitrita picturesque
270 Chumban kiss
271 Dadhija daughter of milk
272 Daksha the earth; Sati, wife of Shiva
273 Dakshakanya able daughter
274 Dakshata skill
275 Dakshayani Goddess Durga
276 Dakshina a donation to god or
277 Dalaja produced from petals
278 Damayanti Nala's wife
279 Damini lightning
280 Darika maiden
281 Darpana a mirror
282 Darpanika a small mirror
283 Darshana seeing
284 Darshini the one who blesses
285 Daya kindness
286 Dayamayee kind
287 Dayanita tender
288 Dayita beloved
289 Debanshi Deva ansh
290 Deeba silk
291 Deepa a lamp
292 Deepabali row of lamps
293 Deepali collection of lamps
294 Deepamala row of lamps
295 Deepana illuminating
296 Deepanwita diwali
297 Deepaprabha fully lighted
298 Deepashikha flame
299 Deepika a lamp
300 Deepitha illuminated
301 Deepta shining
302 Deepti flame; lustre
303 Deeptikana a beam of light
304 Deeptimoyee lustrous
305 Deshna gift
306 Devahuti daughter of Manu
307 Devak divine
308 Devakanya celestial maiden
309 Devaki divine
310 Devalatha divine wine
311 Devalekha celestial beauty
312 Devamati godly minded, virtuous
313 Devamayi devine illuision
314 Devangana celestial maiden
315 Devasmitha with a devine smile
316 Devasree divine beauty
317 Devika minor deity
318 Devina resembling a goddess
319 Devya devine power
320 Devyani daughter of Shukraacharya
321 Dhanalakshmi goddess of wealth
322 Dhanapriya loved by wealth
323 Dhanashri a raga
324 Dhanishta a star
325 Dhanya great
326 Dhanyata success, fulfilment
327 Dhara constant flow
328 Dharani the earth
329 Dharini earth
330 Dharitri the earth
331 Dhatri earth
332 Dhitha daughter
333 Dhithi thought, idea
334 Dhriti courage, morale
335 Dhuthi spleandour, lustre
336 Diksha initiation
337 Dilber lover
338 Dilshad happy
339 Disha direction
340 Diti wife of the sage Kashyap
341 Divena blessing
342 Divya divine lustre
343 Doyel a songbrid
344 Draupadi wife of the Pandavas
345 Dristi eyesight
346 Druthi softened
347 Dulari dear
348 Durga Parvati
349 Durva, Durba sacred grass
350 Dwipavati river
351 Ecchumati a river
352 Edhitha progressed, increased
353 Ehimaya an all pervading intellect
354 Eka matchless, alone, unique
355 Ekadhana a portion of wealth
356 Ekaja the only child
357 Ekantha lovely
358 Ekanthika devoted to one aim
359 Ekaparana wife of Himalaya
360 Ekata, Ektaa unity
361 Ekavali single-string
362 Ekisha one goddess
363 Ekta unity
364 Ela cardamom tree
365 Elampirai young crescent
366 Elavarasi youthful, princess
367 Elili beautiful
368 Enakshi dear-eyed
369 Esha desire
370 Eshana search
371 Eshanika fulfilling desire
372 Eshanya east
373 Eshika an arrow, dart
374 Eshita one who desires
375 Ethaha, Etasha shining
376 Faiza gain
377 Fajyaz artistic
378 Falguni, Phalguni born in Falgun, a
Hindu month
379 Farha happiness
380 Faria a caravan
381 Farida turquoise
382 Fatima, Fatma the prophet Mohammad's
383 Fawiza successful
384 Firoza turquoise
385 Foolan, Phoolan flowering
386 Foolwati, Phoolwati delicate as a
387 Fulki spark
388 Fullara wife of Kalketu
389 Gagana the sky
390 Gaganadipika the lamp of the sky
391 Gaganasindhu ocean of the sky
392 Gajagamini majestic- like an
elephant's walk
393 Gajalakshmi lakshmi as graceful as an
394 Gajra a string of flowers
395 Ganda knot
396 Gandha fragrant
397 Gandhali fragrance of flowers
398 Gandhara fragrance
399 Gandhari from gandhara
400 Gandharika preparing perfume
401 Gandhini fragrant
402 Ganga river Ganga
403 Ganga, Gangotri sacred river of India
404 Gangika river Ganga
405 Ganitha regarded
406 Garati virtuous woman
407 Gargi an ancient scholar
408 Gathika song
409 Gatita a river
410 Gauhar a pearl
411 Gaura a fair woman
412 Gauri a fair woman; parvati
413 Gaurika a young girl
414 Gautami river Godavari
415 Gayana singing
416 Gayanthika singing
417 Gayatri mother of the Vedas, a goddess
418 Gazala a deer
419 Geena silvery
420 Geeta holy book of the Hindus
421 Geeti a song
422 Geetika a little song
423 Geshna singer
424 Girija born of a mountain; Goddess
425 Girika summit of a mountain
426 Gita song
427 Gitali lover of song
428 Gitanjali an offering of songs
429 Gitika a small song
430 Godavari river Godavari
431 Gomati name of a river
432 Gool a flower
433 Gopa Gautama's wife
434 Gopi, Gopika a cowherd; cowherd woman
435 Gopika cowherd girls
436 Gorochana Goddess Parvati
437 Gourangi fair complexioned
438 Govindi a devotee of Lord krishna
439 Grhalakshmi lakshmi of the house
440 Grhitha understood and accepted
441 Gudiya doll
442 Gulab rose
443 Gulika ball
444 Gunasundari made beautiful by virtues
445 Gunitha proficient
446 Gunjana buzzing of a bee
447 Gunjika humming
448 Gunjita humming of bee
449 Gunwanti virtuous
450 Gurjari a raga
451 Gyanada Goddess Saraswati
452 Habiba beloved
453 Hafiza protected
454 Haimavati Parvati, Lord Shiva's wife
455 Hamsa swan
456 Hanima a wave
457 Hansa swan
458 Hansanandini daughter of a swan
459 Hansaveni another name for
460 Hansika swan
461 Hansini swan
462 Hariganga ganga of Vishnu
463 Harijatha fair haired
464 Harimanti born in the season of
465 Harinakshi doe-eyed
466 Harini deer
467 Haripriya consort of Lord Vishnu;
468 Harita green
469 Harithi green
470 Harmya palace
471 Harsha happiness
472 Harshada giver of joy
473 Harshini happy
474 Harshita happy
475 Harshitha full of joy
476 Hasanthi one that delights
477 Hasika smiling
478 Hasina beautiful
479 Hasita happy
480 Hasna laughing
481 Hasumati happy
482 Hatisha with no desire
483 Heera diamond
484 Hema golden
485 Hemakshi golden eyed
486 Hemangi golden body
487 Hemangini girl with golden body
488 Hemanti early winter
489 Hemanya golden bodied
490 Hemavati golden Parvati
491 Hemlata golden creeper
492 Hena a flower
493 Henna Mehendi
494 Hetal friendly
495 Hima snow
496 Himagouri Parvati
497 Himani Parvati
498 Hina fragrance
499 Hindola a raga
500 Hiral lustrous
501 Hiranmayi golden
502 Hiranya golden
503 Hiranyadha giving gold
504 Hirkani small diamond
505 Hita lovable
506 Hiya heart
507 Holika lighting of ceremonial fire
508 Hoor a celestial
509 Hradha lake
510 Husna beautiful
511 Ibha elephant
512 Idhika another name for parvathi
513 Idhitri one who praises
514 Iha the earth
515 Ihina enthusiasm
516 Ihitha desired
517 Iksha sight
518 Ikshana sight
519 Ikshitha visible
520 Ikshu sugarcane
521 Ila earth, daughter of Manu
522 Ilampirai young crescent
523 Ilavalagi young and beautiful
524 Ilavenil spring, youthful
525 Ilisha queen of the earth
526 Ina mother
527 Inayat kindness
528 Indira Goddess Lakshmi
529 Indiya knowledgeable
530 Indrakshi one with beautiful eyes
531 Indrani wife of Indra
532 Indrasena daughter of King Nala
533 Indratha power and dignity of Indra
534 Indrayani the name of a sacred
535 Indu moon
536 Induja Narmada river
537 Indukala digit of the moon
538 Indulala moon light
539 Induleksh the moon
540 Induma moon
541 Indumati the full moon
542 Indumukhi with moonlike face
543 Inika little earth
544 Iniya Sweet
545 Inkurali Sweet voice
546 Ipsa desire
547 Ipsita desired
548 Ira earth; muse
549 Iraja daughter of the wind
550 Iravati the river Ravi
551 Isai music
552 Isha one who protects
553 Ishana rich
554 Ishani Parvati, wife of Lord Shiva
555 Ishanika belonging to the north
556 Ishanya north east
557 Ishika paint brush
558 Ishita mastery; wealth
559 Ishrat affection
560 Ishwari goddess
561 Ivy a creeper
562 Iyalisai music
563 Jabeen forehead
564 Jagadamba mother of the universe
565 Jagathi of the universe
566 Jagavi born of the world
567 Jagrati awakening
568 Jagriti vigilance
569 Jahanara queen of the world
570 Jaheel lake
571 Jahnavi daughter of Jahnu
572 Jailekha a record of victory
573 Jaiman victorious
574 Jaimathi victorious mind
575 Jaipriya beloved of victory
576 Jaishree honour of victory
577 Jaisudha nectar of victory
578 Jaiwanti victory
579 Jalabala a river
580 Jaladhi treasure of water
581 Jaladhija Lakshmi
582 Jalahasini smile of water
583 Jalaja lotus
584 Jalanhili as blue as water
585 Jalela goddess of water
586 Jamini night
587 Jamuna s holy river
588 Janaki Seeta
589 Janani mother, tenderness
590 Janhavi river Ganga
591 Janhitha one who thinks of the
welfare of men
592 Janitha born
593 Jansi life-like
594 Januja daughter
595 Janya born
596 Jasoda mother of Lord krishna
597 Jasodhara mother of Lord Buddha
598 Jaya Durga
599 Jayalakshmi the goddess of victory
600 Jayalalita victorious goddess Durga
601 Jayamala garland of victory
602 Jayani a sakti of Ganesha
603 Jayanti Parvati
604 Jayantika Goddess Durga; Parvati
605 Jayaprada giver of victory
606 Jayashree the goddess of victory
607 Jayashri goddess of victory
608 Jayati victorious
609 Jayita victorious
610 Jayitri victorious
611 Jayshri the goddess of victory
612 Jeeval full of life
613 Jeevankala art of life
614 Jeevanlata creeper of life
615 Jeevika water
616 Jenya TRUE
617 Jetashri a raga
618 Jharna a stream
619 Jhilmil sparkling
620 Jhinuk oyster
621 Jigya curiosity to know
622 Jithya victorious
623 Jivika source of life
624 Joel God
625 Joshita pleased
626 Jowaki a firefly
627 Juhi a flower
628 Jui a flower
629 Juily a flower
630 Jyoti flame, lamp
631 Jyotibala splendour
632 Jyotika light; a flame
633 Jyotirmoyee lustrous
634 Jyotishmati lustrous
635 Jyotsna moon light
636 Kaandhal attractive
637 Kadambari Goddess
638 Kadambini an array of clouds
639 Kadhiroli Intelligent, brilliant
a ray of sunlight
640 Kahini young
641 Kaishori Goddess Parvati
642 Kajal eyeliner
643 Kajjali kohl
644 Kajri cloud like
645 Kakali chiping of birds
646 Kala art
647 Kalaimagal queen of arts
648 Kalaka blue
649 Kalandhika bestower of art
650 Kalanidhi treasure of art
651 Kalavati artistic
652 Kali a bud; Parvati
653 Kalika a bud
654 Kalindi Yamuna river
655 Kallol large waves; gurgling of water
656 Kalpana idea, imagination, fancy
657 Kalpini night
658 Kalpita imagined
659 Kalya praise
660 Kalyani auspicious
661 Kamadha granting desires
662 Kamakshi Goddess Lakshmi or
one with loving eyes
663 Kamala Goddess
664 Kamalakshi one whose eyes are
beautiful like lotuses
665 Kamali full of desires
666 Kamalika Lakshmi
667 Kamalini lotus
668 Kamalkali the bud of a lotus
669 Kamana desire
670 Kamika desired
671 Kamini a handsome woman
672 Kamitha desired
673 Kamna desire
674 Kampana unsteady
675 Kamya beautiful
676 Kana an atom
677 Kanak, Kanaka gold
678 Kanaka gold
679 Kanakabati a fairy-tale
680 Kanaklata golden creeper
681 Kanakpriya lover of gold
682 Kanan a garden; forest
683 Kananbala nympth of the forest
684 Kanchan gold
685 Kanchana gold
686 Kanchi a waistband
687 Kandhara lute
688 Kangana a bracelet
689 Kanika an atom
690 Kanimoli speaks with a gentle tone
691 Kanitha iris of the eye
692 Kanjari a bird
693 Kankana a bracelet
694 Kanmani precious like an eye
695 Kanta a beautiful
696 Kanti lustre
697 Kanya daughter
698 Kanyana maiden
699 Kapalini another name for Durga
700 Kapardini a goddess
701 Kapila name of the celestial cow
702 Kapotakshi eyes like a pigeon's
703 Karabi a flower
704 Karishma miracle
705 Karuka heavenly piece of art
706 Karuna compassion; mercy
707 Karunamayi merciful
708 Karunya merciful
709 Kashi Varanasi, the holy city
710 Kashmira from Kashmir
711 Kasturi musk
712 Katyayani Goddess Parvati
713 Kaumudi moonlight
714 Kaushalya mother of Rama
715 Kaushika silk
716 Kavana poem
717 Kaveri a river
718 Kavika poetess
719 Kavini composes beautiful poems
720 Kavita a poem
721 Kavya poetry in motion
722 Kayalvili fishlike bautiful eyes
723 Keertana hymn, a song in praise of
724 Kesar pollen, lion
725 Kesari saffron; a lion
726 Keshi a woman with beautiful hair
727 Keshika a woman with beautiful hair
728 Keshini a woman with beautiful hair
729 Ketaki a cream coloured flower
730 Ketana home
731 Keya a monsoon flower
732 Khyati fame
733 Kilimoli pleasing voice
734 Kimaya divine
735 Kiran ray of light
736 Kiranmala a garland of light
737 Kirtana praise
738 Kirti fame
739 Kishori a young girl
740 Kiya the cooing of a bird
741 Kokila cuckoo, nightingale
742 Komal tender
743 Komala delicate
744 Koyel the cuckoo
745 Krandasi the sky and the earth
746 Kranti revolution
747 Kripa mercy
748 Krishna Draupadi
749 Krishnaa Draupadi
750 Krishnakali a flower
751 Krithi action
752 Krithya action
753 Kriti A work of art
754 Krittika the plaids
755 Kriya performance
756 Krupa grace, favour
757 Ksema safety, security,
758 Kshama forgiveness
759 Kshanika momentary
760 Kshithi earth
761 Kumari youthful, unmarried
762 Kumkum vermilion
763 Kumud a lotus
764 Kumudini a lotus
765 Kunda musk, jasmine
766 Kundan pure
767 Kundanika golden girl
768 Kundini an assemblage of Jasmines
769 Kunjal cuckoo, nightingale
770 Kunjalata forest creeper
771 Kunjana forest girl
772 Kuntal hair
773 Kuntala a woman with luxurious hair
774 Kunti the mother of the Pandavas
775 Kurangi deer
776 Kurinji special, flower which blooms once
in 12 years
777 Kushala safe, happy, expert
778 Kusum a flower
779 Kusuma flower
780 Kusumanjali flower offering
781 Kusumavati flowering
782 Kusumita blossomed
783 Kusumlata flowering creeper
784 Kuvalai flower
785 Kuyil sweet voice like a Cuckoo bird
786 Kuyilsai sweet voice like a Cuckoo
787 Labangalata a flowering creeper
788 Laboni grace
789 Lajja modesty
790 Lajjawati a sensitive plant; modest
791 Lajwanti a sensitive plant
792 Lajwati modest
793 Laksha white rose
794 Lakshana one with auspicious signs
on her
795 Lakshmi goddess of wealth
796 Lakshmishree fortunate
797 Lalan nurturing
798 Lalana a beautiful woman
799 Lali darling girl
800 Lalima morning red in the sky
801 Lalita beautiful
802 Lata a creeper
803 Latangi a creeper
804 Latika a small creeper
805 Lavali clove
806 Lavangi apsara, of the clove plant
807 Lavanya grace
808 Leela divine play
809 Leelamayee playful
810 Leelavati playful; goddess Durga
811 Leena devoted
812 Lekha writing
813 Lily a flower
814 Lipi script
815 Lipika a short letter
816 Lochan the eye
817 Lochana eye
818 Lohita red, ruby
819 Lola Goddess Lakshmi
820 Lona beauty, pretty
821 Lopa wife of sage
822 Lopamudra wife of sage Agastya
823 Madhavi a creeper with beautiful
824 Madhavilata a flowering creeper
825 Madhu honey
826 Madhubala sweet girl
827 Madhuchhanda pleasing metrical
828 Madhuja made of honey
829 Madhuksara one who showers honey
830 Madhula sweet
831 Madhulata sweet creeper
832 Madhulekha beautiful
833 Madhulika honey
834 Madhumalati a flowering creeper
835 Madhumati full of honey
836 Madhumita full of honey
837 Madhunisha pleasant night
838 Madhur sweet
839 Madhura sugar
840 Madhuri sweet girl
841 Madhurima sweetness
842 Madhushri the spring
843 Madira nectar
844 Madirakshi woman with intoxicating
845 Madri wife of pandu
846 Madura a bird
847 Mahadevi Goddess Parvati
848 Mahaganga the great ganga
849 Mahagauri Goddess Durga
850 Mahajabeen beautiful
851 Mahalakshmi Goddess Lakshmi
852 Mahamaya Goddess Durga
853 Mahasweta Goddess Saraswati
854 Mahati great
855 Mahi great earth, heaven and earth
856 Mahijuba a hostess
857 Mahika the earth
858 Mahima greatness
859 Mahitha greatness
860 Mahiya happiness
861 Mahua an intoxicating flower
862 Mahubala sweet girl
863 Maina a bird
864 Maithili, Mythili sita
865 Maitra friendly
866 Maitreya the name of a sage
867 Maitreyi a learned woman of the
868 Maitri friendship
869 Makshi honeybee
870 Mala a garland
871 Malarvili beautiful eyes like a
872 Malashree an early evening melody
873 Malati a creeper with fragrant flowers
874 Malavika princess of Malawa
875 Malaya a creeper
876 Malika a garland
877 Malina dark
878 Malini a garland maker
879 Malliga jasmine
880 Mallika jasmine
881 Malti small fragrant flower
882 Mamata affection
883 Manadha giving honour
884 Manaka according to the mind
885 Manal a bird
886 Manali a bird
887 Manana meditation
888 Mananya deserving praises
889 Manasa conceived in the mind
890 Manasi a lady
891 Manasika of mind
892 Manasvi intelligent
893 Manavi wife of Manu
894 Manayi wife of Manu
895 Manda a river
896 Mandakini a river
897 Mandakranta a Sanskrit metre
898 Mandana cheerful
899 Mandara large, firm
900 Mandarmalika a garland of celestial
901 Mandira cymbals; home
902 Manditha adorned
903 Mandra pleasant
904 Mangai cultured lady
905 Mangala auspicious
906 Mangalya pious, pure
907 Manideepa a lamp of precious stones
908 Manik gem
909 Manika of jewels
910 Manikuntala one whose hair is like
911 Manimala a string of pearls
912 Manimekhala a girdle of gems
913 Manini a lady
914 Manisha goddess of mind, desire
915 Manisha, Mohisha intellect
916 Manisi desired by heart
917 Manisila a jeweled stone
918 Manisitha wisdom
919 Manitha honoured
920 Maniya a glass bead
921 Manjari a bunch
922 Manjira ankle-bells
923 Manjistha extremely
924 Manju snow, dew drops
925 Manjubala a sweet girl
926 Manjula melodious
927 Manjulika a sweet girl
928 Manjusha a box
929 Manjushri sweet lustre
930 Manjusri Saraswati
931 Manjyot light of the mind
932 Manmayi jealous; Sri Radha
933 Manorama attractive, beautiful
934 Manoritha of the mind
935 Manthika thoughtful
936 Manushri Lakshmi
937 Manya worthy of honour
938 Mareena swan
939 Marichi name of a star
940 Marisa mother of Daksa
941 Markandeya a devotee to Lord Shiva
942 Marudham from the lush green fields
943 Masilmani pure, without any
944 Matangi Durga
945 Maushmi monsoon wind
946 Mausumi beauty, monsoon wind
947 Maya illusion
948 Mayil full of grace, like a peacock
949 Mayukhi peahen
950 Mayura illusion
951 Mayuri peahen
952 Mayurika with peacock feathers
953 Medha intellect; Goddess Saraswati
954 Medhani of intelligence
955 Medhya mighty, clean, fresh
956 Medini the earth
957 Meena precious blue stone
958 Meenakshi a woman wil beautiful
959 Meera a devotee of Krishna
960 Megha cloud
961 Meghamala array of clouds
962 Meghana cloud
963 Mehal cloud
964 Mehbooba beloved
965 Meher benevolence
966 Mehrunissa benevolent
967 Mehul cloud; rain
968 Mekhala girdle
969 Mena wife of the Himalayas
970 Menaka a celestial dancer
971 Menitha wise
972 Menmoli speaks kindly
973 Mihika mist, fog
974 Milana union
975 Milika desiring union
976 Minakshi fish eyed, daughter of
977 Minal a precious stone
978 Minati prayer
979 Minnoli brilliant like lightning
980 Mirium wished-for child
981 Mita a friend
982 Mitali friendship
983 Mithi truthful
984 Mithra friend
985 Mohana attractive
986 Mohini enchantress
987 Mohitha infatuated
988 Moksha salvation
989 Monisha Lord Krishna
990 Mridula soft
991 Mriganayani doe-eyed
992 Mrinal lotus
993 Mrinali lotus
994 Mrinalini lotus
995 Mrinmayi of the earth
996 Mrudani another name for parvathi
997 Mrudu soft
998 Mudra __expression
999 Mudrika ring
1000 Mugdha spellbound
1001 Mukta liberated; pearl
1002 Mukti freedom from life and death
1003 Mukul bud
1004 Mullai flower with lovely fragrance
1005 Muniya name of a bird
1006 Muskan smile
1007 Muthammal pure, like a pearl
1008 Mutholi shines like a pearl
1009 Muthunagai smiles like a pearl
1010 Mythily Seeta
1011 Naaz pride
1012 Nabhanya celestial
1013 Nabhitha fearless
1014 Nabhya central
1015 Nachni dancer; suggestive look
1016 Nadira pinnacle
1017 Naganandini mountain born
1018 Naganika serpent maiden
1019 Nagina jewel
1020 Naima belonging to one
1021 Naina name of a goddess
1022 Najma sorry
1023 Nalina lotus
1024 Nalini lotus
1025 Namita humble
1026 Namrata modesty
1027 Namya to be bowed to
1028 Nanda happiness, a daughter
1029 Nandana daughter
1030 Nandika Lakshmi
1031 Nandini a holy cow, bestower of joy,
1032 Nandita happy
1033 Nangai cultured lady
1034 Narayani Goddess Lakshmi
1035 Narmada one who arouses tender feelings
in others, river
1036 Narois flower
1037 Nartan dance
1038 Naseen cool breeze
1039 Natun new
1040 Nauka boat
1041 Navaneeta butter
1042 Naveena new
1043 Naviya new
1044 Navya worth praising
1045 Nayana eye
1046 Nayantara iris
1047 Nazima song
1048 Neeharika dew drops
1049 Neela blue
1050 Neelabja blue lotus
1051 Neelakshi blue-eyed
1052 Neelam sapphire
1053 Neelanjana blue
1054 Neelkamal blue lotus
1055 Neepa name of a flower
1056 Neeraja lotus flower
1057 Neeta upright
1058 Neeti good behaviour
1059 Neha love, rain
1060 Nehal rainy; handsome
1061 Netra eye
1062 Netravati beautiful eyed
1063 Nidhi treasure
1064 Nidhyana intuition
1065 Nidhyathi meditation
1066 Nidra sleep
1067 Niharika nebula
1068 Nikhila complete
1069 Nikhita sharp
1070 Nila enchanting moon
1071 Nilasha blueness
1072 Nilavoli ray of light from the
1073 Nilaya home
1074 Nileen surrendered
1075 Nilima blue
1076 Niloufer a celestial
1077 Nimisha twinkling of an eye
1078 Nina lovely-eyed
1079 Niraimadhi full moon
1080 Niral calm
1081 Niranjana name of a river; Goddess
Durga; the night of
the full moon
1082 Nirmala clean, virtuous
1083 Nirmayi without blemish
1084 Nirmitha created
1085 Nirupa a decree, command
1086 Nirupama unique, uncomparable
1087 Nisha night
1088 Nishithini night
1089 Nishtha devotion
1090 Nita moral
1091 Nitha carried, red
1092 Nithilam pure like the pearl
1093 Niti morality
1094 Nitima girl of principles
1095 Nitya constant
1096 Nityapriya ever pleasing
1097 Nivedita one dedicated to service
1098 Nivritti nonattachment
1099 Niyati fate
1100 Noopur anklet
1101 Noor light
1102 Noorjehan light of the world
1103 Nupura anklet
1104 Nusrat help
1105 Nutan new
1106 Nuti worship, praise, reverence
1107 Odathi refreshing
1108 Ojal vision
1109 Ojaswini lustrous
1110 Omala earth
1111 Omana a woman
1112 Omvati sacred, having the power of Om
1113 Oviya artist, beautiful drawing
1114 Padma Goddess Lakshmi
1115 Padmaja born from lotus, Lakshmi
1116 Padmajai Born from lotus, Lakshmi
1117 Padmakali lotus bud
1118 Padmal lotus
1119 Padmalaya lake of lotuses
1120 Padmalochana lotuseyed
1121 Padmaroopa like a lotus
1122 Padmavati Goddess Lakshmi
1123 Padmini lotus
1124 Pakhi bird
1125 Pakshi bird
1126 Pallavi new leaves
1127 Pallavini with new leaves
1128 Panchali Draupadi's name
1129 Pankaja lotus
1130 Panna emerald
1131 Panya admired, glorious, excellent
1132 Parama the best
1133 Parameshwari Goddess Durga
1134 Paramita wisdom
1135 Pari beauty, fairy
1136 Paridhi realm
1137 Parinita expert
1138 Parnal leafy
1139 Parnashri leafy beauty
1140 Parni leafy
1141 Parnik creeper
1142 Parnika a small leaf, parvati
1143 Parthivi Sita
1144 Parul name of a flower
1145 Parvani full moon; a festival or a
special day
1146 Parvati Durga
1147 Parveen star
1148 Patmanjari a raga
1149 Patralekha a name from ancient epics
1150 Pavana holy, sacred
1151 Pavani Hanuman
1152 Payal anklet
1153 Payoja lotus
1154 Phiroza turquoise
1155 Phoolan flower
1156 Pia beloved
1157 Piki cuckoo
1158 Pingala Lakshmi
1159 Pival a tree
1160 Piyali a tree
1161 Pooja idol worship
1162 Poonam full moon
1163 Poorbi eastern
1164 Poornima full moon
1165 Poorvi a classical melody
1166 Poushali of the month Poush
1167 Prabha light, glow, shine
1168 Prabhati of the morning
1169 Prachi east
1170 Pradeepta glowing
1171 Pradnaya Knowledge
1172 Pragati progress
1173 Pragya prowess
1174 Pragyaparamita wise
1175 Pragyawati a wise woman
1176 Prama knowledge of truth
1177 Pramada woman
1178 Pramila one of Arjuna's wives
1179 Pramiti knowledge of truth
1180 Pranati prayer
1181 Prapti gain
1182 Prarthana prayer
1183 Prasana rising
1184 Prashansa praise
1185 Prashanti peace
1186 Prathysha early morning,from Sanskrit
word Prathyusham
1187 Pratibha keen intellect
1188 Pratigya pledge, vow
1189 Pratima icon, idol, statue
1190 Pratishtha preeminence
1191 Preeti love
1192 Prem love
1193 Prema love
1194 Premala loving
1195 Premila queen of a women's kingdom
1196 Prerana encouragement
1197 Preyasi beloved
1198 Prita dear one
1199 Pritha Kunti, mother of Pandavas
1200 Priti love
1201 Pritika dear one
1202 Pritikana an atom of love
1203 Pritilata a creeper of love
1204 Priya loved one, darling
1205 Priyadarshini delightful to look at
1206 Priyal beloved
1207 Priyam beloved
1208 Priyamvada sweet spoken
1209 Priyanka beautiful or lovable
act,symbol or body
1210 Priyasha dear one
1211 Puja same as Pooja
1212 Pujita worshipped
1213 Puloma wife of the sage Bhrigu
1214 Punam, Poonam full moon
1215 Punarnava a star
1216 Punita pure
1217 Punthali a doll
1218 Purnima full moon
1219 Purva east
1220 Purvaja elder sister
1221 Pushpa flower
1222 Pushpanjali flower offering
1223 Pushpita decorated with flowers
1224 Pusti nourishment, endorsement
1225 Putul doll
1226 Quarrtulain God's mercy
1227 Quasar meteor
1228 Raakhi symbol of protection;full moon in
the Sravan
1229 Rabia famous; godly
1230 Rachana creation
1231 Rachita created
1232 Rachna construction, arrangement
1233 Radha Krishna's lover, prosperity
1234 Radhana speech
1235 Radhani worship
1236 Radhika Radha
1237 Ragini a melody
1238 Rajalakshmi Goddess lakshmi
1239 Rajani night
1240 Rajanigandha a flower
1241 Rajata silver
1242 Rajdulari dear princess
1243 Rajeshwari goddess Parvati
1244 Rajhans swan
1245 Rajitha illuminated
1246 Rajivini collection of blue lotuses
1247 Rajkumari princess
1248 Rajnandhini princess
1249 Rajsree sage-like king, Monkey
1250 Raka full moon
1251 Rakhi thread of brother-sister bonding
1252 Raksha protection
1253 Rama Goddess Lakshmi
1254 Ramana enchanting
1255 Ramani beautiful girl
1256 Rambha celestial dancer
1257 Rameshwari Parvati
1258 Ramila lover
1259 Ramita pleasing
1260 Ramya beautiful
1261 Rangana a flower
1262 Rangitha charmed
1263 Ranhitha swift
1264 Rani Queen
1265 Ranita tinkling
1266 Ranjana delightful
1267 Ranjika exciting
1268 Ranjini pleasing
1269 Ranjita adorned
1270 Ranvitha joyous
1271 Ranya pleasant
1272 Rashi collection
1273 Rashmi a ray of light
1274 Rashmika ray of light
1275 Rasika connosseur
1276 Rasna the tongue
1277 Rathika satisfied
1278 Rati consort of cupid
1279 Ratna gem
1280 Ratnabala jewelled
1281 Ratnabali string of pearls
1282 Ratnajyouti lustrous jewel
1283 Ratnalekha splendour of jewels
1284 Ratnali a jewelled
1285 Ratnamala string of pearls
1286 Ratnangi jewel-bodied
1287 Ratnaprabha lustrous jewel
1288 Ratnapriya lover of jewels
1289 Ratnavali a bunch of gems
1290 Raviprabha light of the sun
1291 Rehwa ancient name of river Narmada
1292 Rekha line
1293 Renu atom
1294 Renuka the mother of Parasurma, the
sixth incarnation
of Lord
1295 Resham silk
1296 Reshma silken
1297 Reshmi silken
1298 Reva a star
1299 Revati a star
1300 Riddhi good fortune
1301 Riju innocent
1302 Rijuta innocence
1303 Rishika saintly
1304 Rithika brass
1305 Riti memory; well being
1306 Ritu season
1307 Riya Graceful, singer
1308 Rohini a star
1309 Rolee sindoor
1310 Roma Lakshmi
1311 Roshan bright
1312 Roshni brightness
1313 Rubaina bright
1314 Ruchi lustre; beauty
1315 Ruchira beautiful
1316 Ruchitha bright
1317 Rudrani a wife of Shiva (Rudra)
1318 Rudrapriya Goddess Durga
1319 Ruhika desire
1320 Rujula who endows wealth, Lakshmi, soft
1321 Rujuta honesty, sincerity
1322 Rukma golden
1323 Rukmini consort of Lord Krishna
1324 Ruksana brilliant
1325 Ruma wife a Sugriva
1326 Rupa beauty
1327 Rupali beautiful
1328 Rupashi beautiful
1329 Rupashri beautiful
1330 Sabita beautiful sunshine
1331 Sachi wife of Indra
1332 Sachika kind
1333 Sachita consciousness
1334 Sadaf pearl
1335 Sadgati liberation
1336 Sadguna good virtues
1337 Sadhan fulfulment
1338 Sadhana long practice/study, fulfilment
1339 Sadhika achiever
1340 Sadhri conqueror
1341 Sadhvi virtuous woman
1342 Sadhya perfection
1343 Sadiqua kindly
1344 Saeeda priestly
1345 Safia chaste
1346 Sagari of the ocean
1347 Sagarika wave; born in the ocean
1348 Saguna possessed of good qualities
1349 Sahana a raga
1350 Saheli friend
1351 Sahiba the lady
1352 Sahila guide
1353 Sahitha being near
1354 Sai a flower
1355 Sajala clouds
1356 Sajili decorated
1357 Sajni beloved
1358 Sakhi friend
1359 Sakina friend
1360 Salena the moon
1361 Salila water
1362 Salima happy
1363 Salma peace
1364 Samata equality
1365 Sameena happy
1366 Samhita a vedic omposition
1367 Samidha an offering for a sacred fire
1368 Samika peaceful
1369 Samiksha analysis
1370 Samit collected
1371 Samita collected
1372 Sammathi agreement
1373 Sampada wealthy
1374 Sampatti wealth
1375 Sampriti attachement
1376 Samrithi meeting
1377 Sana praise, prayer
1378 Sananda happy
1379 Sanchali movement
1380 Sanchaya collection
1381 Sanchita collection
1382 Sandhaya collection
1383 Sandhya evening
1384 Sangita music
1385 Sanika flute
1386 Sanithi obtainment
1387 Saniya moment
1388 Sanjana gentle
1389 Sanjivani immortality
1390 Sanjukta union
1391 Sanjula beautiful
1392 Sanjushree beautiful
1393 Sankari Goddess Parvati
1394 Sankul full of
1395 Sannidhi nearness
1396 Sanskriti culture
1397 Santawana consolation
1398 Santayani of the evening
1399 Sanvali dusky
1400 Sanwari dusky
1401 Sanyakta joined; united
1402 Sanyukta union
1403 Saparna leafy
1404 Saphala successful
1405 Sapna dream
1406 Sarada Goddess Saraswati
1407 Sarakshi good sight
1408 Sarala simple
1409 Sarama wife of Bibhisan
1410 Sarani protecting
1411 Saranya surrendered
1412 Sarasa swan
1413 Sarasi jolly, happy
1414 Sarasvati a goddess of learning
1415 Saraswati goddess of learning
1416 Saravati a river
1417 Sarayu a holy river
1418 Sarbani Goddess Durga
1419 Sarika a koel
1420 Sarit river
1421 Sarita river
1422 Sarjana creative; creation
1423 Saroj lotus
1424 Saroja lotus
1425 Sarojini lotus
1426 Saruprani beautiful woman
1427 Sarvari night
1428 Sarvika universal
1429 Saryu river Sharayu
1430 Sashi moon
1431 Sasmita smiling
1432 Sati chaste woman
1433 Satya truth
1434 Satyarupa truth; personified
1435 Satyavati mother of Vyasa
1436 Saudamini lightning
1437 Saujanya kind
1438 Saumya mild
1439 Savarna daughter of the Ocean
1440 Savita sun
1441 Savitashri lustre of the sun
1442 Savitri a form of the Devi
1443 Sawini a river
1444 Sayeeda leader
1445 Seema boundary
1446 Seemanti parting line
1447 Seemantini woman
1448 Seerat inner beauty; fame
1449 Sejal river water
1450 Selma fair
1451 Semanti a white rose
1452 Serena quiet
1453 Sevati white rose
1454 Sevita cherished
1455 Shabab beauty
1456 Shabalini a mossy
1457 Shabana decorated
1458 Shabari a tribal devotee of Lord Rama
1459 Shabnum sew
1460 Shachi wife of Lord Indra
1461 Shagufta flowering
1462 Shaheena tender
1463 Shaila Goddess Parvati
1464 Shailaja a river
1465 Shaili style
1466 Shakambari Goddess Parvati
1467 Shakeel handsome
1468 Shakeela beautiful
1469 Shakti Goddess Durga; power
1470 Shakuntala brought up by birds
1471 Shalaka Goddess Parvati
1472 Shalin silk-cottom tree
1473 Shalini modest
1474 Shalmali silk-cottom tree
1475 Shama a flame
1476 Shambhavi Goddess Parvati
1477 Shameena beautiful
1478 Shamim fire
1479 Shamita peacemaker
1480 Shampa lightning
1481 Shankari Goddess Parvati
1482 Shankhamala a fairytale princess
1483 Shanta peaceful
1484 Shantala Goddess Parvati
1485 Shanti peace
1486 Sharada goddess of learning, Saraswati
1487 Sharadini autumn
1488 Sharanya surrender
1489 Sharika Goddess Durga
1490 Sharmila happy
1491 Sharmistha wife of Yayat
1492 Sharvani Goddess Parvati
1493 Sharvari the night
1494 Shashi the moon
1495 Shashibala the moon
1496 Shashirekha moon's ray
1497 Shaswati eternal
1498 Shatarupa Lord Shiva
1499 Sheela cool
1500 Sheetal cool
1501 Shefali a flower
1502 Shefalika a flower
1503 Shejali a fruit
1504 Shekhar Lord Shiva
1505 Shevanti a flower
1506 Shibani Goddess Durga
1507 Shikha flame
1508 Shilavati a river
1509 Shilpa stone
1510 Shilpita well- proportioned
1511 Shinjini anklebells
1512 Shipra a river(equivalent to Ganga)
1513 Shirin sweet
1514 Shishirkana particles of dew
1515 Shiuli a flower
1516 Shivangi beautiful
1517 Shivani Goddess Parvati
1518 Shivanne Goddess Parvati
1519 Shobha attractive
1520 Shobhana splendid
1521 Shobhita splendid
1522 Shobhna ornamental, shining
1523 Shorashi young woman
1524 Shraddha veneration
1525 Shradhdha faith, trust
1526 Shravana, Shrabana name of a star
1527 Shravani born in the month of Shravan
1528 Shravanti a name in Buddhist
1529 Shravasti an ancient Indian city
1530 Shree Goddess Lakshmi
1531 Shreela beautiful
1532 Shreemayi fortunate
1533 Shreeparna tree adorned with leaves
1534 Shrestha Perfection
1535 Shreya auspicious
1536 Shreyashi good
1537 Shri lustre
1538 Shridevi goddess
1539 Shridula blessing
1540 Shrigauri goddess Parvati
1541 Shrigeeta the sacred Geeta
1542 Shrijani creative
1543 Shrikirti lustrous fame
1544 Shrikumari lustrious
1545 Shrilata lustrious creeper
1546 Shrilekha lustrious essay
1547 Shrimati Goddess lakshmi; fortunate
1548 Shrimayi fortunate
1549 Shrivalli Goddess Lakshmi
1550 Shruti expert in Vedas
1551 Shubha auspicious
1552 Shubhada giver of luck
1553 Shubhangi handsome
1554 Shubhra white; the Ganga
1555 Shuchismita one who has a pure smile
1556 Shuchita purity
1557 Shukla Goddess Saraswati
1558 Shukti pearl-oyster
1559 Shulka Goddess Saraswati
1560 Shweta white
1561 Shyama dark as cloud; Goddess kali
1562 Shyamal dusky
1563 Shyamala dusky
1564 Shyamali dusky
1565 Shyamalika dusky
1566 Shyamalima dusky
1567 Shyamangi dark-complexioned
1568 Shyamari dusky
1569 Shyamasri dusky
1570 Shyamlata a creeper with dusky
1571 Shyla Goddess parvati
1572 Sibani goddess parvati
1573 Siddheshwari Lord Shiva
1574 Siddhi achievement
1575 Siddhima achievement
1576 Sikata sand
1577 Simi No Meaning
1578 Simran, Smaram remembrance
1579 Simrit, Smrita remembered
1580 Sindhu ocean; river
1581 Sinsapa Ashok tree
1582 Sita wife of Lord Rama
1583 Sitara a star
1584 SivaSankari goddess Parvati
1585 Siya Sita
1586 Smita smile
1587 Smriti memory
1588 Sneh love
1589 Sneha affection
1590 Snehal friendly
1591 Snehalata creeper of love
1592 Snigdha smooth, tender
1593 Sohalia moon-glow
1594 Sohana graceful
1595 Sohni beautiful
1596 Soma moon-rays
1597 Somalakshmi lustre of the moon
1598 Somansh half moon
1599 Somatra excelling the moon
1600 Sona gold
1601 Sonakshi golden-eyed
1602 Sonal golden
1603 Sonali golden
1604 Sonam beautiful
1605 Sonia golden
1606 Sonika golden
1607 Soorat beauty
1608 Soumya handsome
1609 Sourabhi fragrance; the celestial
1610 Sphatika Crystal
1611 Sragvi Tulasi (Sacred Basil plant)
1612 Sristi creation
1613 Sriya prosperity
1614 Stavita praised
1615 Stuti praise
1616 Subarna of the colour of gold
1617 Subhadra a wife of Arjuna
1618 Subhaga a fortunate person
1619 Subhagya lucky
1620 Subhashini well-spoken
1621 Subhuja auspicious Apsara
1622 Subrata devoted to what is right
1623 Suchandra beautiful
1624 Sucharita of good character
1625 Sucheta with a beautiful mind
1626 Suchi radiant
1627 Suchira tasteful
1628 Suchita beautiful
1629 Suchitra beautiful
1630 Sudakshima wife of king Dilip
1631 Sudarshana handsome
1632 Sudeepa bright
1633 Sudeepta bright
1634 Sudeshna wife of king Virata
1635 Sudevi wife of Krishna
1636 Sudha nectar
1637 Sudhamayi full of nectar
1638 Sudhira calm
1639 Sudhithi bright flame
1640 Sudipta bright
1641 Sudipti brightness
1642 Sugita beautifully sung
1643 Sugouri Goddess Parvati
1644 Suhag love
1645 Suhaila moon-glow
1646 Suhasini ever-smiling
1647 Suhela easly accessible
1648 Suhina beautiful
1649 Suhitha suitable
1650 Suhrita well-disposed
1651 Sujala affectionate
1652 Sujata of good caste
1653 Sujaya victory
1654 Sukanya comely
1655 Sukeshi with beautiful hari
1656 Sukriti good deed
1657 Suksma fine
1658 Sukthi shining
1659 Sukumari soft; meritorious
1660 Sulabha easy; natural
1661 Sulakshana well brought up
1662 Sulalita very pleasing
1663 Sulekh beautifullY
1664 Suloch one with beautiful eyes
1665 Sulochana one with beautiful eyes
1666 Sultana queen
1667 Sumana flower
1668 Sumanolata flowery
1669 Sumati good minded
1670 Sumedha wise
1671 Sumita a good friend
1672 Sumitra Lakshman'd mother
1673 Sunanda very pleasing
1674 Sunandini happy
1675 Sunandita happy
1676 Sunaya very just
1677 Sunayana a woman with lovely eyes
1678 Sunayani a woman with lovely eyes
1679 Sundari beautiful
1680 Sundha a character in Ramayana
1681 Suneeti mother of Dhruva
1682 Sunetra one with beautiful eyes
1683 Sunila blue
1684 Sunita one with good morals
1685 Suniti good principles
1686 Suparna leafy
1687 Suprabha radiant
1688 Supriti true love
1689 Supriya beloved
1690 Surabhi wish-yielding cow, fragrance
1691 Suraksha protection
1692 Surama very pleasing
1693 Suranjana pleasing
1694 Suravinda a beautiful Yaksa
1695 Surekha beautifully drawn
1696 Surina a goddess
1697 Surotama auspicious Apsara
1698 Suruchi good taste
1699 Surupa beautiful
1700 Surya sun god
1701 Suryakanti suns's rays
1702 Sushama beauty
1703 Sushanti peace
1704 Sushila good conduct
1705 Sushma beautiful woman
1706 Sushmita good smile
1707 Sushobhana very beautiful
1708 Susita white
1709 Susmita smiling
1710 Sutanuka beautiful
1711 Sutapa seeker of God
1712 Suvarna golden
1713 Suvarnaprabha lustre of gold
1714 Suvarnarekha ray of gold
1715 Suvarnmala golden necklace
1716 Swagata welcome
1717 Swaha wife of Agni; the lord of the
1718 Swapna dreamlike
1719 Swapnali dreamlike
1720 Swapnasundari woman of dreams
1721 Swarnalata lustrous
1722 Swarupa truth
1723 Swasti name of a star
1724 Swati a nakshatra
1725 Sweta fair complexioned
1726 Swetha pure
1727 Tabassum a flower
1728 Talikha nightingale
1729 Tamali a tree with very dark bark
1730 Tamalika belonging to a place full
of Tamal
1731 Tamanna desire
1732 Tamasa a river; darkness
1733 Tamasi night
1734 Tambura a musical instrument
1735 Tanaya son
1736 Tanika rope
1737 Tanima slenderness
1738 Tanmaya absorbed
1739 Tannishtha dedicated
1740 Tanseem salute of paradise
1741 Tanu body
1742 Tanuja a daughter
1743 Tanuka slender
1744 Tanushri beautiful
1745 Tanvi a delicate girl
1746 Tapani the river Godavari
1747 Tapasi a female ascetic
1748 Tapati the sun's daughter
1749 Tapi name of a river
1750 Tapti a river
1751 Tara star
1752 Taraka star
1753 Tarakeshwari Goddess Parvati
1754 Tarakini starry night
1755 Tarala honeybee
1756 Tarana a musical composition
1757 Tarangini a river
1758 Tarannum melody
1759 Tarika starlet
1760 Tarini Goddess Parvati
1761 Tarjani the first finger
1762 Taru tree
1763 Tarulata a creeper
1764 Taruni young girl
1765 Tarunika young girl
1766 Tarunima youth
1767 Tatini river
1768 Teertha place of pilgrimage
1769 Teesta a river
1770 Tehzeeb elegance
1771 Teja radiant
1772 Tejal lustrous
1773 Tejashree with devine power and
1774 Tejaswi lustrous
1775 Tejaswini lustrous
1776 Thamarai Lotus flower, Pure and
1777 ThamilSelvi pride of the Tamilians
1778 ThenMoli speaks sweet like honey
1779 Thenral Cool breeze;encouraging
1780 Thulasi holy plant with sweet fragrance
1781 Thumri light classical melody
1782 Tilaka a kind of necklace
1783 Tilottama a celestial maiden
1784 Timila a musical
1785 Titiksha forgiveness
1786 Toral a folk heroine
1787 Treya walking in three paths
1788 Tridhara the river Ganga
1789 Triguna maya or illusion; Goddess Durga
1790 Triguni the three dimensions
1791 Trikaya three dimentional
1792 Trilochana Lord Shiva
1793 Trinayani Goddess Durga
1794 Trinetra Goddess Durga
1795 Triparna leaf of sacred Bael
1796 Tripta satisfied
1797 Tripti satisfaction
1798 Tripurasundari Goddess Parvati
1799 Tripuri Goddess Paravati
1800 Trisha thirst
1801 Trishala mother of Lord Mahavir
1802 Trishna thirst
1803 Triveni confluence of three sacred rivers
1804 Triya young woman
1805 Triyama night
1806 Trupti satiatedness
1807 Trusha thirst
1808 Tuhina snow
1809 Tulasi a sacred plant (basil)
1810 Tulika brush
1811 Tusharkana a particle of snow
1812 Tusti peace, happiness
1813 Tvarika swift, quick
1814 Tvesa brilliant, glittering
1815 Udaya dawn
1816 Udita one who has risen
1817 Uditi rising
1818 Ujas bright
1819 Ujjanini an ancient city
1820 Ujjwala bright, lustrous
1821 Ujwala, Ujjala bright
1822 Ulka mateorite
1823 Ulupi wife of Arjuna, the Pandava
1824 Uma Goddess Parvati
1825 Umika Goddess Parvati
1826 Umrao noble
1827 Unnati progress
1828 Upala sandy shore
1829 Upama comparison
1830 Upasana veneration
1831 Ura the heart
1832 Urja energy
1833 Urmi wave
1834 Urmila wife of Lakshmana
1835 Urmila, Urmil wife of Lakshmana - Lord
Rama's brother
1836 Urmimala garland of waves
1837 Urna cover
1838 Urshita firm
1839 Urvashi a celestial maiden
1840 Urvasi most beautiful of Apsaras
1841 Urvi earth
1842 Usha dawn
1843 Ushakiran rays of morning sun
1844 Ushashi morning
1845 Ushma eat
1846 Usri a river
1847 Uthami honest
1848 Utpala lotus
1849 Utpalini lotus pond
1850 Utsa spring
1851 Uttara a star
1852 Vagdevi Goddess Sarawati
1853 Vahini flowing
1854 Vaidehi name of Sita
1855 Vaijayanti a garland of Lord Vishnu
1856 Vaijayantimala a garland of Lord Vishnu
1857 Vaishali an ancient city of India
1858 Vaishavi, Vaishnodevi Goddess Parvati
1859 Vajra diamond
1860 Vallari Goddess Parvati; creeper
1861 Valli creeper
1862 Vallika creeper
1863 Vama woman
1864 Vanadurga Goddess Parvati
1865 Vanaja a forest girl
1866 Vanamala garland of forests
1867 Vanani forest
1868 Vanathi of the forest
1869 Vanca wish, desire
1870 Vandana salute
1871 Vanhi fire
1872 Vanhishikha flame
1873 Vani muse, Goddess Saraswati
1874 Vanita lady
1875 Vanmala wildflower garland
1876 Vanshika Flute
1877 Varada Goddess Lakshmi
1878 Varana a river
1879 Vari water; sea
1880 Varija lotus
1881 Varsha rain
1882 Varuna wife of the lord of the sea; name
of a river
1883 Varuni a goddess
1884 Vasanta spring
1885 Vasanti of spring
1886 Vasavi wife of Indra
1887 Vasudha the earth
1888 Vasudhara Earth
1889 Vasumati apsara of unequalled
1890 Vasundhara the earth
1891 Vatsala affectionate
1892 Vedi altar
1893 Vedika altar; a river in India
1894 Vedvalli joy of the Vedas
1895 Veena a musical instrument (Beena)
1896 Veenapani Goddess Saraswati
1897 VeeraSundari Goddess of bravery
1898 Vela time
1899 Vennela Moon Light
1900 Vetravati a river in India
1901 Vibha night
1902 Vibhavari starry night
1903 Vibhuti great personality
1904 Vidhut electricity
1905 Vidula moon
1906 Vidya learning
1907 Vidyul lightning
1908 Vidyut lightning
1909 Vijaya victorious
1910 Vijayalakshmi goddess of victory
1911 Vijeta victorious
1912 Vijul a silk-cottom tree
1913 Vilasini playful
1914 Vilina dedicated
1915 Vimala pure
1916 Vinanti prayer, request
1917 Vinata humble, mother of Garuda
1918 Vinaya modest
1919 Vindhya knowledge
1920 Vineeta humble
1921 Vinita requester
1922 Vinoda, Vinodini pleasing
1923 Vinodini happy girl
1924 Vinutha exceptionally new
1925 Vipasa a river
1926 Vipula plenty
1927 Virata bravery
1928 Visala celestial Apsara
1929 Vishakha a star
1930 Vishala wide; spacious
1931 Vishalakshi large-eyed
1932 Vishaya subject
1933 Vishnumaya Goddess Parvati
1934 Vishnupriya Goddess Lakshmi
1935 Viveka right
1936 Vrajabala girl from Mathura and its
1937 Vrinda basil; Radha
1938 Vritti nature; temperament
1939 Vyanjana rhetorical suggestion
1940 Vyjayanti
1941 Waheeda unique, singular
1942 Wamika Goddess Durga
1943 Wamil beautiful
1944 Yaalini Melodious
1945 Yaalisai Melodious
1946 Yajna worship
1947 Yamini night
1948 Yamuna Jamuna river
1949 Yamya night
1950 Yashawanthi with great fame
1951 Yashawini successful lady
1952 Yashila famous
1953 Yashoda Krishna's mother
1954 Yogini one who can control senses
1955 Yogita one who can concentrate
1956 Yosana girl
1957 Yuktha absorbed, attentive
1958 Yuthika multitude
1959 Yuvika young woman, maid